Kidnapped by the Alpha

Chapter 19


My sleep got disturbed when I heard some noise from the room. I woke up and noticed someone hiding behind the curtains. I was terrified and was about to yell but the person came from behind the curtains. He was Abram.

"Natalie, please don't make noise”, Abram pleaded by joining his hands.

I got down from the bed and went near him. Is he for real, or am I hallucinating? I touched him and quickly withdrew my hand.

"You are alive?", I asked in a low voice.

"Yes Natalie, I am alive. I know you are having a lot of questions in your mind, and I'll answer all your questions but not now. Natalie, I am here to tell you that Theodore's life is in danger”, Abram told and I was shocked listening to him.

"What are you saying, Abram? How do you know that Theodore's life is in danger? Where were you, so many years? How did that wolf spare you? Are you a werewolf too---?", I asked and Abram nodded.

I punched him and he looked towards me sadly. "Do you know Abram, these years I was living in guilt thinking that you died because of me! Didn't you even bother to inform me that you were alive?"

"What would I have told you, that I am alive? That the wolf attack was done to kill you? That my own brother wants to kill you?", Abram told with tears in his eyes.

"What are you saying, Abram? Who is your brother and why would he kill me?", I asked confusingly. "Carl Saxena, the Alpha of Red Blood Pack, is my brother. He believes that our parents died because of you", Abram replied.

"Abram, your parents killed Theodore's entire pack, they killed my real parents and my adoptive parents too", I roared.

"I know that Natalie. All the evil, including the Red Blood Pack, is behind your life because you are a healer and a destroyer of the evils. Natalie but I love you", Abram told looking right into my eyes. "Abram, I am Theodore's mate. I don't know much about these werewolf things but I know one thing, Theodore loves me a lot and I love him too. I just don't care if your brother is behind my life but I want my mate Theodore and my pack safe”, I told. Did I just say my pack and my mate? I was shocked at myself

Abram looked at me and said smiling, "Yes, of course, you deserve a mate like Theodore. He cares so much for you and loves you a lot"

"Natalie, where is the locket?", Abram asked looking at my neck.

"Which locket?', I asked confusingly.

"The one which your dad gifted you on your 8th birthday. Natalie that locket is not an ordinary one, it will shield you from all the danger”, Abram replied.

Wait, I don't know why am I finding this weird? Abram was helping me by going against his own brother and his pack. I found this very strange. I mean, I have seen the members of Theodore's pack. They are ready to give their life just to protect Theodore and their pack but Abram, he was going against his own pack.

"I know Natalie you might be thinking, why am I going against my own pack. The reason is that I love you and I don't want you to love me back. I just want you to be safe and happy, with your mate.", He answered smiling. I could see tears in his eyes, and his attempts to stop them from flowing.

"That locket of mine is at home”, I told and he said, "I'll get it for you"

"No, you won't be able to find that locket. I have to accompany you", I replied as I had kept that locket in a drawer of my cupboard. The key to my cupboard was inside my teddy bear and the key to the drawer was somewhere under the bed. That locket was very beloved to me.

"Natalie, but if Theodore gets to know, he would be furious with you and he would kill me as well. He will hunt us through our scent", Abram replied.

"I have a solution for this", I replied and went towards the dressing table and came with a perfume. I sprayed the entire bottle of perfume on me as well as Abram.

"But Natalie----", Abram tried to speak but I interrupted him in between and replied, "Abram, come let's leave before Theodore comes back to the room, I have to return back"

Abram told, "I'll transform into my wolf form. You sit on me so that we would reach to your home fast and get that locket of yours and then return back, as soon as possible.”

I nodded and he transformed into his wolf form. His wolf was brown in color. I felt weird because he was a wolf, not a horse that I'll sit on him, but I pushed all the thoughts away and sat on him holding him tightly. He jumped from the window and ran through the forest as fast as he could. The breeze was hitting my face and I was relishing this wolf ride.

"I would ask Theodore to take me on his back, daily,” I muttered to myself.

We reached my house and peeped through the window and saw Aunt Maria and Uncle Tony relaxing in the living room and were watching television. The main door was open so we tiptoed inside the house and ran upstairs towards my bedroom without making any sound.

I immediately removed the key of my cupboard from my Teddie and unlocked the cupboard. I grabbed the key of the drawer from a box that was kept inside the cupboard and opened the drawer. I took my pendant from it and it started glowing. Abram smiled and put that locket around my neck.

"Come, let's leave quickly”, Abram told transforming into his wolf form. I sat on him and he jumped off from the window. He started running through the forest when suddenly, a wolf pounced upon him and we both fell to the ground.

Abram quickly transformed back into his human form and asked concernedly, "Natalie are you okay?"

"Yes, Abram, I am fine", I responded. Suddenly that wolf who pounced upon us, transformed into his human form. He had jet black hair, black eyes, stubble, and a sharp jawline. He was shirtless and had a tattoo on his biceps. He had a well-built body and he quite resembled Abram.

"So Abram, what did you think you could deceive me?", The man asked laughing "I very well knew, you would never hurt your so-called love, Natalie, but I played along with you. I knew you would be informing her that her mate and her life is in danger. Do you know why did I play along with you?" That man asked.

"Why?", Abram asked.

"Because I wanted Natalie's locket. This locket is not an ordinary locket, you know, no one can harm the person who wears this locket. I very well knew Abram, after discovering the truth of that locket from me you would go to Natalie and acquaint her of this. You both would together go and get that locket from Natalie's house. I must say, Natalie, you had kept that locket safely because I tried to search that locket several times, but I did not get it" That man said.

"Why do you want this locket?”, I asked.

"Because I want to be immortal. After wearing that locket of yours, no one would be able to kill me. Also, it would be easy for me to kill you because this locket protects you. Neither this locket would be with you, nor you would be alive”, the man replied laughing like a Satan

"Carl, brother, what has she done, why are you behind her life. Let her go", Abram pleaded.

"What has she done? Really Abram? She is the cause why our parents died", The guy, Carl replied furiously.

"Brother, she is not the reason behind our parent's death. They died because of their own actions. As you sow, so shall you reap”, Abram told.

"You are a deceitful person Abram. Before killing Natalie, I feel the urge of killing you. You are bad- mouthing about our own parents. Shame on you!", Carl yelled at him angrily.

"No, Brother. I am not bad-mouthing about our parents. I am just trying to say that evil begets evil. I wish you realize this before it gets too late”, Abram replied.

"I'll deal with you later Abram. First, let me deal with this human girl", Carl replied looking towards me dangerously.

"Natalie, run from here. I can smell Theodore and other members of Blue Moon Pack, They are somewhere around”, Abram whispered in my ears.

"No Abram, I am not going to leave you alone", I replied.

"Natalie stop behaving like a fool. Brother Carl, might spare me once but not you. He will kill you. Natalie, please give a thought about Theodore, he loves you a lot. Many times, if a werewolf's mate gets killed or dies, eventually the werewolf dies too. Please run", Abram pleaded and I nodded.

I was about to run when Carl transformed into his wolf form again. He was about to pounce on me but Abram came in between. Carl's wolf started growling, I ran as fast as I could so that I could reach to Theodore and bring help for Abram.

I kept on running and I saw Theodore's wolf. I hugged him and started crying. "Theodore, please save Abram. Carl will kill him"

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