Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 28

Chapter 28: The Party
When they all got back to the house, Olivia and Oliver immediately ran to greet Logan, abandoning the game of twister with Santi
no. “Logan!” Olivia called out to him happily. Serena winced at Holly‘s sharp glare at her kids. They were hugging Logan‘s legs a
nd tugging at his shirt. Santino jumped up. “Hey, you left the game unfinished,” he argued. “Let me introduce everyone,” Serena
said. “Luna Flo, this is my mother and father, Luna Charlotte and Alpha Thomas.” Her parents greeted the other Luna. “It is nice t
o meet you,” Flo said, shaking their hands. “This is Alpha Logan,” she continued. “My brother Santino, and Adriana, my boss.” Ev
eryone shook hands and said hello. “Also, Holly.” Serena wasn‘t sure what to call her, but no one really seemed to mind.
Dana came in from the kitchen with drinks to pass around to everyone. Serena got herself a glass of the offered iced tea.
“Now that everyone knows each other, the party can really get going,” Santino said. “The twins and I were enjoying a game of twi
ster. Want to join Logan?” “I‘d love to,” Logan said, passing his iced tea to
his mother. Flo, Charlotte and Thomas were talking pack politics, which Serena didn‘t think had any place at a children‘s birthday
party, but there weren‘t a lot of other kids around “Your kids haven‘t
made a lot of friends,” Holly said, coming up beside Serena. “This is a lame party.” “As opposed to the party you planned just to h
umiliate me?” Serena asked back. Holly laughed, sipping her drink through a
straw.. “That wasn‘t just to humiliate you,” she said. “Though, you made it all too easy.” Serena sipped her own drink, watching h
er kids‘ smaller limbs getting tangled with Santino and Logan‘s. They really did seem to like that game. “I‘ll go get the candles lit
on the cake,” Dana said. “Now that we are all here, we can get to
the good parts of the party.” Serena nodded. “That sounds great,” she said. “Excuse me, Holly, I want to play with my children.” S
erena set her drink down and went to join in the game of twister. “Spin the wheel, Serena” Santino teased her. Serena spun the
wheel. “Hurry mom, I‘m going to fall!” Olivia told
her. “Alright, it looks like left foot on green,” she said. She put her foot down on the designated color. In a shifting mass
of limbs and grunts of strain, the mass of bodies on the twister matt started to move. Serena smiled, laughing as she
used her toe to spin it again.
11:11 D
Chapter 28: The Party “My arms hurt,” Oliver said, giggling delightedly. “Okay, everyone, put your right hand
on yellow,” Serena said. “I can‘t reach!” Olivia protested. Serena bent over the tangle masses, trying to put her hand in the right p
osition. A little foot kicked her leg when one of the twins lost balance, and Serena fell forward, landing on Santino and Logan. “Oh

no!” Santino cried as they all toppled onto the floor. The twins screamed and laughed, and Serena was dragged down onto the p
ile. She laughed too, unable to control herself once she hit the floor. “You‘re horrible at this game,” Logan said. Serena hadn‘t rea
lized how close she was to him until his voice sounded right near her ear. She sat up quickly, scooting away from them. “I came i
n late,” she argued, but she favored the Alpha with a smile. He smirked back. Dana appeared in the doorway with the cake, cand
les lit. She had started singing “Happy Birthday.” Everyone stood up and they all came together, singing the song. Oliver and Oliv
ia ran over to Dana, jumping
up and down to try and catch a glimpse of the cake. She set the cake down on the coffee table, and the twins crowded around.
“Wait until the song is over before blowing the candles out,” Serena said, catching Olivia‘s fingers as she tried to grab a candle. “
Happy birthday, twins,” Charlotte said, clapping. Everyone else started clapping too. Serena nodded to
Olivia and Oliver letting them know they could blow the candles out.
“Don‘t forget
to make a wish,” Logan said, touching Oliver‘s back. He nodded and then took a deep breath to blow out the candles. Not to be o
ut down, Olivia blew a big breath on the candles too.
Serena couldn‘t stop smiling at her kids. They were really enjoying their party, even though there weren‘t any kids to play with. D
ana cut up the cake and started passing pieces around. Holly went over to Logan and was starting to flirt with him. Serena wante
d to keep her kids from watching them or making comments.
“I think it is time to open presents,” Santino said, coming to the coffee table with an armful of packages. “Presents!” Olivia shrieke
d, leaving her half-
eaten cake behind and jumping up to take a wrapped box. Serena laughed, shaking her head. “You did great for them, today,” Lo
gan told Serena, coming up behind her. “They‘re my kids,” she told him. “Why
wouldn‘t I make this day great?” “Good point,” he said. “You know, I do appreciate the invite.” Serena watched her kids tear into t
he paper of the next present. Everyone was watching with awe, making all 2/4
Chapter 28: The Party
the right sounds of excitement when they opened up a new toy, some kind of new clothes, or a fun game. Holly was standing on t
of the coffee table from Logan and Serena. Serena did not miss how her eyes kept darting to Logan, who was standing closer to S
could make it,” Serena said. “Otherwise, I‘d have two disappointed children.”

“I know,” he said, his lips too close to her ear. Serena shuddered, keeping
her eyes on her kids. She couldn‘t shake the feeling that he was trying to play some twisted game with her and Holly. Everything s
she was trying not to read into it too much. “Mommy, look at this,” Olivia said, holding up a new toy. “Wow,” Serena said. “That loo
The windows darkened with clouds, and Serena glanced out at the changing sky. Rain was imminent. She could feel the thunder
a storm coming, baby,” she said, putting her hand on Oliver‘s head. His eyes widened further, and he looked
terrified. “I want the party to be over, now,” Oliver said softly. Serena nodded. “Alright, honey,” she said. Oliver was scared, she co
eyes. The storm was bothering him. “Sounds like the party is wrapping up,” Charlotte said. “I think the kids have had too much cak
and wrappings while Dana took care of the food and cake.
“Oliver, Olivia, can you guys start putting your toys away?” Serena asked. The twins did as they
were told, but Serena could tell that Oliver was scared. He was staying so close to his sister with each
step. Logan started to help clean up too.
“Logan, you don‘t have to help,” Serena said. “Why don‘t you get your mother and Holly home before the storm hits. It looks like
it is going to be a bad one.” “The wind has hardly picked up,” Logan said. “We contributed to the mess, I‘d feel bad leaving.” Seren
called back. Adriana bid Serena farewell too. Holly was waiting for Logan, but Flo was with Dana in the
kitchen. “Well, thank you,” Serena said. A huge clap of thunder caused the whole house to shake, even
Serena jumped and Holly screamed.

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