Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 113: Scorned

I walked down and joined the gathered group, and it was not looking like we were going to get to go diving after all. The temperature was dropping, fast, and the wind had just shifted.

"Doesn't look good," Braum said with a worried look, and I understood what he meant.

It was getting cold out, the temperature was just high and hot, almost sweating. Now, a massive storm line had appeared from out of nowhere, and it was solid black with lightning shooting down.

"That can't be normal? On a normal day, we would have seen this coming, but it just came out of nowhere and it's already almost on top of us!" I shouted as the wind started to pick up.

Captain Nobby was shouting at the sailors to get ready for the storm as he started to turn the ship. This was not good, and there was no way we would outrun the storm.

"No, this is far from natural, it was just sunny and clear, still is above. Now, we better pray that we go to the shore on a beach, not a cliffside. This is if we even make it that far," Braum said while staring at the oncoming storm.

"Guild Members, except for Mei, Braum, and Gloria, get inside and get strapped down. Braum, I hate to have to do this to you but it is the only way we are going to get close to the shore," I said, turning to him after waving the rest off.

"Do what?" Braum asked looking from the storm to me.

"I am going to take you magic and push the boat, I am sorry," I said as I put my hand on his chest.

The red and white flames twisted as one, and shot down my arm and into Braum's chest, snuffing out magic inside of him. Braum gasped and stepped back, looking at me in horror.

"Go help the others get strapped down, and bring me that blood! There is no time for arguments, just know that this isn't the end of your magic. This power never belonged to you, and I will be removing all magic from the world, now GO!" I shouted, and Braum took off running into the cabin.

I turned to the girls that were waiting, but I needed to hurry. The storm was approaching fast, but Gloria pushed Mei forward, and she came over to me.

"Will I get new magic too? Mana? Magic?" Mei asked, and I smiled as I put my hand to her chest.

"Yes, I am sure you will get something wonderful dear, now go and get inside with Gloria. Gloria, you know what needs to be done, but make sure to take out anything that could come loose," I told them and then left to go help the other and get prepared.

I turned and felt the final vestiges of the sun, but my skin was glowing already. I had been putting in as much of the sun as I could while I took the other's magic.

Braum ran out with the jar and opened it up for me, and I sucked the blood up. That only put me at half full, but I would be using mostly magic.

What I needed was more of that, and even as filled as I was, I was worried that it wasn't going to be enough. I ran up to the top deck where Captain Nobby was yelling at the men to get inside.

The winds were gusting now, and I was starting to feel the rain, but I could see the wall coming up behind us. I touched the water light blue flame and then grabbed it, forcing it in place with the light.

"You need to get back inside Guild Leader! I will man the wheel for as long as we float!" The Captain called over the wind.

"You drive, I push, and I will also try to keep us dry," I said to the Captain.

"Sure crazy lady let's ride the storm together, HAHA! Too bad you like them, girls!" The captain said with a grin that was missing some teeth as he turned back to the helm.

That made me smile for a moment, but now I needed to focus. I snapped a few layers of shields in place and then started to concentrate on pushing the ship.

This was no small or easy task, this was not small Diggy, this was a massive ship. The waves were starting to pick up, and rain hammered the decks, but it was mostly quiet around us.

The only sounds were that of the Captain whistling a lively tune that I didn't know. I was starting to sweat, but I still had plenty of magic, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't make it go any faster.

"You alright there?" The Captain asked as we crashed through another massive wave that ruled over the whole ship but never touched us inside of the shield.

"Yes, but the storm is getting worse, and I still can't see land yet," I said looking at the Captain, but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking behind me.contemporary romance

The Captain didn't look very well, and his mouth was hanging open.

"Remember how you said that this storm couldn't be natural. Well, I don't think that you're wrong. You don't see that every day," Nobody said as he lifted a shaking hand to the stern behind me.

I turned to see what he was so scared of and pointing at, and I saw it, or him. Of course, this was what caused this disaster.

There was only one person who could organize such chaos. The massive face of Dyster with Burning green eye's sneered down at me as his face pushed down from the clouds.

"Come to fight?" I called up.

"Fight? If you mean me taking you down to the depths of the ocean without a chance to fight, then sure. Let's fight!" The God boomed down.

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