King Him, Not Me

Chapter 9

“Now that you all have heard the story of the Tyrant King, you know the importance of this competition. Galedon needs a ruler,” Canvas says as his eyes move between the fifteen people in front of him, “Someone who won’t act in the shadows.

Now, you all have two days of rest before the next phase. You may walk around the arena or stay in your rooms. Food and drinks can be summoned by ringing the bell that was recently put in your rooms.”

“You,” Jeffery says as he points at Winston, “I want to talk with you for a bit.”

The Human blinks then looks at Barin then Ruith.


Jeffery hovers next to Winston as the two walk into a large room, his translucent wings flapping quickly. Hanging from the ceiling is a giant globe with eight rings surrounding it, they slowly rotating.

“I watched you heal that dog and pull my scrolls out your bag,” Jeffery begins as he flies in front of Winston, folding his arms and crossing his legs.

“Tell me, boy, who taught you and how did you get them?”

Winston, “A Fairy woman owed my aunt a favor,” he explains, “she also traded the scrolls for some wool from one of our sheep.”

The Fairy man slowly nods then lowers his upper eyelids halfway, “Why is it that you don’t want to be king? You were probably already asked this, but I didn’t get the chance to hear your answer.”

“It’s a false utopia.” Winston huffs, “People think once your in charge of a large group of people that you’ll be loved and cherished for life. You make one bad choice and you’re hated, you raise the taxes and you’re hated, make a new rule and now. You’re. Hated. You can’t appease everyone and I can’t handle that. I’m not confident in myself either… and I’m weak.”

“We’ll see about all of that,” Jeffery says before flying past the human, “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but there are a few trials that weren’t at the beginning and there’s another strength test in the second phase of this competition. Use my scrolls well, Winnie.”

“My name is Winston,” the human states politely. Jeffery stops flying and looks over his shoulder, “You and the tall blonde are closer than most that are in this contest. I wonder what your plans will turn into after everything’s all said and done.”

Winston watches as the Fairy flies through the archway, looking up at the large sphere above him. He knew what he’d do when this is all over, go back to his aunt’s farm and continue his life like it was before this contest. Barin would be king and in the castle with his family and that will be that.


Barin leans forward with his hands on the railing of the balcony, his eyes on the sandy floor of the arena in front of him. If he were to win this competition, would he be able to rule without Winston’s guidance? He’s gotten to this point thanks to the shorter, he would’ve never gotten past the compassionate trial without his teaching. How would this had gone if Winston didn’t show up? Barin would have been wandering around the village looking for the first trial without knowing it was the sad little boy who missed his dog.

The blonde sighs then looks to the door of his room as it opens, Winston walking through it then towards the balcony after closing it. The two stand side by side, staring at the arena. The other contestants are exploring the stone bleachers and different walk ways inside the wide cylinder building, Ruith laughing nervously as Madris warns him of what’s to come.

“You’re going to win this,” Winston says with determination in his voice, “even if that means me giving up without putting up a fight.”

“Miss Jean would kill you.” Barin smirks with a soft chuckle, “Besides, I’ll need you to watch my back.”

“I’ll try my best.”

The taller slowly blinks then looks at the shorter without turning his head, “Are you sure you don’t want to be king? You may not think it, but you’d do a hell of a job, Winnie.”

“I’m positive. Besides, you’d make a better king than me. You’re manlier and tougher,” Winston smirks slyly, “weak to children’s tears too.”

Barin, “And you’re just weak.”

Winston scoffs, “Amen to that, brother.”

The two laugh before getting quiet again, soft smiles on their faces. Winston blinks slowly as his smile falls, blushing softly. Barin’s handsome when he smiles, even if it was a small one. This is also a very rare opportunity for Winston.

Barin, “If you were a woman, I’d ask you to be my queen.”

Winston’s blush goes away as he averts his eyes, “And why’s that?”

Barin, “Because I couldn’t become king without you by my side. I feel more confident with you around.”

Winston shrugs, “Too bad I’m a man.”

Barin sighs, “Too bad, indeed.”

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