Kids from One Alpha

Kids From One Alpha” By Selena Lynch Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Appeals for a Prisoner
“Can you take me to see Damon?” Larissa asked Alexandra on their weekly coffee date.
Alexandra thought Larissa needed more support, more family, and she‘d taken it upon herself to be a sister–
figure to her. “Just you?” she asked. “Well, if Simon can go too, that would be ideal,” Larissa nodded, sipping her coffee. “I can m
ake it happen, but Larissa, why do you want to do this?” she
asked. She trusted Larissa, but when it came to Damon, Alexandra knew Larissa had a
soft spot. Like any young woman in love, she was blinded by it. Damon being the father of her son complicated matters. “I want
Damon to
know he has a child, that he did one good thing in his life. I also want Simon to know his father, even if he’ll never remember seei
ng him. When he asks, I can honestly tell him that he met his father,” she explained. “Okay,” Alexandra agreed. As far as reasons
, they were valid. Alexandra wasn‘t going to deny Larissa the chance for closure or for Simon to know his father. No matter what
Damon had done, he still had a right to know his
own flesh and blood. “It is going to be a supervised visit. I‘ll be there the whole time to prevent him from doing anything,” she expl
ained. “I understand,” Larissa said.
Alexandra saw a slight change in Larissa‘s eyes. It worried her, but there was nothing either Larissa or Damon could
do during a supervised visit. Larissa, Simon, and Alexandra made the trip to Night Sky territory. Santino hadn‘t been that happy a
bout it, but Alexandra had convinced him it was the right thing to do It still bothered her that every time she had a need to see her
brother, Santino would get upset and grumpy. He‘d always try to stop her. Even when she was logical and reasonable, he would
get cranky, only agreeing because he knew Alexandra would probably go with or without his blessing. She‘d made
it clear she was telling him so there weren‘t any secrets between them, not for his permission “I
want two guards at this door” Alexandra said when she and Larissa arrived at the prison. “If the visit goes longer than an hour, I
want a third quard to come in and check on us.”
“Yes, Luna,“ the guard said, nodding.
“That‘s a bit excessive, isn‘t it?” Larissa asked 1/3
Chapter 148. Appeals for a Prisoner “Maximum security,” Alexandra said, shrugging casually. Larissa didn‘t need to know that sh
e was making special arrangements just because of her and the baby. Not that
she thought Damon or Larissa would try anything while she was there, but she wanted to ensure they didn‘t get any ideas. As it

was, she doubted she‘d agree to bring Larissa and Simon back for another visit. She didn‘t want Larissa thinking it was a regular
If the young woman was still fantasizing about a life with Damon and their son,
reoccurring visits would only make that fantasy harder to break away from. Larissa needed to form healthy relationships, especia
lly for her son. “Let me go first,” Alexandra said, holding a hand up to Larissa, She headed down the corridor to Damon‘s cell and
set up the chair far from his bars. Damon raised an eyebrow at her, pursing his lips.
“You‘re back again, so soon?” he taunted.
“I brought someone who wanted to see you. She made a convincing argument on your behalf,” she said. “Oh?” Damon asked s
Alexandra motioned for Larissa to come down and sit in the chair. She did, walking slowly and clutching the baby close to her.
“Larissa,” Damon purred.
Alexandra noticed how her cheeks flushed. Boy, she really did have it bad. That wasn‘t necessarily a good thing. Alexandra knew
to visit Damon without her, or another Alpha or Luna present. Santino would never agree. Neither would Serena or Logan. She ho
Damon snarled. “Can‘t you let me see my own child up close?” he asked. “You can see him from there,” Alexandra insisted.
“Him?” Damon asked, eyes brightening. He smiled, he actually smiled! Alexandra
hadn‘t seen a genuine, emotional reaction from him like that in a
long time. “His name is Simon. He has your eyes,” Larissa said. She pulled Simon‘s blanket back so Damon could see. “My son. M
“I wouldn‘t raise him to be like me,” Damon said. He dropped to his knees and shook his head. “Please, Alex, plead my case to yo
that he had faults he didn‘t want to pass onto his own child. Those actions alone made Alexandra think that he had changed. She
humbled him, given him something real to
care about other than power and domination. “I make no promises, but I will talk to Santino,” Alexandra said. Larissa and Damon
was going to love this...

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