Keeping 13: Boys of Tommen #2

Keeping 13: Chapter 51

I was going to kill my best friend, and after enduring seven years of his antics, I was positive there wasn’t a jury in the country that would convict me. Not after his latest stunt.

‘Get out of the window before the girls come back from the bathroom,’ I growled for the fifth fucking time. It was no use, though. My words were falling on deaf ears. Gibsie didn’t even blink in response as he stood, still as a statue, in the display window of Debenhams department store in Mahon Point shopping center, with his hands on his hips in a Superman pose, his jeans around his ankles, and a scantily clad mannequin’s faceless head positioned against his dick.

‘There are kids around,’ I hissed when a lady with two small children cut me a dirty look as she hurried past. ‘Come on, lad,’ I pleaded, spotting Shannon and Claire heading in our direction. ‘Just come out and I’ll buy you a combo.’

‘I want the extra-large combo – with Minstrels,’ he stated before turning to stone once more.

‘Fine,’ I agreed, flustered, waving back at Shannon. ‘No problem – just get out of window before you get us lifted by security.’

Grinning widely, Gibsie pulled up his jeans and climbed out of the window, laughing to himself. ‘Lad, you’re so easy to get a rise out of.’

‘Just get out of the shop,’ I growled, repressing the urge to strangle him.

‘What are you two doing?’ Claire asked, eyeing us suspiciously. ‘Were you shopping?’

‘Maybe,’ Gibsie teased. ‘Do you want me to have been shopping?’

‘Definitely not,’ I muttered, making a beeline for my girlfriend, grateful to have her here so I didn’t have to sit next to that gobshite for an entire film. ‘You all set?’

‘Yeah.’ Smiling brightly, Shannon nodded and tucked into my side. ‘I’m ready when you are.’

Slinging an arm over her shoulder, we strolled into the lobby of the cinema complex to queue up for our tickets.

I’d been to the cinema countless times with Gibsie and Claire down through the years, and was more than prepared for the argument that ensued when I asked the dreaded ‘What are we going to watch?’ question. It was the same fight they had before every bleeding film. Like an old married couple, they threw down right there in front of the ticket booth.

‘You’re wrong, Gerard,’ Claire growled, folding her arms across her chest. ‘I’m telling you, we need to go see The Wedding Date.’

‘I’m not listening to you,’ he shot back, glaring right back at her. ‘Not after The Notebook escapade.’

‘That was a great movie,’ she choked out, clutching her chest. ‘You have no taste.’

‘You cried!’ he spat. ‘For days!’

‘So did you!’ she shot back. ‘Louder than me.’

‘Exactly,’ Gibsie ground out. ‘Which is why I’m not listening to you again.’

‘Yes, you are.’

‘No, I’m not doing it,’ he told her. ‘I’m not, Claire. Not this time.’

Tapping her foot, she pouted up at him.

‘Don’t give me that look,’ Gibsie warned her. ‘It’s not working this time. It’s my turn to pick.’

‘What about Sin City?’ I offered.

‘No,’ they both shot back in unison.

‘We’re seeing House of Wax.’

‘No, we’re not!’

‘Yes, we are.’

‘Anyone want to ask what me and Shannon want to watch?’ I asked.

‘No,’ they both barked again.

Shannon chuckled into my side. ‘They’re so funny.’

‘Claire, it’s my turn,’ Gibsie hissed. ‘You’ve picked for the last ten fucking years!’

‘No, I haven’t,’ she countered. ‘You made me go see the Pokémon movie.’

‘Because you made me watch The Spice Girls movie!’ Gibsie shot back, looking appalled. ‘Do you know how much shit I got off the lads for that? Huh?’

‘Okay,’ Claire coaxed. ‘Just let me pick tonight and I swear you can choose next time.’

Gibsie’s eyes bulged. ‘That’s what you said last time.’

She rolled her eyes. ‘I didn’t mean it last time.’

‘No,’ Gibsie growled, standing firm. ‘We’re watching my film tonight, Claire. Mine. Me. What I pick.’ He pointed a finger at her. ‘And you’re going to like it!’

‘Fine,’ she deadpanned.

‘No, no, no,’ Gibsie growled, frustrated. ‘Don’t say fine. That’s a dangerous word when it comes out of your mouth.’

‘I said it’s fine, Gerard,’ Claire said flatly. ‘Pick the film. I don’t care.’

‘You’re lying,’ he accused. ‘It’s not fine and you’re going to make me suffer.’

‘Do what you want, Gerard.’

‘Stop mind-fucking me!’


‘Don’t say that.’


‘Fine!’ He threw his hands up in the air. ‘Fucking fine. You win.’ Turning to the man sitting behind the counter, he said, ‘Two tickets for The Wedding Date please, and a container for her to store my balls in.’ Sighing wearily, he gestured over his shoulder to me. ‘And that poor bastard behind me will have the same.’

‘Yay!’ Claire squealed happily and wrapped her arms around his waist. ‘You’re going to love it.’

‘It’s not fair, but whatever,’ Gibsie muttered as he paid the man and handed Claire the tickets, stepping aside for me to pay and collect mine and Shannon’s tickets. ‘Doesn’t ever matter what I want.’

‘You’re the best.’ Pressing a kiss to his cheek, she stepped back, waving the tickets in the air. ‘I’ll share my popcorn with you.’

‘Hmm,’ he grunted, with his nose cocked in the air. ‘I’m not hungry anymore.’

‘Oh, come on, you big, cranky baby,’ she coaxed, grabbing his hand. ‘You’re hungry and you know it. Let’s beat the food queue.’

Gibsie relented with a huff and let Claire drag him off in the direction of the concession stands. ‘Fine, but you get the Maltesers and I’ll get the Minstrels – that way we have it covered.’

‘Obviously,’ she snorted.

‘Do you want something to eat?’ I asked, turning to look at Shannon.

She shrugged and tucked her hair behind her ear. ‘I don’t know.’

‘You don’t know?’ I arched a brow. ‘Are you hungry?’

‘Are you getting something?’ she answered my question with one of her own.

‘I might.’ I watched her carefully. ‘Only if you get something.’

She blew out a small breath, cheeks reddening. ‘If you’re sure?’

‘Is this about money?’ I came right out and asked her. ‘Because I already told you I’m paying.’

Looking embarrassed, she glanced down at her feet and then back up at me. ‘I’ll eat some of your popcorn if you’re getting some.’

Knowing that was all I would get out of her, I nodded and led her to the food court and ordered a large tub of popcorn, a large coke, and a bottle of water. ‘Thank you,’ she whispered as we trailed through the complex after Gibsie and Claire. ‘I really appreciate it–’

‘If you thank me for buying you a bleeding coke, I’m going to throw a tantrum worse than Gibs.’ Handing her the coke, I pulled the door of screen one open and gestured for her to go ahead of me. ‘I mean it, Shan.’

‘Like the one in the kitchen earlier?’ she snickered, hurrying inside. ‘With your parents?’

‘Ugh.’ I shuddered and followed after her. ‘Don’t remind me.’

‘It’s okay,’ she teased. ‘When the lights go out, I’ll make you feel better.’

‘Do you promise?’ I muttered under my breath.

‘I promise,’ she whispered, squeezing my ass.


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