Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 124: Beyond Angry

Our group walked back to the beach, and I assumed that the path would be different somehow, but it was all the same thing. When I tried to look around, the same thing as before happened, and I couldn't focus on anything.

"Don't bother trying to look, the island is still asleep, and it doesn't like to be disturbed while napping," Lishtani told me as the two of us walked, holding our partner's hands.

We were almost back to the beach and hall now, and we had a long line of spirits that were following us. Well, they were following Drania in a long line, and I looked over at her, peering into her to look at her flame, but I was almost blinded by the countless little flames.

"Don't look too hard, my dear, or you might go blind," Dranina said with a small smile.

"How do you have so many flames? I thought that I wanted the only one that could do that?" I asked, looking at Lishtani.

"What you do and what is happening to her are two completely different things. Drania is like a halfway house for spirits, and they developed faster inside of her, but she can't control them individually like you can," Lishtani explained as we walked up to the Guild Hall.

"I can also help stretch the space for partners in each person like you can, and then I can implant one of the spirits. That way, it will be one that I am familiar with, and there will be no accidental bindings with pestering or bad spirits," Drania explained, and Victor and Corbit help the doors open for all of us.

Once inside, Alana and Trinity got up and rushed over to hug Lesha and me, but they stopped as a chair flew backward and shattered into a wall.

"AUNTY L?!" Candi screamed, and she moved almost as fast as me to throw herself into Lishtani's arms.

"Yes, my little bloodsucker, Aunty L is home now; you and I have a lot of catching up to do, but later, okay? Right now, D and I need to go with K up to the Waystone and get your cousin, and then we can have a good sit down," Lishtani said while looking over to me with a genuine smile.

Candi was her real niece, another memory that sprang into my mind as I watched them. I wasn't sure what the real part meant, but that would probably be revealed after getting Healia.

The other two girls that had paused now started to move again, and I scooped up Alana and gave her a hug. Trinity went to Lesha, but then the two switched, and I got the sweet and creamy smell of Ice cream that was starting to make me hungry, but for actual food and not blood.

"Can we get going up top? I want to get this over with, so we can move forward. I feel like the last person to know anything right now, and it doesn't help that I keep getting these, oh yeah's every time a new bit of information pops up," I said with a tired expression, and Lishtani nodded.contemporary romance

"Come, my soulless lover, let's go get our little girl," Lishtani said with a big grin.

"I am filled with souls! Red hair doesn't make you soulless! You are the soulless one, she-devil!" Drania tried to retort, but Lishtani started to tickle her.

"Did you know," I said to Lesha, leaning over but talking loud enough for everyone to hear. "These two sounded like a pair of old and dying women, but now they act like children."

That made Lishtani stop tickling Drania, and she rounded on me. I knew that look by memory and the scowl that followed.

"Who are you calling old, grandma?" Lishtani shot at me.

"Grandma? You the ancient vampire, right?" I said, grinning at her.

"Let's go; you are getting those memories back right now! I am a spring chicken compared to you, dinosaur!" Lishtani said, dragging me up the stairs with Drania.

I dragged Lesha with me, but we left everyone else down below. I was starting to get excited now. 

Healia was a pain and a pervert; she had been there for me. Helping me since all of this started, even before I got my System.

The other thing that had me going was Lishtani's comment about her being just a babe compared to myself in age. What did that even mean?

Just how old was I?

We had reached the spiral stairs, and Lishtani let go of my hand, then turned to me with a worried look.

"There is something wrong in Healia, hurry!" Lishtani said, turning and bolting up the stairs, three at a time.

The three of us rushed up after Lishtani, and when we got up to the top, the massive white stone was already glowing, and the image of Healia appeared, but something was definitely wrong.

"Mothers? I need help; Giyadel is attacking the city!" Healia explained in a rush.

"What? How or why?" I asked, confused.

"No time to explain, you need to come now; your father and mother are in danger! They had gone to go see Gastbo just before all hell broke loose!" Healia said in a panic, and my veins turned to ice, and I turned to Lesha.

"Round everyone up, and get them ready," I started to tell her, but Lishtani stopped me.

"That won't work. Even though we control both sides of the stone, only a guild leader can pass both ways. Anyone but you will be forced to stay behind for a week before they could use it again, but that will be impossible without Healia there," Lishtani explained with worry coating her expression.

"Baby, are you going to go alone?" Lesha asked, but she had no confidence in her voice, and she knew that I had to do this.

"I can't leave my parents, or even Gastbo after everything that he did for us on the trip," I said to her, leaning in and giving her a kiss.

"Please come back to us," Lesha said as I hugged her and then turned to the image of Healia.

"I am ready," I said as molten fury burned into my veins.

I was beyond angry.

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