Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 66: Who Killed Jessie's Baby and When

I walked into my RV and locked the door before walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing a beer. I then walked over and sat down in the rocking chair. I reached over and turned on the TV and then grabbed a joint and lit it.

I thought about my new little niece. Then I thought back to my little girl. She was one month old when they killed her in front of me. That bastard killed his own daughter to hurt me. I will find him and make him pay.

After he killed my daughter he let them all take turns with me. I don't trust men. I learned the hard way. Not once but twice. All men are shitheads. Even my brothers. I love them but at least they do not abuse their women and girlfriends. If they did I would kill them. I have changed in the last five years. I don't sleep well, I don't eat right, I drink too much and I smoke too much. All I want to do is train.

I train to be the best. I train and learn new fighting skills, I am turning evil. I would rather kill a man than to look at him now. I stood up and walked into my bedroom where I stripped and put on my dark clothes.

I then put on my boots and weapons before walking out the door. I got on my bike and as I started it I saw a few of the men watch as I rode out of the compound.

"Where is she going Rage" asked Ace?


" What do you mean she is going hunting?"

"Just that. She does not sleep at night so she goes hunting and when she finds what she is looking for she will kill him."

" Kill who?"

" Her ex-boyfriend. The father of her dead baby. I hate to be him when she does find him."

" But I also want to be there to watch her make him pay."

I laughed and said. "He won't know what hit him."

" Jessie has been all over the United States looking for him. He knows she is coming for him. He also knows that when she finds him he is going to die but not fast. He will die a very slow and painful death."


" She will take him out to the desert, Strip off his clothes. Then she will stake him out to the ground. Next, she plans on wetting thin leather and tie one to his throat, his balls, and his dick."

" Then she will cut his skin not enough he will bleed out but enough to draw blood."

" Next, she is going to pour honey all over his body and then wait and watch."

" What will the leather do?"

" Slowly dry and shrink."

" Oh, shit. That is going to hurt."

" The honey will draw fire ants, maybe a few other not so nice insects."

"See where I am going with this?"

" She is one pissed off woman to do that to a man."

" You should see what she does to a woman?"

" Which by the way, she hopes that his girlfriend is with him. Two for the price of one."

" She has the right to want her revenge and she won't let anyone stand in her way of getting it."

About an hour we heard her bike coming down the road. We watched as she turned into the compound and rode over to the RV and parked it.

She got off and walked to the RV without even looking at any of us. We watched her moving around and then she walked to what must be the bathroom. 10 minutes she walked back into what must be her bedroom and soon we saw the lights go out."

We stood up and walked back into the club. As we sat down at the table my sisters asked

"Jessie turned in for the night?"

"Yes," I said.

"She just got back about 20 minutes ago."

"I hope she finds all of those bastards and finishes this."

" How many has she found?"

" Three."

" That leaves three more, that fucker and his girlfriend, and the two men that are here in town."

" Yes, she is saving him and his girlfriend for last."

" Tamara has found two of them and they are here in this town. She must have gone to spy on them tonight."

" She will make her plan on getting them within the next few days."

"If she needs help we will help her."

" She knows that Ace. She is not stupid. But she is not also going to rush in until she can take them without getting caught."

" She is good at what she does. She does not take risks believe us."

? If she did that she would have been dead a long time ago."

" As you know she has friends in some very high places and not so high places."

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