Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 49: Shawn Walked Out Of the Bar

I was going to go ask Shawn if we could talk when I notice she was gone.

"Where did she go?"

I walked over and asked "Jean if she knew where Shawn was?"

" She went to her room to get sleep before we leave in the morning."

" I need to talk to her."

" That is not going to happen. She is not going to talk to you, Gunner."

"We will be gone for three months. Just so you know."

I walked to our room walked in and locked the door. As I lay on my bed I missed Shawn. I missed holding her. Making love to her. I overslept and missed saying goodbye to the girls. I was sitting drinking when Karan's brother and men arrived.

"She was cursing at Shadow and me telling us she will get her revenge."

Her brother jerked on her arm and told her to shut up that she was getting what she deserved. We watched as he dragged her out of our club and threw her into a truck shutting the door.

I missed Shawn. I missed her laugh and her arms. I went out to the garage and finished the bike. I was giving it to my woman. To Shawn. I heard Rage yell that it was time to close up and take our showers to watch the girls on the tv. We did this for the past two months.

I was getting angry as Malice and Rage received phone calls but Shawn did not call me. I hurt her when she thought I was kissing Karan. It's the last month they will be coming home this weekend. That's when I noticed. I saw the camera focused on her. She looked heavier.

Then I heard the question being asked.

"Shawn, you gave a good performance but we are all wondering. Are you pregnant?"

I saw her look straight at the camera not smiling and say.

"Yes, I am."

" How far along are you?"

" I'm six months."

" We want to congratulate you and your husband."

" Thank you" she said and turned and walked away.

I was pissed. I grabbed a chair and threw it against the wall. I looked at Rage and my brother.

"Did you know she was pregnant when she left?"

" We did."

" She found out the day they saw you with Karan. She was going to tell you but then she saw you with your arms around her kissing her."

"She decided not to because she thought you were cheating."

" You know I wasn't."

" We know and we are sorry. But she saw what she saw."

" She was not going to force a child on you if you wanted Karan and she sure would not stay with a man who takes a mistress."

"You two will have to work through your problems."

" You are going to be parents and need to talk about your problem."

" How do I do that? She won't talk to me."

" Figure it out."

" Figure it out he says."

" How do I get her to look at me and talk to me when she comes home."

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