Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:

Ethan stands straight, walking around the chair. His eyes on me and I feel fear and uncertainty creep up my spine. Drake stands glancing at Ethan like he can’t believe his luck. It takes him all but one glance in my direction before he rushes out of the warehouse, leaving me with Ethan and abandoning me as if I mean nothing to him at all.

Ethan’s gaze slowly roams over me, his gaze stopping at my leg, which is bleeding profusely. With every second passing, I am growing weaker from blood loss, and for a moment, I worry he may leave me and allow me to bleed out on his basement floor. My face hurts, and my leg is throbbing; I almost feel like I’m floating. It has to be shock setting in. This isn’t how I pictured dying, but then again, it feels like nothing in my life has ever gone as planned.

I close my eyes and let the darkness take me, but it doesn’t last long.

“Oh no, you don’t,” Ethan growls. He slaps my face to wake me up, and the sudden pain jolts me back to reality. “You’re not getting away from me that easily. Not even death will save you from us, my black Rose.”

He undoes my handcuffs. His fingers move around the bruised skin of my wrist

with soft touches as he examines them. I don’t look at him. I’m afraid of what I will

see when I do. I don’t think I can handle anymore of his anger.

“Do I even want to know how the f uck you got caught up with that piece of shi t?” he snarls at me and I flinch at the anger in his voice.

“Wh, what are you planning to do with me?” I ask, my voice shaky as I stammer. My heart pounds in my chest and I don’t know if I will be able to stay conscious for much longer. Lights flicker at the edge of my vision.

He says nothing. I gather my courage and ask, “Are you going to kill me?”

“No, but you’ll wish I had,” he tells me coldly. Then darkness takes me.

When I next wake, I find myself being carried by Ethan, my body limp and weak. Tucked against his chest, I can hear his heart beating in my ear. He has an arm beneath my legs and is carrying me like I’m weightless. I try to lift my head, to tell him to put me down.



Chapter 10:

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“Stop struggling, Rose.” He growls as he puts me into a car, and the smell of clean leather fills my nostrils. I lay back on the leather seats, my vision swimming. I close my eyes, opening them again to look over at Ethan..

He isn’t in the car, but he’s opened the driver’s side door and is standing there. My head feels all funny and I try to push myself to sit. My hand slides on the leather and I lay back down.

Disoriented, I notice him on the phone outside the car. As he opens the driver’s side door, I overhear him the end of his brief conversation, “You won’t believe who the f uck I just found.” He pauses for a moment and I wonder if he is called Colt or Max?

It’s probably Colt.

Is he planning to take me to his mate to let the other man finish me off? A payback for the time that I’ve stolen from both of them? A part of me hopes that I’ll bleed out in his backseat. Staining his life like he has done to mine.

If he hadn’t killed my mom and his dad, we wouldn’t be here now. I would’ve had a cushy life probably already mated off to a pack that would benefit the family best. Marriage was always the best way to secure things.

I turn my head to look at him as he climbs into the car. “You’ll see when I get back. I’ Il be home in a few minutes.” He hangs up and my hand slides off my lap into the puddle of blood beneath me. I whimper, and he glances at me.

“I’m ruining your seats,” I mumble, frowning as I lift up my hand and look at the redness that stains it. It reminds me so much of when I found our parents. It doesn’ t feel real, none of this does.

“You ruined our lives, yet you’re worried about my f ucking seat.” He snarls at me, but I’m fading in and out of consciousness.

Trying to fight the urge to close my eyes, my head lolls to the side and I catch a glimpse of a huge, vicious-looking dog in the back of the car – the same one that bit me. My heart sk ips a beat, as its tongue hangs out the side if it’s mouth, and it pants its dog breath in my face. Gross, but at least it doesn’t seem to want to eat me right now.

“Back Dog,” Ethan snaps at the huge dog, and the dog whines loudly but lays across the back seat beside me. His warmth seeps into my skin and my body starts to shake.



Chapter 10

“You named your dog, Dog?” I ask.

“It’s what he is.”

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“That’s not a name. I’m cold,” I whisper, my eyes slipping closing. It would be so easy to let go. Ethan doesn’t care about what happens to me, none of them do.

To my surprise, I hear the rustling of fabric and feel something being draped over me. Blinking my eyes open, I see he has taken off his suit jacket. He drapes it over me and I’m covered in the scent of him.

Blackcurrants and the heavy, warm scent of dark tea. I breathe it in, my eyes fluttering closed. It reminds me of the home that I once had with him and our parents. When my eyes close, I can almost pretend like things are like they used to be. That our parents are still alive. I can pretend that Ethan, Colt, and Max don’t

hate me.

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