Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 19: Electric Blue Razzberry Lemonade

The rest of the walk back to the house was in silence, for many reasons. Least of all was that I was hungry, next was the little girl walking beside me with Lesha on the other side. Finally, the real reason for the quiet was the fact that I wanted to dig my teeth into Mei's neck and drink the sweet lemonade nectar that I could smell.

We finally reached the house, I opened the door and walked in. I was surprised to see the table had some pastries, meat buns, a pie, and a big tray of fancy custard tarts. Yet, I couldn't smell anything but the little lemon tart walking in with Lesha. I rounded on them after the door was closed, and the little girl ran to hide behind Lesha.

"K, stop it! You're scaring the child with your teeth, and glowing red eyes!" Lesha scolded me.

I was about to try to explain, but the little girls stepped out from behind Lesha and glared up at her.

Oh? What was this? My curiosity was taking the edge off the thirst for lemons, but barely. I wanted to wait to see what this little girl was going to say to Lesha for calling her a child.

"I am twenty-six! I am not a child, see I have breasts!" Mei shouted as she flung open her robes to expose the naked body of a child just past growing hair, but her breast did have slight plumpness to them, but they were nothing like Lesha's large full breasts.

Since I knew that she wasn't a child, just a late bloomer or something like that, I started to advance on her. I could smell the lemon-blood just under her skin.

"Woah, hold on lady, you can't touch them!" Mei said closing her robes fast.

I rolled my eyes and then she was in my arms. I moved to pick her up within the blink of an eye. Even though she had small breasts, she had a very soft and shapely bottom, but that wasn't what I was looking for. I moved my mouth over her neck and then a thud of force hit me in the chest. Normally a blow like that should have sent me flying back, but I only grunted from the force.

What was this? More of the Mana stuff? I sank my teeth into Mei's neck as she squealed in fright. Sweet but hot lemon sprayed into my mouth, bathing me in a frenzy. Then it hit me like a shock, a charged blueberry flavor joined the lemon and I felt myself getting a little wet from the uncontrollable pleasure I received from the two flavors.contemporary romance

Finally, I stopped, my reserves filled with a new Service and Servant. I let go Mei and we both stood up straight, but then I was hit with a massive wave of dizziness and I fell over. I hit the ground and started to shake uncontrollably, as blue veins started to cover my arms.

There was some kind of change going on and it was tearing me inside up, but the shaking was slowing down now and the veins were disappearing. I slammed my fist down on the ground and yelled out to vent some of the pain, but finally, it was done, but I felt different. Seriously, just how many changes was I going to go through, and what the hell was that? I was like my insides were going through a meat grinder!

I looked up to see Mei holding Lesha back, but her eyes were still glowing, so she would be stronger or something. Lesha had a worried look on her face, so I smiled at her weakly and Mei let her go to come running over to my side, helping me back up. Suddenly a message flashed on a sign again, almost making me a trip, as I tried to back out of Lesha's arms.

"It's really horrible, isn't it? The pain?" Mei asked me.

"You knew that this would happen?" Lesha asked as she rounded on the little girl.

"Yes, I knew this crazy lady was going to suck my blood and blue stuff up out of my neck. Yup, happens twice a day, I was clearly hiding it! Of course, I didn't know!" Mei said, stomping her foot.

She was cute in her own way, but a bit of a firecracker. I was able to stand on my own, so I kissed Lesha and I heard Mei ask me something weird.

"What are you doing to her?" Mei asked, and I looked over to see a curious look on her face.

"We just kissed," I said like it was nothing, this was becoming easier, and I took Lesha's hand and walked over to the table where all the food was.

"Is that allowed? Like, isn't there a rule or something?"

"Rule? No, not that I know of...Lesha do you know?" I asked as I grabbed a meat bun and started to fill my mouth, waving Mei over.

"Hm? Law, no nothing like that, why would you think there was?" Lesha asked while handing Mei a bun that she accepted gratefully.

"Well, I just have never seen anyone but you two do it before, so... I don't know, I just thought there was a law against it and I was weird. Are there more girl lovers? Do you think I might find something like...whatever it is you to have?" Mei asked before tearing into her bun.

"Well, this is pretty new for both of us, and there is no girl lover club, but we will find more girls in the future, just like I already found you. So, eat your food then you can take the bedroom on the third floor. I will get you some blankets and one of my dad's shirts for you."

Lesha smiled at me and squeezed the inside of my thigh and sent a shock up into between my legs, making me want to moan out softly, but I held myself in check, for just a little bit longer.

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