Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 83: Day two

I slowly opened my eyes and gasped from the pain. The nurse came in and was checking my IV's.

"Jessie I am going to give you pain medication to help with the pain."

I heard her sob. "Nurse it hurts more than the last time."

" I know honey. But you won't need anymore surgeries. You back will be smooth and soft with no scars."

I turned my head from the wall to face the door. I did not see Rage sitting in the corner chair.

I have been here for two days now. I will use the restroom and go to the club take a shower eat and come back. Someone is always with her.

That way we make sure she is being taken care of. I saw the door open and Ace walked in. I stood up and stretched.

"Go to the club Rage. Get a shower something to eat and some sleep. I will be back in a few hours."

"How is she Rage?"

" In so much pain she has been crying. I swear to god if he was still alive I would hunt him down and burn him alive."

" I understand now why she hates men. But, I refuse to give up on her. I need her Ace."

"I need her like I need the air I breathe. I refuse to give up on her. I want to claim her. But she is really making this hard for me. She has a wall it has been hard to break through."

"Rage, please do not give up on Jessie."

" Never. I will never give up on Jessie. I love her. I am going to go to her house and visit with her. Help Diamond take care of her."

" You do what you half to do Rage."

I walked out the door and down the hall to the elevator. I walked out of the hospital and got on my bike. I looked up at her hospital room window. I then started my bike and rode to the clubhouse.

When I arrived I just the bike of and walked in. I walked to the room I was using and took a shower. I changed into clean clothes before walking to the kitchen to get something to eat. Once I finished I walked to my room to get some sleep.

I slept for four hours before going back to the hospital. I stay the night watching over Jessie. I saw a new nurse enter the room.

"Well hello. I am Jessie's nurse for the night shift. I was told she has men watching over her but I was not told how cute you men are."

"Would you like to have coffee with when I get off of work?"

" No, I would not like to have coffee with you. That woman laying in that bed is the only woman I will have coffee with. I am not interested in you or any other woman."

I opened my eyes and saw Rage glaring at the nurse.

"When you are done yelling at her and you are done looking at Rage with lust can you please give me some pain medication?"

"Jessie I said walking over to sit next to her bed. I leaned down and kissed her. How is your pain?"

" Bad but not as bad if I don't move."

I watched as the nurse put the medication in the IV.


" yes Jessie."

" How long have you been here?"

" Not long. I will be here all night."

" You don't have to stay."

" Yes, I do. I have to watch over you. Make sure you are being taken care of."

"Thank you."

" Baby just where else would I be?"

" At the club in bed."

" I will get the sleep I need when you are out of here and home. I hope that is in a few days."

" So do I. Sleeping in a chair as big as I am is starting to hurt my back."

"Then go home."

" No can do. I will put up with it as long as you are here."

" Go to sleep Rage."

I grinned at over at Jessie. I knew the pain medication was kicking in.


" What Rage."

" Can I sleep with you?"

" As long as you don't touch my back."


" What Rage?"

" Do you hate me?"

" No, I don't hate you. I just have to keep you away from me."

" Why do you have to do that?"

" I can't have another man do to me what he did."

" I would never do that."

"Do you believe me?"

" I believe you Rage. But I am not what you really want. I have a job you would hate and you would try to change me. I don't want to be changed."

"Jessie, do you love me?"

" I don't know you well enough to say I love you. But, I do like you."

" Enough to go on a date with me?"

" Maybe."

" But ask me when I am not on pain medication."

I sighed. "You will say no then. And we will argue and fight."

"Jessie I want to tell you that I have to go back to my own clubhouse for a few weeks. I have a lot of business to attend to and paperwork to get done. But I will be back to see you again."

"I stood up hurt. I called Ace."

" I need for someone else to come and sit with Jessie."

I walked out of her room. I was walking down the hallway. My heart is hurting. I think she will stay as far away from me as she can get.

"Are you alright Rage?"

" No, I'm not. I need to get away go to my clubhouse and do some paperwork. I will wait until you are whoever you send gets here."

10 minutes later Ace got off the elevator.

"I should be back in a week or two I said getting on the elevator."

I walked out of the hospital and got on my bike. I rode to Ohio City to the clubhouse. I turned my bike off and walked into the club. My VP looked at me.

"Did she win?"

" No, I am here to catch up on some paperwork."

"Besides she is in the hospital."

I grabbed a beer and walked to my office.

"My VP shut the door and asked what for?"

" She had back surgery."

" For what?"

" That son of a bitch poured gas on her back when they finished with her and sat her on fire."

"What the hell. He burned her?"

" Yes, this is her last surgery."

" That son of a bitch. No wonder she fears men."

" You love her don't you Rage?"

" I do. But I am not getting very close to her."

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