Keeping 13: Boys of Tommen #2

Keeping 13: Chapter 54

‘We are living our best lives, girls,’ Claire announced as she dumped the contents of her days’ worth of shopping onto her bed and grinned. ‘Now, it’s makeover time.’

‘No,’ Lizzie grumbled, flopping down on the bed, looking thoroughly exhausted. ‘Forget it. I’m not doing anything else for rest of the evening.’

‘Oh yes you are,’ Claire chirped. ‘We’re having makeovers and that includes you, grumpy pants.’

‘Claire,’ Lizzie snapped. ‘You dragged us all over the city shopping for seven hours. I am exhausted.’

‘I’m kind of with Lizzie on this.’ Sinking down on the floor, I pulled off my runners and rubbed my feet. ‘It’s already seven in the evening, and I’m really tired.’ And I want to go see Johnny…

‘Exactly! I didn’t traipse all over Cork City, buying all of this crap just for it to go to waste,’ Claire growled, tapping her foot. ‘You’re both getting makeovers and you’re both going to love them.’

Exhaling a heavy sigh in defeat, I climbed to my feet and nodded. ‘Fine, I’ll do the makeover.’

‘Yay,’ Claire squealed, clapping her hands. ‘Thank you, Shannon.’

‘Turncoat,’ Lizzie muttered under her breath.

‘For that, you’re going first,’ Claire countered, grinning devilishly at Lizzie. ‘And I’m starting with that unibrow.’

‘She doesn’t have a unibrow,’ I chuckled, sifting through the pile of goodies on the bed.

‘No, I don’t have a unibrow, Shan, but she’ll have a fist to the face if she comes anywhere near me with tweezers,’ Lizzie shot back.

‘Why do we need razors?’ I asked, picking up the packet of razors and a can of shaving foam.

‘Because we’re going gardening, girls,’ Claire replied breezily. ‘Down under.’

‘You come anywhere near my vagina with a razor and I’ll stab you,’ Lizzie warned. ‘I’m not even joking.’

‘Fine,’ Claire countered. ‘You’re such a beast you’d need the whole packet to tame you.’

Lizzie rolled her eyes and gave Claire the finger.

‘Yeah.’ I eyed the packet of razors warily. ‘I’m not sure this is a such good idea.’

‘It’s a terrible idea,’ Lizzie interjected. ‘You shouldn’t be shaving down there anyway. That’s what waxing is for.’

‘Well, I can’t afford waxing,’ Claire huffed. ‘I’m not a millionaire, Lizzie.’

‘So, you’re going to mangle yourself with pound shop razors?’

‘They cost two euro,’ Claire countered.

‘From the pound shop,’ Lizzie added sarcastically.

‘Why are you trying to ruin this for me?’ Claire demanded, glaring at Lizzie. ‘This is supposed to be a fun, bonding moment.’

‘Have you ever shaved down there before, Claire?’ Lizzie asked.

Claire frowned. ‘No.’

‘Well, if you had, you’d know that I’m not trying to ruin anything for you, I’m trying to save you both from friction burn,’ Lizzie drawled. ‘But whatever, go right ahead and scalp yourself. Just don’t come running to me when you’re walking around like a constipated cowboy.’

‘Well, I think it’s a great idea.’ Claire encouraged.

‘Of course, you do,’ Lizzie mocked. ‘God, you’re so clueless.’

‘Ignore her, Shan,’ Claire said, turning her back to Lizzie and giving me a bright smile. ‘We can do it together.’

‘I’m not doing that with you,’ I laughed. ‘That’s strange, Claire.’

‘I didn’t mean doing it sitting side by side in the bathtub,’ she snickered. ‘We’ll take turns.’

‘Well, if you two are planning on going all Edward Scissorhands on your fannies for the evening, I’m off home to catch up on my soaps,’ Lizzie announced as she climbed off the bed and strolled towards the door. ‘Have the first-aid kit on hand, Shan; you’re going to need it,’ she added before sauntering out of the room.

My eyes widened. ‘First aid kit?’

Claire rolled her eyes. ‘She’s lying.’

‘Oh god, I don’t know about this,’ I mumbled, feeling uncertain.

‘Come on,’ Claire coaxed. ‘Live dangerously.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Why not?’ Grinning devilishly, she shrugged her shoulders. ‘I’ll even go first.’

Twenty minutes later, Claire hobbled back into her bedroom, cheeks flushed, legs spread apart. ‘Bathroom’s free, Shan,’ she bit out as she thrust the can of shaving foam into my hands.

‘Oh my god!’ I gasped. ‘Are you okay?’

‘All good,’ she replied with a grimace as she gingerly lowered herself onto the mattress. ‘It’s your turn.’

‘Claire, I really don’t know about this.’ I eyed her suspiciously and the way she was fanning herself. ‘You look like you’re in pain.’

‘Shannon, I did this for you!’ She narrowed her eyes. ‘It’s your turn.’

My mouth fell open. ‘No, you didn’t.’

‘Yes, I did,’ she accused. ‘I’m trying to help you. This was my not-so-subtle way of doing it.’

‘How?’ I gaped at her. ‘How in the name of god is this going to help me?’

‘With Johnny,’ she explained. ‘You’re going to his house tonight, aren’t you?’


‘Exactly!’ she replied. ‘What do I need to shave my pooch for? I don’t have a boyfriend.’

‘Your pooch?’ I frowned. ‘You call it a pooch?’

‘Pooch, puss –meh, it’s all the same,’ she replied, waving a dismissive hand around. ‘The point is, I don’t need to shave. Nobody is sticking their face in my knickers.’

‘You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone,’ I strangled out, blushing.

‘And I didn’t,’ she shot back. ‘We’re alone.’

I huffed out a breath. ‘Well, I think you’re lying to me.’

Claire’s eyes widened. ‘Excuse me?’

‘You heard me,’ I told her. ‘I think Gibsie is very familiar with your knickers.’

‘Ugh!’ She clutched her chest with her hand and gaped at me in horror. ‘You lie.’

You lie,’ I countered. ‘And you’re using my vagina as a coverup for your night-time antics with the boy across the street.’

‘I am not.’

‘I don’t believe you.’

‘Come on, Shan,’ she pleaded then. ‘You’re my best friend. You can’t leave me on my own in this.’

Ugh. ‘Fine.’ Grabbing the disposable razors, I skulked into her bathroom. ‘But if this goes wrong, I’m holding you responsible.’

‘Good luck,’ she called after me.

Learn to say no, Shannon.

In future, just say no!

‘I need to tell you something,’ was the first thing Johnny said when he opened his front door and pulled me into his house. His hair was standing up like he had dragged his fingers through it a million times, making him look gorgeously disheveled. Catching ahold of my hand, he sprinted down the hallway, heading straight for the staircase. ‘It’s so bad, Shan,’ he strangled out, dragging me up the staircase. ‘So fucking bad, baby.’

‘Okay, but I really need to show you something first,’ I strangled out, wincing in discomfort as he moved at top speed, not stopping until we were inside his bedroom with the door closed behind us. ‘It’s so bad, Johnny,’ I whimpered, removing my jacket. ‘Like the worst kind of bad ever.’

‘Oh, mine’s worse, Shan,’ he muttered, pacing the floor. ‘Trust me. It’s like insanely bad.’

‘Can you just look at mine first?’ I begged, feeling close to a panic attack.

‘I stole your brothers, baby!’ he blurted out and then froze. ‘Sorry,’ he squeezed out. ‘I love you.’ Grimacing like he was in physical pain, he added, ‘Please don’t break up with me.’

‘Huh?’ It took me a moment to register what he had said before my mouth fell open. ‘What?’

‘I’m so sorry,’ he groaned, diving onto his bed. ‘I don’t know what came over me,’ he added, face planting the mattress. ‘I don’t normally do this shite – that’s what Gibsie’s for.’

‘My brothers?’ I frowned. ‘My baby brothers?’

Johnny popped his head up and nodded slowly.

‘All of them?’

‘All of them,’ he confirmed grimly. ‘But I gave them back again.’

I shook my head, feeling at a loss. ‘Does my Mam know?’

‘No – thank Jesus,’ he muttered. ‘Joey came and got them before she noticed they were gone.’

‘Was he mad?’

‘No.’ Johnny frowned. ‘More amused than mad.’

‘Wait, wait –’ I held a hand up, feeling all confused. ‘They were supposed to be with Nanny today.’

‘That’s it,’ Johnny agreed, springing off the bed. ‘That’s what they said, but she was in bed, Shan, and they were all on their own.’ Pacing resumed, he continued to explain, hands flying around as he moved. ‘I was on the phone with you, and then I saw the baby in the window and he was just looking right at me, and I couldn’t fucking walk away. He’s so small, and he’s got these big puppy eyes. So I took him, and then I took the other ones for good measure – the big one has a serious attitude problem, by the way. Anyway, I brought them to McDonalds and the playground – and I’m pretty sure I overfed them – but then Gibsie said it looked like I was a pedophile, and I got all freaked out about that, so I brought them home and gave them to my Ma.’ He blew out a ragged breath, expression guilty. ‘Are you mad at me?’

‘That’s a lot of information to process, Johnny,’ I mumbled, pressing my fingers to my temples.

‘I know,’ he groaned, running his hands through his hair. ‘Ugh.’

‘Are you in trouble?’

He paused to frown at me. ‘Huh?’

‘Are you in trouble?’ I repeated, panicking. ‘You’re sure she doesn’t know you took them?’

‘No, I’m not in trouble,’ he replied, watching me warily. ‘Joey said they won’t say a word about it.’

‘Oh, thank god,’ I strangled out, clutching my chest.

‘You’re not mad at me?’ he asked in a cautious tone, edging closer.

‘No, I’m not mad.’ I knew I should take a moment to consider everything he had just told me, or demand to know why my brothers hadn’t gone with Nanny, or why my mother was in bed when she was supposed to be watching them, but I honestly couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the fire in my pants. ‘But I really need your help.’

Concern flickered in his eyes. ‘Shite, Shan, what’s up?’

‘I’m going to have to show you,’ I choked out, flustered, as I kicked off my runners and unbuttoned my jeans.

‘Whoa, whoa, whoa – stop,’ Johnny warned, holding a hand out. ‘What are you doing?’

I didn’t stop.

Dragging in a humiliated breath, I shoved my jeans down and cried out, ‘Save me.’

‘What the fuck did you do to yourself?’ Johnny strangled out, eyes wide.

‘I shaved,’ I choked out.

He gaped at me. ‘Everything?’

Everything,’ I sobbed, flailing my hands aimlessly. ‘There was blood everywhere!’

‘There was?’ Johnny croaked out, looking horrified. ‘Jesus Christ.’

‘Am I having some sort of sensitive skin reaction?’ I asked, kicking out of my jeans, in full panic mode. ‘There’s a lot of nicks, Johnny.’ I glanced down and whimpered. ‘Help me.’

‘Baby.’ He held his hands up. ‘I have a dick. I am clueless right now.’

‘But it’s bad, right?’ I asked, feeling anxious. ‘It’s really bad? It shouldn’t look like that, should it? It’s burning – like, I’m on fire.’

‘I don’t know,’ he shot back, voice rising several octaves. ‘How am I supposed to know?’

‘Because you’ve seen more of them than I have,’ I cried. ‘So just tell me straight, Johnny. Is it bad?’

‘Ah, no. Not really. I mean it’s…’ Johnny frowned and rubbed his jaw with his hand. ‘It’s not that bad?’

‘Don’t lie to me,’ I warned him.

‘Let me get a better look at what we’re dealing with here –’ I watched in horror as Johnny crouched down to get a better look before straightening back to his full height and shaking his head. ‘Yeah, Shan, it’s pretty bad.’

‘I told you it was!’ I wailed, slipping my underwear back into place and groaning loudly when the friction made it worse. ‘I’m never listening to Claire Biggs again,’ I added. ‘Stupid pound shop razors.’

‘Pound shop razors?’ Johnny half-laughed/half-groaned. ‘You do know there are like salons and beauticians you can go to for shite like that?’

‘Yeah, well, I’m shy,’ I huffed, flopping down on his bed. ‘How can I just show someone that?’

He shot me a disbelieving look.

‘You don’t count,’ I snapped, flustered.

‘My poor pussy,’ Johnny said with a sigh as he sank down on the bed beside me. ‘You’re a butcher.’

Exhaling a strangled sob, I fell onto my back. ‘It hurts.’

Mirroring my actions, Johnny flopped down on his back beside me. ‘I know, baby.’ He placed a hand on my thigh and gave me a reassuring squeeze. ‘But it will grow back.’

‘How long do you think that takes?’

He twisted to face me. ‘Do you want me to shave my balls?’

‘What?’ I gaped at him. ‘No!’

‘Then stop asking me about something I have no clue about,’ he shot back.

‘I’m sorry.’ I blushed beetroot red. ‘I just…you always know things.’ Whimpering in sheer distress, I twisted onto my stomach and buried my head in the plush duvet that smelled like that washing detergent his mother always used and Johnny. ‘I’m so embarrassed –’ I paused to gasp for air and then wailed, ‘It burns…and now it’s ugly.’

‘No, it’s not.’ I felt his hand smooth over the back of my knickers. ‘And I’m hard as rock for you right now.’

‘I don’t know how you could be,’ I replied with an anguished wail. ‘It’s hideous.’ Groaning at the realization of what I’d done to my poor body, not to mention the prickling sensation between my legs as my underwear played havoc with my tender flesh, I whispered, ‘I don’t know how I’m going to put my jeans back on.’ Grimacing, I added, ‘Or look you in the eye again.’

‘No pants sounds good to me,’ he laughed, hands still roaming over my ass. ‘Come on, Shan, just look at me.’

I shook my head. ‘I can’t.’

‘Yes, you can,’ he coaxed, trailing his fingers up my sides. ‘If you don’t turn around and look at me, I’m going to tickle you.’

Twisting onto my side, I peeked up at him. ‘Hi.’

‘So –’ Leaning down, he pressed his lips against mine. ‘Care to explain why you shaved?’

I squirmed in shame. ‘I don’t know.’

He waggled his brows. ‘Big plans?’

‘Ugh!’ I moved to bury my face back in the duvet, but Johnny captured my lips with his before I could.

‘I got an awful roasting from the sun when I was on tour last summer,’ he said, brushing his nose against mine. ‘I still have some Aloe Vera in my bathroom.’ He kissed me again. ‘It’ll help cool it down.’

Mortified, I exhaled a shaky breath and nodded. ‘Thanks.’

‘You’re welcome.’ Pressing a kiss to the tip of my nose, Johnny climbed off the bed and strolled into his bathroom, returning a moment later with a small bottle of ointment. Unscrewing the cap, he climbed onto the bed and handed it to me before moving for my knickers.

‘What are you doing?’ I choked out, lifting my hips when he pulled my underwear down my legs. ‘Johnny?’

‘I’m saving you,’ he replied with a smirk. ‘Remember the whole ‘save me, Johnny, please, save me’ comments?’

‘Yeah, but…’ Taking the bottle from my hands, he poured a dollop of Aloe Vera on his fingers and dropped his hand. ‘Oh my god,’ I whimpered in relief when the cool gel numbed out the fire. ‘That’s amazing.’

Moving further down the bed, Johnny leaned over my hip and gently blew against my bare skin. My breath hitched in my throat and I had to lock my muscles into place to stop my hips from bucking upwards. Looking up at me through hooded lashes, he continued to blow cold air on my tender flesh. ‘Enough?’ he asked in a gruff tone before pressing a small kiss to my flesh. ‘Or more?’

Breathing hard, I sat straight up and fisted his t-shirt. ‘Take it off.’

His blue eyes were blazing with heat as he reached over his shoulder and pulled his shirt off.

Exhaling shakily, I raised my arms over my head, never taking my eyes off his. ‘Now mine.’

Without a word, Johnny leaned forward and whipped my shirt over my head with effortless ease before reaching around me to unhook my bra. It was almost frightening how quickly he could unsnap a bra clasp, but as he slid the straps down my shoulders and tossed my bra on his bedroom floor, I couldn’t find it in me to care.

Falling onto my back, I dragged him down with me, fingers digging into the hard muscles of his back. Johnny obliged, pressing his weight down on me as I let my legs fall open to welcome him. ‘You look good in my bed.’ Clamping his hands on my thighs, he dragged my body closer, groaning loudly when we connected. ‘On your back,’ he added, hovering above me, ‘with me between your legs,’ before sealing his lips to mine.

Moaning, I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck, rubbing my body against his. Everything about this boy felt good, and real, and right. His lips were everywhere; on my neck, my breasts, my belly… I could feel him all over my skin and still it wasn’t enough. Bucking restlessly, I cried out when I felt his finger slide inside me, making the ache growing inside of me almost unbearable. Clutching his shoulders, I rocked into his touch, wanting everything he would give me.

‘This is a bad idea,’ Johnny said in a raspy voice before his mouth crashed down on mine, his tongue dueling with mine almost violently. ‘I should stop,’ he growled, increasing the speed of his fingers as he thrust inside of me. ‘Worst fucking idea ever.’

‘I love your bad ideas,’ I whispered, reaching for the waistband of his sweatpants. ‘Don’t stop.’ When he didn’t move to stop me like he usually did, I pushed them down his hips. ‘I want you.’

He groaned and plunged his tongue into my mouth, holding himself up on his elbow so I could push them over his erection. ‘I fucking love you,’ he whispered, kicking his sweats all the way off. My breath hitched in my throat when I moved my hand over the front of his boxers and felt how thick and long he was. ‘You’re big,’ I whispered, breathing hard and fast. ‘Like really, really big.’

‘Fuck, don’t say that,’ he growled, attacking my neck with hungry kisses. ‘You’ll make me explode.’

‘But you are,’ I panted, rocking into his touch as the familiar jolts of pleasure rippled through me. ‘And I’m going to…’ Closing my eyes, I rocked against his hand as a wave of bliss consumed my whole body, setting my skin on fire, and causing my muscles to contract and spasm. ‘Johnny…’

‘Shh.’ Pulling my bottom lip between his teeth, he tugged gently before thrusting his tongue inside my mouth, fingers moving at a perfect rhythm as my body slowly grew lax beneath him.

‘Don’t worry,’ he whispered, lips moving to suckle on my neck. ‘I’ll keep my dick in my jocks.’

‘I don’t want you to keep it in your jocks.’

He stiffened. ‘What?’

‘I want you.’

He stilled for a moment then raised himself up on his elbows to look at me. ‘You’re serious?’


His eyes searched mine, uncertainty flashing across his features, as he slid his fingers out of me and reached for the waistband of his black Calvin Kleins. ‘Are you sure?’

‘I’m sure.’ I nodded, feeling my heart racing wildly in my chest. ‘I want all of you.’

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