Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 42: Shawn Leaves the Viking MC

I didn't sleep well and was looking out the door of the clubhouse when I saw a trailer pull in. Shawn ran out of the door and jumped into his arms.

"Dave, I am so happy to see you again."

" I missed you too."

" I brought some prospects to help load things."

"My bikes are in the garage over there they can load them and I will show them my room and they can carry my boxes down and load them as well."

" I will meet you all at the Diamond MC. We will be meeting Jean and the rest of the crew there."

"We will stay there for a month practicing and then leave the month after for our first show in Dayton, Ohio."

" I and Cammy will meet you at the Diamond MC. Rage is expecting us."

" Shawn where are you going?"

I ignored him and looked at Dave who said. "She does not belong to you. She is leaving your club and going to her sister's at the Diamond MC."

"It would be best that you do not follow her or interfere with her again."

He said "as he got into the truck and drove out of the compound."

Cammy was right I did lose Shawn because I burned her ramps. Now she had no reason for staying here. I was pissed she took a chance with her life. I walked back into the club and shut the door behind me. I don't know if I will ever get to see her again.

It was two days later when Cammy, Dave, and I pulled into the Diamond MC. I was working on the bike for the woman who would by my Valkyrie when I heard the bikes pull up and a huge trailer follow.

I saw Jean run out and hug the first girl screaming "Shawn you made it. I missed you, little sister."

Then she hugged the other girl saying "I hope you are both ready to rest and then practice the jumps for a month?"

It was her. Shawn the one that Dreamer left for the whore. I watched her as she followed Jean into the club. I could not get her out of my mind. When she was at Dreamers club she hardly smiled and when she did it never reached her eyes. I shut the door to the garage and walked to the club. As I entered she looked up and smiled.

"Gunner, I didn't know you were a member of this club."

"Yes, I am. It is good to see you again."

" Nice to see you too. How have you been?"

" Good."

" So you are Jean's little sister?"

" One of them anyway."

I turned as Jean asked "Shawn and Cammy if they were ready to practice."

" After we put our suits on" they said.

"Right let me show you to your rooms and you can change. When you're done come back here and we will get your bikes and we can practice. The other members are waiting for us."

I was sitting with Rage when they walked out carrying helmets. Then I noticed that they all had the same outfits.

"What the hell is going on?"

Rage said "they are a group of trick riders and they are here for a month to practice and prepare for the tour they are going on."

" Why here?"

" Because Jerry was a fuck-up and burned Shawn's ramps. After she made the jump no one has ever made. Those ramps were the only thing keeping her at their club."

"When he burned them he hurt her more than anything could."

" I don't get why she can't get a break."

" First Panther, then Dreamer, and now Jerry. It seems that every man she gets to know hurts her."

" All we want is for her to find happiness. A man who will truly love her for who she is."

"Not try to change her to fit their needs. She deserves that much."

" Rage, what are Jean and Shawn to you?"

" Shawn is my full-blooded sister, Jean is my half-sister. We all have the same mother, different fathers."

"Gunner between you and me. I could kill every man who has hurt my sister or sisters. Besides Donna and her kids. I love my sisters more than anything."

" Jean she raised all of us. She is special."

" Shawn has been used by men all her life. Now I am scared for her."

" Why?"

Dreamer takes the whore for his girl and shoves Shawn to the side."

"He didn't believe her when she told him the whore was sleeping with someone else. Jerry because he didn't have the guts to tell her that he even had feelings for her and then if she had any he destroyed his chances by burning the one thing that mattered to her. He wanted to change her to fit his needs. He didn't want her to be her to do the things she was good at and enjoyed."

"Have you seen her ride?"

" No, well then let's go see."

We stood up and walked out the back door to the fence and through it. We walked over to the bleachers and sat down.

"Jean is wearing yellow and Shawn red, Cammy blue watch the three of them."

All of a sudden three bikes rode up to the ramps and the bikes flew threw the air.

"Shit, they are going to hit each other."

" Just watch."

" Oh my god. They are good. Why would anyone want to stop her from doing that?"

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