King of Wrath (Kings of Sin)

King of Wrath: Chapter 43

The knock came while I was getting ready for bed.

I knew who it was before I answered the door, but that didn’t stop my stomach from doing a strange flip when I saw Dante standing in the hall.

He wore the same cashmere sweater and jeans as he had at dinner.

I didn’t know where he went after the meal, but he was here now, and the sight of him made my chest twist with unexpected emotion.

I hadn’t realized how much I’d needed to see him, just him, until now.

He was the only person who could ground me after such a rollercoaster of a day.

We stared at each other, the silence brimming with unspoken words until I opened the door wider in invitation.

The small movement broke the spell, and both of us visibly relaxed as he walked in and I took a seat on the bed.

“You did good back there.” Dante leaned against the wall, one hand tucked in his pocket while his eyes found mine. “Standing up to your father.”

“Thanks.” I offered a rueful smile as I sat on the bed across from him.

“But I wish the conversation had gone better.”

“It went the way it was supposed to.” Silver shards of moonlight glinted in Dante’s eyes. “Now you know the type of man he is. He’s too far gone, mia cara. I’m not just saying this because I’m biased against him. If I could choose, I would rather you mend your relationship with him and be happy, but who he is right now?” His voice softened. “He doesn’t deserve your time or energy.”

An ache settled in my throat. “I know.”

I didn’t have the closure I wanted, but I had the one I needed.

“I’m impressed you held back at dinner,” I added, trying to lighten the mood. “I’d prepared myself for the verbal insults. Maybe a few threats and punches to keep things interesting.”

Dante hadn’t said a word during the confrontation. I’d never seen him so quiet for so long, but I appreciated it. I had to fight my own battles instead of relying on others to fight them for me.

“I’ve been practicing my restraint.” The faintest tip of his mouth. “Like I said, this trip isn’t about me.”

Awareness tingled as our eyes held.

My room was large enough to accommodate four, but Dante’s presence filled every corner, making the edges of my mind hazy and the hollow in my chest a little less empty.

“Thank you for coming with me.” I tried to ignore the way his stare bathed me with warmth. “I know how busy you are, and it can’t be fun staying under the same roof as someone you hate.”

“I don’t know. It was pretty fun seeing him almost burst a blood vessel at the table.”

An involuntary laugh spilled past my lips. “You’re horrible.”

“Only to those who deserve it.” Another smile tugged at his lips. “It’s nice to hear you laugh again, mia cara.”

My smile faded at the soft, heavy meaning tucked between his words.

Another silence fell between us, thick and charged with tension. Lit fireflies danced over my skin, leaving trails of electricity in their wake. My dress felt heavy, and I shifted on the bed, trying to ease the new ache blooming in my stomach.

Dante’s eyes darkened at the corners. His jaw ticked for a moment before he pushed himself off the wall.

“It’s late.” Roughness edged his voice. “We should both get some rest.”

He made it halfway to the door before I stopped him. “Wait.”

He paused, his shoulders stiff. He didn’t turn to look at me.

The air stretched taut around my chest as I worked through my next move.

I’d made amends with my mother, sort of. I’d found closure with my father. The only relationship I had left to untangle was Dante’s.

It’d shifted and rearranged into multiple forms over the past year. We’d gone from strangers to roommates to adversaries to friends to lovers to exes…the list went on. Eventually, it would have to end, and it was up to me to decide where the cutoff was.

I stood, my pulse beating faster with each step as I slid between Dante and the door.

He stared down at me, his expression indifferent but his eyes hot enough to make every inch of me burn.

What was my dealbreaker?

Keeping my father’s manipulation a secret from me? Pushing me away?

Trying to destroy my family’s company? All things worthy of my anger, but also all things backed with a reason.

It took time and effort, but we figured it out. I think you and Dante can too.

“You didn’t have to be here.” His time was the most valuable thing he owned.

Those coal-black eyes burned hotter. “No.”

My pulse became a roar. “This afternoon, several major newspapers retracted their stories about fraud at Lau Jewels.” I’d gotten the alerts before dinner. “Interesting timing.”

“Interesting, or coincidental.”

“Maybe. But I don’t believe in coincidence anymore.” The words drifted between us on air and hope. “Why did you do it?”

Indifference melted into something softer. “Because they’re still your family, mia cara. Because if I could go back in time and stop your father from blackmailing me, I wouldn’t. Otherwise…” His voice dipped, just the tiniest fraction. “I wouldn’t have met you.”

The words throbbed in my ears and hummed in my blood. Emotion blocked any words from leaving my throat, so I did the only thing I could.

I stood on tiptoes and gently pressed my lips to his.

A breath passed between us. A motionless beat stretched.

And then his palm was on my cheek, and his mouth was moving over mine. Softly and desperately, as if he wanted to take his time reacquainting himself with my taste but was afraid I would disappear any second.

Lazy tendrils of desire curled through me as I slid my tongue against his and savored the taste of our kiss. Bold and rich, like hunger spiced with longing and sweetened with forgiveness.

I panted into his mouth, licking and exploring, as I edged us toward the bed. Dante was usually in control, but this time, he let me take the lead. He watched me, his eyes heavy-lidded and chest heaving, as I removed our clothes.

Our hands roamed, our hearts pounding in sync and our kisses growing in intensity until the heat became too much to bear.

I sank onto him, slowly accepting him inch by inch until he was buried fully inside me.

We groaned in unison. Dante’s hands gripped my hips while I rocked against him. Sweat misted my skin, soft pants and moans filled the air, and a delicious pressure built inside me, climbing higher and higher until my mind was hazy with lust.

His muscles visibly strained from the effort of holding back, but he didn’t attempt to take over as I rode us into a simultaneous, toe-curling orgasm.

It was the first time we’d ever come together.

The overwhelming intimacy of the moment set off a second, smaller climax, and the aftershocks were still rippling through me when Dante pulled me down for a kiss.

“You look good in control, mia cara.” His velvety rumble caressed my skin as surely as his hand on my neck.

“I think so, too.” I brushed my lips against his before growing serious.

“I’m not ready to move in with you again just yet. I still need time to breathe. But…we’ll get there eventually.”

“Take all the time you need. I’ll be here.” Dante rubbed his thumb over my nape. “Per te aspetterei per sempre, amore mio.”

“Spero non ci vorrà così tanto. “ I smiled at his shock. “I speak six languages, Dante. Italian is one of them.”

His surprise dissolved into a laugh. “You’re full of surprises.” He kissed me again, his face softening. “Ti amo.” I love you.

Maybe it was my closure with my family. Maybe it was the thrill of finally taking control of my life.

Whatever it was, it’d demolished the walls in my chest, and my reply finally made its way out in a whisper.

“I love you too.”

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