King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-Two
It took us twice as long to get to the penthouse as usual. We basically drove in circles for at least 20 minutes, trying to make sure
we weren’t being followed. When Ivan was satisfied we were safe, we pulled into the underground parking garage beneath the
building. I owned the entire building. The bottom floors were office space and apartments. The top three floors were restricted,
with only my people having access. The top floor was my penthouse, the floor beneath that was apartments for each of my men,
and the floor beneath that was office space for me, gym, and secure rooms where I could keep anyone I needed to get
information from.
Andy’s statement about the weather told me that something was off, but I couldn’t get details just yet. It confirmed my gut feeling
that I was missing something.
We rode the elevator to my office. I wanted to look through my files in my office. I threw the jewelry box down on my desk as I sat
and started leafing through files on my desk. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking for, but I knew I would know it when I saw
it. I needed as much information on Salvadori’s brother as I could find.
After half an hour with still no luck, I called to Viktor. He stuck his head inside my office, “Yes, boss?”
“I think we should take the helicopter home. I still have a bad feeling.”
“I already called it, sir. It’ll be here in ten minutes, ready whenever you are.”
“Thank you, Viktor.” I smiled to myself, knowing they were already taking every precaution to keep us safe and protected, which
ultimately meant that Sephie would also be safe and protected. She had been on my mind the entire afternoon. I was still in
shock over what she had endured in her short life. She had every reason to be hateful, to be mad at the world, to see the evil in
everything and everyone. Instead, she was exactly the opposite. She practically exuded love and happiness. She had moments
where her past would show up and her light would dim, but only briefly. She was incredibly strong. I was in awe of her. The more
I learned about her, the deeper I was falling for her.
I stood up from my desk. It was time to go. I needed to feel her in my arms.
When I came out of the gym, Andrei was facing the door, looking more nervous than a man of his size ever should. I chuckled.
He raised his eyebrows, looking expectantly at me. “So...?”
I pointed both of my thumbs at my chest and asked, “who’s your favorite?”
He inhaled sharply, “she’s interested??”
“Bubba, she’s just as smitten with you as you are with her. She’s had a crush on you since she got here. Thank God I stepped in.
You two would be in your 60s before you ever had a conversation about this.” I grabbed his hand, walking back down the hall
toward his bedroom. “We’re waiting in here until she leaves the gym. I need to have a coaching session with you on how to talk

to girls anyway. Then, you and she are spending time together, alone, while I cook dinner for everyone.”
“But sestrichka, I can’t leave you alone until Boss returns.”
“I’ll be in the next room. You can even move the couches so I’m in your line of sight. It’ll be fine. I’ll tell Adrik that it was my idea,
so he doesn’t yell at you. Come on, you have like one chance to be alone with her, so f u c k i n g take it,” I said as I pointed my
finger at him.
He laughed as he shook his head at me. “Yes, ma’am.”
After we heard Tori walk past his door, we ventured out toward the kitchen again. As we walked by the doors to the back patio, I
had an idea.
“Do you have a pocketknife?”
“Da. Why?” he asked, reaching into his pocket to produce his knife. He held it in his palm.
I grabbed it, then grabbed his arm, pulling him after me. “Come with me. I have an idea.”
“I don’t like your ideas when you’re armed. Misha was right. You’re feisty.”
I stopped and glared at him for a moment, then smiled, “that’s fair. Totally fair.”
We walked to the garden. I waved my hand toward the flowers and said, “pick one. Don’t think too hard about it. Pick the one
that catches your eye first.”
He immediately walked to a rose bush. The roses were a mix of yellow, orange, and pink. It was beautiful and unique.
“These are my favorite. Don’t tell anyone.”
I smiled at him, “you’re a secret romantic. I love it.” I used his knife to cut one of the biggest flowers off the bush and handed it to
him. “Now, you’re ready.”
He took the rose from me. He did not look ready. He still looked terrified. I felt bad for laughing at him, but it was such a funny
picture. This huge man that has likely killed people and not thought twice about it was having a full-blown panic attack about
talking to a woman. A woman who was clearly into him as much as he was into her. This shouldn’t be an issue, but alas. Here
we were.
“Andrei, look at me.” He glanced up at me, fear still evident in his eyes. “Talk to her like you talk to me. I’m no different. Think of
her like you think of me. Instead of jumping straight into her pants, think about being friends with her first. I know you like her,
and she likes you, but you guys don’t really know each other yet. Start with that. That’s the easy part. Don’t overcomplicate
things or you’ll end up making yourself crazy. You know, like you’re clearly doing right now.”
He exhaled loudly. “You’re like my relationship coach now.”
I chuckled and jumped on his back. “Your relationship coach spider monkey that needs a ride to the house.”
“Well, since I’m your favorite now, I guess I can oblige.”
As he walked us to the house, I said, “I must take advantage of this while I can. If you actually start dating Tori, I won’t be able to
do this anymore.” I hugged his neck a little tighter.

“You can do this no matter what, sestrichka,” he said patting my leg.
I sighed, “we’ll see, Bubba. We’ll see.”
Once we got back to the house, we went to the kitchen and I started to rummage through the refrigerator to look for ideas to
cook for dinner. As I was looking through the extra-large refrigerator, Andrei was laying down the ground rules for the evening.
“You must stay within my sight. You’re my responsibility, so you must stay in the kitchen where I can see you.”
“I promise I will follow the rules while giving you two as much distance as I can. Don’t worry about me,” I said while opening a
drawer full of knives. I waved my hand over the top of the drawer, “I’ve got weapons and I know how to use them.”
He chuckled. “That’s my girl,” he said, holding his palm up for a high five. I smacked his palm and went back to looking through
the kitchen.
Tori walked into the kitchen shortly after. They exchanged pleasantries and walked into the next room, Andrei positioning himself
on one of the couches so he could still see me while Tori timidly sat down next to him.
I busied myself working on dinner, trying not to watch them the whole time. I would glance into the room every now and then.
Every time I did, Andrei was smiling. His gaze would switch between Tori and me frequently. I did feel bad for Tori. This wasn’t
exactly fair to her that he had to pay attention to me while he should be paying attention to her. At least it seemed like it was
going well. He’s managed to speak to her, so that’s progress.

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