Kingdom Tales Book 2: Balance

Chapter prologue

In life the paths we walk are sprinkled with surprises. Some surprises are joyous and welcomed. Filling us with bliss, they remind us that life is a gift and to enjoy it while we have it. Others come as challenges or trials that we must overcome and gives us wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. In the end making us stronger when all’s said and done.

The people we meet on our journey have the capability to bring us one or the other even both. When two people’s paths cross that meeting can go on like two oceans joining. In other scenarios that meeting can bring with it change that is as profound and noticeable as a sudden continental shift or as smoothly as the change in depth of a river bed. Whatever result comes out of the meeting is largely connected with the relationship created and how deep. The deepest being emotional and the shallowest being someone who is just there. At the same time the relationship can become one of family, adversary, friend, or means to an end.

A setting sun cast long shadows over a landscape consisting of barley and wheat fields surrounding a stone mansion sitting on top a hill. Inside the lord of the mansion and surrounding land sits at his desk. His back to the window and focused on his secretary as he finishes delivering a message. The lord sits up with an intrigued expression.

“So the king is dead.”, he says slowly. “Despite all the effort he put in before the lords; he is dead and his son is now set to take the throne.”, the lord continues thoughtfully.

“Y-yes, my lord.”, the servant answers hesitantly. The lord interlocks his hands with the same thoughtful expression prompting the servant to go on. “What will you do now, my lord. With your first planned foiled by the girl and the prince set to marry. The kingdom seems to be out your reach.”

“You watch your mouth. I am well aware of the position I’m in.”, the lord snaps. He lowers his hands. The secretary falls silent and lowers his gaze. “I’m not done yet anyway, Hugo. The most critical time for a new ruler is their first year on the throne. If they can’t obtain the people’s trust in that time then they are doomed to fail and the lords will be looked to for leadership.”, the lord goes on.

“But it is well known and fully accepted that Prince Winston is beloved by the people of the kingdom; even the commoners. It will be difficult to best him that way.”, Hugo voices sincerely.

“Difficult? Yes. Impossible? No.”, the lord replies nodding his head in agreement. He raises his eyes to Hugo. “I have just the plan in mind for him as well as that girl and knight Vincent.", a look of curiosity comes upon Hugo’s face at his master’s words. What plan could he have now to become king.

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