Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 23: New Prospect

A new prospect showed up at the Rager Riders MC. He was really a member of the Diamond MC. He sat watching Guardian make a fool of himself with Robin the club whore. It made him sick to watch those with Valkyrie’s fuck around on them. He was not brought up that way.

He sat with his back to the wall drinking a beer when a club whore walked over to him.

"Go away" he said.

"But I can help you release that tension you have."

He looked at her and said. "If I need tension released my woman will do it when I find her. So just get the fuck away from me."

She turned and walked away not understanding why several of the members refuse the whores offers. He was not here to get pleasured he was here for business. The business of taking Guardian’s children away from him and taking them back to his clubhouse to their mother. He put his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.

He heard a chair scrape across the floor and someone sits down. He slowly opened his eyes and heard.

"He heard gunner how are you doing?"

" I’m doing ok how are you doing Chains?"

" Well, Chains said it has been a long week and we still have no leads as to who took Donna."

"That’s too bad. Her kids need her he said picking up his beer taking a drink."

" So you just got back into town I heard."

" Yes, I did. It was a long week and I am longing for my own bed."

" It’s hard sleeping in a bed you’re not used to."

Chains looked at Gunner and he asked. "So how’re the hands?"

Gunner grinned and said "there good fast as ever."

" Good because when you fight tonight I put down a lot of money on you."

" Why would you do that" Gunner asked?

"You haven’t heard?"

" Heard what" Gunner asked.

"You get to finally fight that bastard that hit our presidents Valkyrie."

Gunner grinned and said. "Why now because no one would let me take him out before."

" Well, let’s just say that the ass whip messed up bad this time."

"What do you mean" Gunner asked?

"He messed with the president’s adopted sister."

" Little Jeannie?"

" Yep."

" What did he do that the president is not taking care of it?"

Chain’s said. "He raped her."

" He did what" asked Gunner?

"Did I hear you right?"

" Yes, I think you did."

" He not only raped her, but he put 13 staples in the back of her head."

" He slammed her head down on the sidewalk out behind the bar."

" He also caused her to miscarry her child."

"So Ace said that you can get in the ring with him tonight."

" Does that mean I can kill him in the ring or just give him a lot of pain with broken bones?"

" You can do whatever you want to him."

Gunner smiled and said. "Finally, I can blow off a lot of anger tonight no holds barred."

He couldn’t wait.

Gunner and Chains watched as the clubhouse started filling up. Word had gotten out that Gunner was fighting tonight and was permitted to deal out punishment for a rapist. Everyone knew that you didn’t want to find yourself in the ring with Gunner.

Gunner hated rapists more than anything. There was too much free pussy for a man to have to rape a woman. Chain’s looked at the clock and said.

"You might want to get ready for your fight. It starts in five minutes."

Gunner left the table and went to change into shorts.

As he walked out back to the ring he watched as that dumb son of a bitch was dragged to the ring. As he entered the ring he grinned at Gunner. The man’s name was Rat as he liked rats. Rat looked at Gunner and said.

"I have been looking forward to this fight for a long time."

"When I beat your ass, I will fuck that bitch again."

Gunner grinned and said. "You won’t walk out of this ring. I intend on hurting you so bad you will wish you were dead because when I am done with you, Ace will give you next to torch."

Rat swallowed as he knew that Ace and Torch will really make him pay.

As the fight started several people were yelling for Gunner to break Rats' neck for what he did. There was blood all over the floor of the ring but Gunner continued to pound on Rat. Rat was unconscious and some of the club members had to pull Gunner off of him.

Rat was still alive so he was thrown in a cell to wait for Ace and Torch to return to the clubhouse. Gunner walked to his room and took a shower washing the blood from his body. When he was clean he dried off-putting on black jeans, black tee-shirt his boots, and his cut before walking out of his room. As he walked to the bar and grabbed a beer he sat down at the table with chains.

Chains said man, "I don’t ever want you pissed at me."

Gunner looked at Chain’s not saying anything. They heard the door open and Gunner saw Guardian walk in and that whore Robin kissing him.

He grinned knowing it was being taped and soon Donna and his club members will soon see all of it. He watched as Guardian took the whore to his room.

Finally, he thought he can grab the twin’s leave this shit ass club. How could Ace let his members act like this? He looked at the whore's table saw one woman in particular grin as she too watched Guardian take the whore to his room. He got up and walked over to the table and looked at her.

She looked at Gunner and said. "Gunner, I don’t want any problem with you."

He grinned and said. "Does your brother know you’re here?"

" No, and I want to keep it that way."

He grabbed her arm pulling her out of the chair and shoved her into a chair at an empty table.

"Diane, what the fuck do you think you are doing?"

" This is not the life for you."

" Gunner, what do you care? You told me a year ago to stay away from you and out of your life. I did just that."

" I didn’t mean for you to do this. Damit Diane, we wanted better for you."

"Better for me" she asked.

"I love you and you threw my love back in my face. I had to leave. I couldn’t stay where I was not wanted. You got what you wanted so just stay away from me."

" Go back to your girlfriend"

she said getting up and walking away. Gunner watched Diane walk away. He loved her but he never told her he did. God, he wanted her in his bed and laying under him back then. He still does. But this is not the life for her.

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