Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

For a second, I can only stare. My mouth goes dry as heat pools low in my belly. I suddenly feel warm watching them and I know I should look away, but I can’t seem to force myself to.

I’ve always known Colt was mates with both brothers, but rarely ever seen them do anything with each other. Well, except that one time which I know Colt blames me for telling his parents about what I saw. I would have never betrayed him like that. Then again, I didn’t think I could stand trial against Ethan, either.

“Don’t even think about it, Max. You had him to yourself last night.” Ethan tells him with a glare. Max lets Colt go, and he takes his seat across from me. Glancing at Max, he has a smirk on his face.

“Issue Rose?” I quickly shake my head.

“No, I know you’re all mates,” I answer, spearing a tomato with my fork. My mouth waters as I pick it up. I can’t remember the last time I had tomato or any form of fruit and vegetable. Drake rarely brought fresh fruit or vegetables home. To be honest, I was lucky if I got anything more than two-minute noodles.

Although he did take me to restaurants when we first got together. I should have known better back then, but fresh out of juvie. It’s not like there were many options on where to get a hot meal, especially since I wasn’t eligible for any of the refuges because of my charges.

I had to report to the police station daily as part of my early release. Had I known I would have been destitute on my release, I wouldn’t have applied for early release. That is where I met Drake, he was visiting his father and offered to buy me dinner. Initially, I turned it down. I was withdrawing badly from the lack of suppressants. He must have figured that out because when I walked out after signing in, he told me if I had dinner with him, he would get me some. Little did I know that was one of the first mistakes I made upon my release.

“Are you going to eat it, or just stare at it?” Ethan says. I shake the thought away and am about to eat when it occurs to me. They may have an ulterior motive for feeding me.

I push the plate away and sit my fork back down beside the butter knife. “I’m not



Chapter 19

1288 Wouchers

hungry…” I pause because my stomach growls loudly in protest. Ethan raises an eyebrow at me.

I chew my lip nervously, only to glance around the table to find them all staring at me. “I… I… ” I hesitate, suddenly wishing I never thought of Drake. I could have eaten without question and dealt with the repercussions later.

“You what?” Colt asks, leaning back and folding tattooed arms across his broad


“Do I have to do anything for it?” I ask, my face heating at my own words.

“Do anything?” Ethan asks, the muscle in his jaw jumping as he grinds his teeth together.

“So, I don’t have to do anything for it?” I ask, looking down at the food before my gaze flicks over to Ethan.

Ethan glances at Colt. Colt shakes his head and points to the plate, and I sigh in


“No, your first meal is on the house,” Ethan smirks. I nod, chewing my lip and picking up my fork again. I guess I will work out something later on. Maybe they’ll let me get a job? That’s if I survive long enough, I guess.

I pop the tomato in my mouth and almost groan at the taste. I can let myself enjoy it knowing that I won’t have to give them anything in return.

“Jeez, Rose. He’s f ucking kidding,” Max snarls, and I glance at him to find him glaring at Ethan.

“Eat. No one will force you to do anything over some f ucking breakfast,” Ethan says coldly. Colt looks at me, disgusted. Clearly, they’ve never been in a position where the choices were either beg, perform or starve.

Honestly, I’ve tried all three, but the last one is harder than you’d think.

Survival instincts kick in. You’d be surprised what you do when you feel your heart pumping so fast in your chest, your vision all but gone, and you feel like death is knocking. It probably didn’t help that I was withdrawing from suppressants; I know I can go 21 days without food, although Drake gave me water. Little did I know, once I got comfortable around him, I would be locked in his van until I paid what I

owed him back.

Chapter 19

1288 Vouchers It was his plan all along, and at the time I was a willing victim until I saw no other way. But hard when he would constantly remind me it’s what I am made for. Omegas are merely toys to Alphas, so I might as well be his, and he’d look after me. Yeah, right, he didn’t look after me. But it was better than the alternative, which was going on rotation and being pimped out.


I watch from a distance, my gaze fixed on Rose as she finishes eating with a wariness that speaks of her fear and uncertainty. I can’t get over her thinking she had to pay for a meal. It makes me wonder where she has been and with whom all

this time.

I feel like having her here is a mistake and a risk in our already complicated lives. Mine and Ethan’s decision to bring her here, to not just end her last night, now baffles me.

She’s a risk, a potential catalyst for chaos within our little pack, and I can’t help but feel on edge. So when she finally finishes and asks to be excused, I feel relief. We all watch her leave the room, only for her to stop in the doorway.

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