Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 110: Mark My Words

The two of us waited sitting on the shore, watching as Braum got closer. Firb was fighting with the local wildlife, but he had burned himself all out of Mana, and now the crab looked to have the advantage.contemporary romance

The crab tried to grab his wing, but Firb snapped and latched on the tough crab's arm. Unfortunately for Firb, the crab was already coming at him from the other side and latched onto the base of his tail.

Firb let out a screech as he let go and made a popping noise, the fireworks I had seen last year. The crab was started, and let go of Firb's tail, and then scurried back to the water.

Funny how far away last year was from now, I had three things inside of me now, and that could mean I could take in more magic, but what would happen to me?

[Your power, the anger is dominance. That is why you are able to command others, even though they are not your servants. You are even able to command people not to die. This power can also dominate others' power, not just what you call mana.]

That sounded more than a little overpowered, and then that meant I could even go as far as taking a God's power.

[True, but if you did, you would lose the Blood Servant System. There are other things that you can dominate, but you will have to learn them. This is your power, after all, the Blood Queen is the power that I will give you when you are ready.]

Did I really need all of this power, and where was Drania for all of this? She had only spoken a few times since the incident with me confronting her about the lying.

'That is why I choose to let her explain, unlike me, she will not lie to you, but both of us are blocked from telling you everything you need to know. You will need the power, all of it. The god's Dyster and Giyadal? Children to the other ones,' Drania explained to me.

Alana was resting her head on my lap, and I was running my hands through her short brown hair. It looked cute on her, but she would be a little heartbreaker if she let it grow out.

Corbit might need to start paying attention sooner than later, but Alana was still young. Truthfully, I had no idea how old the girl was.

"Alana, how old are you?" I asked curiously.

"Fifteen, why?" She asked, turning around to face me with a smile.

Not that young at all, well I would have to start giving him some gentle pushes. Braum was almost to use now, and I was starting to get hungry, and I was pretty cold, so blood too.

"No reason other than that I just didn't know. I actually thought you were closer to thirteen," I said with a smile, but that made her frown and sit up, grabbing her chest.

"It's because I don't have any of these! That's why he never notices me!" Alana growled, stomping the sand.

I used a bit of stored anger and held the laughter back. The last thing that I wanted to do was embarrass this girl after she opened up about this.

"Give it time, just like you they will grow, but we need to get some meat on your bones first," I said, as Braum brought the boat up to the beach, but Alana ran back over to me and started to poke at my breasts.

"How did you get yours so big, soft, and squishy?" Alana said as I swatted her hands away.

"BWAHAHA! Looks like you two are getting along, and you fixed the problem?" Braum asked while pushing the boat right up on the beach, and then the water receded.

"Yes, FIRB! Come, let's go!" I called over to the sunbathing dragon.

That was a weird sight to see because everything thought Firb was a dragon, but he was also a summoned elemental. Meaning he was the element of the magic itself and mostly a swirling yellow and orange body of Mana.

Firb jumped up into the air and flew over to land in my outstretched hand, and then melted back into me. I heard Braum curse, and I looked up at him.

"What in the nine Gods are you, woman? Are you trying to tell me that you took her power? And now you control the world-ending creature?!" Braum asked, looking more frustrated than anything.

"I didn't really tell you anything, but yes, I took all the Mana from her, and now I have, and my new pet to add to my list. I am your Guild Leader and the one that will do what she says she is going to. That's why you are following me, right?" I asked with a grin.

"BWAHAHA! You're damn well right on that account! I am just glad to see that this girl will start getting treated like a little girl, and not a demon," Braum said with a nod of his head and then smiled at Alana. "You deserve to have someone like Kiada, and Lesha in your life, little girl. Make sure you treat her well, and she will do the same for you!"

"I will take all the sealed powers that the Gods are afraid of, and I will make them my own. I will become the only Demon, and one day the Gods will learn to fear my name. This world, this life, and everything they seek to destroy, we shall protect," I said with determination.

"You are going to fight all of them? Once you start killing some, and this is if you can, the others will not take it lightly. If you do this, you will be starting a war," Braum explained to me, but I shook my head.

"No, the war never ended. The only thing that happened is that we now have an enemy that we can all point our weapons at. The problem is that they will still use some of our people against us, but that can't be helped. Mark my words, I will take this world back."

Like Yuri? Check out my other novel, Epic Of Bee!

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