Kingdom of the Cursed (Kingdom of the Wicked Book 2)

Chapter Kingdom of the Cursed: CHAPTER 32

I laid within the circle of Wrath’s arms, my back snug against his chest, as we both caught our breath. He traced the outline of my tattoo with his fingertips, his idle touch stirring a new set of emotions. There was something more intimate about the gentle action than any sexual act or physical expression of love. I wasn’t sure Wrath was fully aware he was doing it. Which complicated things more.

I nestled against him, trying to push my worries aside and enjoy the moment.

He pressed his lips to my temple. “Please refrain from wiggling like that. At least for a few minutes.”

“Is it painful?”

He smiled against my skin. “Quite the contrary.”

Intrigued, and not very good at following commands, I did it again. Wrath’s body hardened against me. Goddess above. His thirst for seduction was unquenchable.

I rolled over to face him. “Take off your pants.”

He arched a brow. I swept an arm to indicate my naked body.

“I refuse to be the only one completely nude.”

“If I remove my trousers, I cannot guarantee there will be much sleeping.”

I mimicked his arched brow and waited. I’d never said anything about sleeping. Bold of him to assume he’d figured out my plans. With a sigh, his pants vanished. He tucked me against him and I grinned as I shimmied closer and heard his sharp intake of breath.


“Yes?” My tone was innocence sprinkled with sugar. “Is there a problem?”

I should have known better than to taunt the general of war. Wrath did not play fairly; he played to win. From behind, he situated himself right at the entrance of my body, causing my breath to hitch. I went tight and loose at once, ready for him to press himself deeper.

“Tell me, fiancée. Are you certain you want me as your husband?” He gripped my hip in one hand and slid the other under me, pulling me closer. The tenuous hold on my self-control was slipping. I arched into him. “You’re ready and willing to spend eternity here, with me?”

My mind was still deciding but my body was slick and willing. This time when he rocked his hips, his strokes were deliberately slow, tantalizing. Without his trousers on, his velvet skin slid over mine, the sensation pure bliss. I would give up almost anything to experience all of him right now. Except my mission.

With great effort I slipped out from beneath his arms and stood. He put up no resistance or fight. To soften the blow of my rejection, I leaned over the bed and gave him a chaste kiss.

“How about a drink before bed?”

Wrath watched me carefully, but there was no disappointment or hurt in his expression. Only victory. He knew I would not go through with bedding him. “Would you like me to get it?”

“I’m already up. You stay there.” He rolled up onto an elbow and gave me a bemused look as I pointed at him. “No moving. No bowing. You promised.”

“I am a demon bound by my word.”


I picked up my gown and strode over to the sitting room where the chilled champagne waited. Heart thumping wildly, I glanced over my shoulder, ensuring he’d remained in bed, then said a quick prayer to the goddess of lies and deception to guide my hand.

I’d made a vow to someone I loved well before I knew Wrath. And this opportunity was too good to pass on. No matter how much my heart roared in pain, anticipating the break.

I grabbed the item I’d sewn into my skirts, my movements sure and quick. Before I talked myself out of it, I sprinkled a pinch of the mixture into Wrath’s glass, then poured the champagne over it. I dropped a piece of chocolate-covered fruit into each glass. Bubbles fizzed around the unwelcome intrusion, doing a fine job of covering my treachery.

I sauntered back into the bedroom, pleased to see Wrath—as respectful as he was—distracted by the sway of my hips. I hadn’t bothered to put on my night clothing yet. Not that he had, either. His muscled upper body was bare, though he’d pulled the sheets up around his waist. He patted the spot next to him, a lazy grin curving those wicked lips.

In a different life, I could happily kiss him for eternity.

“To new beginnings.” I offered the prince his drink then raised my own glass. “Iucundissima somnia.”

Wrath’s brow crinkled at the last part of the toast. If he recalled he’d once said it to me, he didn’t comment. He clinked his glass against mine, then downed the champagne in one go.

I sipped mine and silently counted. His glass hit the floor before I finished my first sip.

“Emilia.” He turned a sluggish gaze on me, eyes flashing with fury. And betrayal. The temperature plummeted around us, then returned to normal as he battled an invisible foe fiercely before slowly slumping back.

The mighty demon of war was no longer a threat.

I set my glass on the bedside table, then reached over to brush the hair from his forehead. Whatever peace we’d made would be gone when he awoke. It was a sacrifice I’d been willing to make, but it didn’t make it easy. I kissed his brow, savoring the moment before I straightened.

“Sweetest dreams, your highness.”

Tonight I was a thief of a different sort as I stole through the corridor between Wrath’s suite and mine, slipping in and out of shadows like a pickpocket swiping purses. I crept into my room and raced to the trunk. I yanked out the fur-lined leather pants, thick sweater, and socks I’d brought, tugged on boots, and swung my ebony cloak around my shoulders in record time. I fastened my dagger in my thigh holster and tugged it to make sure it was secure.

In moments I was back in the hallway, rushing down the servants’ stairs. With the party still underway, no one was near this end of the castle. I hoped.

Heart thundering in warning, I peered around the corner. A door was propped open in the back of the kitchen—just as I’d suspected—to let out the heat created by oven fires.

With a quick prayer to the goddess of lies and deception, I darted across the corridor, then slowed once I entered the kitchen. I had no idea how long the slumber root would keep Wrath unconscious; given his immense power, I didn’t think I had long. I needed to be far enough away that he couldn’t catch me before I crossed into Pride’s territory. I rushed across the wide expanse connecting the back of the castle to the stables, not halting until I reached the entrance.

My gaze swept along the outside of the building, landing on every nook and cranny, searching for any sign of movement in the near dark. The grooms must be abed, having tended to the horses after the morning’s hunt. I cracked the door just enough to slip inside and rushed along the stalls until I found Tanzie. She snuffed in greeting, her silver-clawed hooves shredding the hay.

“We’re going on an adventure, sweet girl.”

I quickly saddled the horse, impressed and thankful I recalled the proper steps needed to do so after seeing it done back home on a few occasions. I led her out by the reins, and, bless her, the horse moved swiftly and silently out of the main door, as if she knew stealth was required.

“Take me to House Pride.” I swung up onto her and with a quick pat on her flank, we were off. “We’re visiting Bloodwood Forest.”

Tanzie shot off through the night, snow kicking up behind us as we practically flew over the slopes of House Gluttony. I gripped on with my knees, leaning into the wind.

Each thunderous step made me want to glance over my shoulder, convinced castle guards had been alerted and were in pursuit. We rode through the hills of slumber root, and on our right, where I hadn’t noticed it before, was the upper edge of the Lake of Fire.

Sulfur blew in on a cold breeze, lifting strands of my hair and coaxing a shudder. I kept my attention on the castle looming in the distance, tensed for Pride’s guards. As if she refused to be taken by any army again, Tanzie pushed herself faster, hooves greedily eating the frozen earth. We skirted the edge of House Pride and blew past it, never stopping or being stopped.

I let out a whoop of joy. One small victory down.

If memory served correctly, I’d pass from Pride’s circle into Envy’s. I’d already been invited onto Envy’s land and he hadn’t revoked that permission. With any luck, I would pass through and make it to Bloodwood Forest unscathed.

As we rode like the devil was chasing us, my mind raced with all the thoughts I’d tried hiding during the feast. Envy was after the Seven Sisters. And he’d pointed out the Curse Tree when I’d strolled through his gallery. I might not know specifics about the forest, but I could find that unusual tree thanks to the fable that had indicated it was “deep in the heart” of the forest.

And hopefully the mystical beings who might help me find the Temptation Key or Triple Moon Mirror would be nearby the fearsome tree. At this point, any information they could offer on either magical object would be useful.

We passed through House Envy without incident. Since the prince of that House was dropping subtle clues in my presence, I didn’t think he’d stop my pursuit through his lands. Too soon we came to the smaller tributary of the Black River that bisected Envy’s territory and opened on Bloodwood Forest. Tanzie slowed to a near stop and toed the ground, considering the jump. I was considering the sight before us. Bloodwood Forest was aptly named. Even under the blanket of a night sky, I saw that the bark was a dark crimson.

Deep into the woods, puffs of smoke floated along like ghostly fog. I had the worst suspicion it was not created by fires, but was the breath of large beasts prowling through the crimson wood. Or maybe it was from some of the demons I’d seen in the journals. The ones who craved hearts and blood. I inhaled and slowly exhaled.

“Ready to find the Curse Tree next, girl?”

Tanzie jerked her head, then charged the ebony river. I forced my eyes to remain open as we were momentarily airborne, my stomach dropping. We touched down and Tanzie didn’t pause to catch her breath; she darted through the woods, careening around trees and underbrush.

I’d expected unnerving silence. In reality a chorus of bugs chirped so loudly, it was disorienting. If any predator was near, it would be impossible to hear the attack until it was too late. Tanzie seemed to know that. My mighty hell horse tucked her chin and wove in and around any obstacle that came up. Determined to bring her rider to our destination unscathed.

We rushed through a clearing, and at the edge I caught sight of an Aper demon. It tossed its giant head in the air, and that was all I saw; we left it drooling behind us. Crimson trees flashed by, the colors streaking across my peripheral vision like hundreds of shooting stars dripping blood. I gripped tighter to the reins, counting each beat of my heart. We had to be nearing the center of the forest by now.

A few minutes of hard riding later, Tanzie abruptly stopped.

There, amongst a thick outcropping of crimson wood, was an oversized silver tree. We’d actually found it. I stared a moment, taking it in. The Curse Tree was unmistakable; taller, wider, and different in color from all other trees in the forest. In the moonlight, its silver bark gleamed like an enormous sword thrust deep into the earth. It was beautiful and frightening.

I dismounted and patted Tanzie. “Stay here and stay alert.”

She nuzzled my shoulder as if telling me the same.

I inched toward the tree, dagger now in hand. The bugs had gone silent. An ominous mist drifted above the frozen soil, hiding any sign of recent tracks. Roots jutted up like the rotting fingers of slain giants. I moved closer to better inspect the leaves. They were similar to a common birch, but were ebony with silver veins. According to the legends I’d read, they were both sharp as blades and as fragile as glass.

“Have you come to request a blood wish?”

I spun around, the hood of my cloak falling back. A lone figure leaned on a walking stick, too far away and hidden behind the mist to make out clearly. Tanzie was nowhere to be found.

I gripped the hilt of my dagger and subtly moved into the fighting stance Anir had taught me. “Who are you?”

“The better question is, who are you, child?”

“I am someone in need of information.”

I couldn’t see her face in the mist, but had the impression she was smiling. “How exceptional. You see, I am someone who has information. And expects payment.”

I paused at that, tamping down my initial response to offer her whatever she wanted. That would be dangerous in any realm, let alone this sinful one. “I will pay you in one secret.”

“No.” The figure moved closer. The hood of her cloak was pulled low, covering her face. “I know your secrets. Better than you, I imagine. I want a favor. Collected in the future at my discretion.”

Goddess curse me. It was a terrible bargain. “I will not commit murder.”

“You either accept the favor, or you don’t. It will all depend, I suppose, on how badly you are in need of information. Consider this a test of courage. Which will it be? Bravery or fear?”

Bravery might be the absence of fear in most cases, but it also seemed a little like acting foolishly for a good cause. I was not worried about being brave. I was interested in watching out for myself, making the best decision I could. If the mystery woman did indeed know me better than I did, then the best choice was to agree. Consequences be as damned as my soul.

“I accept.”

Before the words had completely left my lips, the figure lashed out. It happened so quickly I barely registered the sting in my arm. She’d cut me. I glanced up, ready to defend against any other attack, and halted as she carved her palm and placed it to my wound.

She whispered a word, and a blinding flash of light cracked the night sky.

“Go on, then, child. Ask your questions.”

“I want to find the Seven Sisters. Are they here?”

“No. They dwell where no sin rules above all.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“When the time is right, you will understand.”

I gritted my teeth. Fine. “I want to know about my twin. She was murdered and I need to know which demon house is behind it. If any.”

“You cannot expect to find answers to anyone else’s mystery, when you do not yet understand the mystery of yourself.”

“Isn’t that the purpose of our little conversation? I didn’t agree to your bargain simply to have you toss more questions my way. You cannot tell me where Seven Sisters are, you cannot tell me about my twin. What exactly can you help me with?”

“If you hope to find what you’re looking for, you must pass my test of courage.”

“That was not part of our bargain.”

“Oh, but it is. You, my child, find yourself in the center of your own mystery. Until you discover the secrets of yourself, you will not know the answers to your sister’s mystery. And that is something I cannot tell you. Some truths you must find on your own. What else troubles you?”

I swallowed hard. “My magic. I cannot access it.”

“I may know a way for you to gain it back. And find an answer your heart yearns for. Regarding your prince.” The figure suddenly stood before the tree. “You want to know his truth, then carve his name into the tree and take one leaf.”

I thought back to the fable I’d read, a sick feeling twisting like a knife inside. This robed figure had to be the Crone. The goddess of the underworld. And she was something to be feared. “If I do that and guess wrong, there will be a price.”

“A true act of courage does not come without the risk of a great cost.” Her sharp smile was the only thing I could see and did little to alleviate my nerves. “After you carve his true name and take the leaf, you must shatter it in his presence. If you are correct, you’ll know. If not…”

I swallowed the rising bout of terror. If I was correct and she was the goddess of the underworld, her price would be death. A small detail both Envy and Celestia had left out of my education. “I don’t know for certain.”

“You do know who he is, but you choose to remain in the shadows, comfortable in the dark. Maybe it’s not his truth you fear, but your own. Perhaps you refuse to look too closely at him because of what it reveals about you. He is your mirror. And rarely do we appreciate what stares back at us. That, my child, is where the true test comes in. Are you brave enough to confront your demons? Not many are.”

I glanced down at my magical tattoo—the one that told our story. “This wasn’t the question I came here for.”

“No. But it is the one you’re too frightened to ask. Therefore I inquire again, Daughter of the Moon, not who he is, but who are you?”

“I… I don’t know.”

“Wrong.” She stomped her foot, displacing the mist with her sudden movement. “Tell me. Who are you?”

“I don’t remember. But I’m damn well going to find out!”

“Good. It’s a start.” She gave me a small, knowing nod. “What are you going to do?”

I glanced over my shoulder. Tanzie was back from wherever the Crone had hidden her, those liquid eyes solemn. This choice could cost me my life.

I lifted my dagger and pressed it against the Curse Tree. I was going to carve Wrath’s true name into the wood and do as the Crone suggested: confront the truth I’d been running from.

And if I was wrong… I’d have to pray to the goddesses I wasn’t, or I’d be joining Vittoria in our family’s tomb before the night was through.

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