KING OF THE UNDERWORLD (Earthbound Book 1)

Chapter KING OF THE UNDERWORLD: Prologue 1

As the years have gone by, humans forgot they weren’t alone on this planet. Once upon a time, they knew about the others who called Earth their home. They were known as Supernaturals, or just Naturals. Now they are mere villains in the scary stories parents tell their children in order to get them to behave. The monsters lurking in the dark.

As the years turned to centuries, society removed us from their collective memories, believe we were naught but a fictional element in the movies they watched and the books they read. And we let them believe it.

Until it was no longer possible to keep our existence a secret, that is. Until those who thought they knew best decided we should come out of the darkness once more, naively believing it was possible for us to roam the planet with the humans and live together in harmony. It didn’t work the first time around. It only stands to reason it wouldn’t work this time either.

War broke out. Cities fell, humans and Supernaturals were killed. Some Supernaturals went into hiding, disappearing, never to be seen again. A hundred years after the war began, a group of humans and Supernaturals came together and decided enough was enough. We had to learn to live together.

A treaty was agreed upon and two councils were formed: one for the humans and one for the Supernaturals, twenty-four members in total. As time passed, different threats came and went. Witches gained power. They were evil, showing no emotion, no weakness. They didn’t think twice before gutting someone, caring not who or what they were. They were wiped out, or so it was believed.

Things are about to change again. Witches are re-emerging, the Supernaturals the world believed extinct will be coming forward once again, and the Troglodytes are clashing with a new enemy, one they haven’t fought before. If they don’t combine forces, will all be lost?

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