Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 21: Rage

Rage was pacing in his office. He heard they had his precious girl and were on there way home. Being the president of the Diamond MC has its perks. He was sorry they took her without her twins but he will give her more children.

The Guardian was one stupid son of a bitch to reject her while she was pregnant anyway. He doesn’t deserve her. He remembers the first time he laid eyes on her. He wanted her then but he couldn’t get to her. She was a tiny thing with beautiful long hair and brown eyes. And her laugh.

She had a laugh that brought a smile to your face. There was a knock on his office door. He opened the door and a prospect said.

"The van just pulled into the compound."

Rage swiftly walked down the hall into the bar and out the front door. He watched as the van came down the long driveway and stopped in front of him.

Rage opened the doors and saw Donna sleeping on the mattresses. She was still beautiful even after giving birth to twins. He gently picked her up and carried her bridal style into the clubhouse down the hall and to his room in the basement. Her hair hung over his arms flowing down almost to the floor.

As he walked by several club whores looked at the girl in Rage’s arms. Some were jealous and wished it were them he was carrying. They saw the look on his face as he passed some of his club members who were looking at his woman.

He growled and said "don’t look at her that way she is mine."

He walked into his room and shut and locked the door. He walked to the bed and gently lay Donna on it. He took off her shoes and covered her up. Then he sat in a chair watching her.

Rage’s VP was happy to have gotten Donna to the clubhouse in one piece. He wanted his president Rage to be happy. He just hoped that Donna would give Rage a chance but he had his doubts after all she was the Guardian’s Valkyrie. Since they live so far away he didn’t think word of who had taken Donna would get to Guardian for a long time.

He was just starting to drink his beer when he heard a scream. He knows it was Donna and she was pissed. Donna looked at Rage and "screamed at him to take her home she needed to get her children."

Then he heard things being thrown against the wall and Rage saying.

"Stop throwing stuff at me. I won’t take you back. I need you, your mine now."

" Yours" I heard her yell.

"Who the hell do you think you are?"

" I’m not yours. I’m Guardian’s Valkyrie rather I want to be or not."

More things hit the wall and we saw Rage walk down the hall and to the bar.

He growled, "give me a beer."

" That woman is going to try and kill me."

His VP "said we know. After all, you took her from her kids."

Then they saw Donna storm out to the bar screaming at Rage.

"If you don’t take me home don’t think you are sleeping with me."

" Either give me my own room or you find somewhere else to sleep."

Everyone in the bar was laughing.

"Hey Rage, you got yourself a Wild Cat."

Donna looked at the man who called her a wild cat and threw a beer bottle at him hitting him in the head with it.

"Don’t call me wild cat" she said.

Then she turned around pointing her finger at Rage’s chest and said. "You had better start preparing to return me home."

Rage looked down at her grinning and said. "Not going to happen."

She stormed down the hall slamming the bedroom door and locked it.

His VP said. "Rage you will have to send her home eventually. She won’t let you near her."

" I know" he said.

"I don’t know what I was thinking when I said I needed her. I can’t keep her from her children but The Guardian doesn’t deserve her."

"He was a bastard for telling her to get rid of his kid or kids as she had twins."

" What man does that? Why would he tell her that?"

" There is something fishy here."

" A man would only say that if the kid wasn’t his or he thinks the kid isn’t his. I want our man to find out what he can about that."

"I think the Guardian was told she messed around on him, find out who told him what and get back to us as soon as possible."

" Cobra, the VP of the Diamond MC said I’m on it."

As Cobra walked out the door he dialed the informant’s phone number.

"Hello," he heard.

Cobra said "I need information and I need it yesterday."

"What do you need?"

" Information on Guardian and Donna’s relationship."

" He is sleeping around on her if so when did it start and who with and if he is still doing it, and if someone could have told him that Donna was cheating on him to get her to leave the club."

"Whatever you can get me."

" Will do my best and get back with you in a few days."

" All right but get it done."

The informant hated most of the club whores and how some of the bikers wanted their cake and to eat it too so to speak.

What he didn't know was he had a backup. A woman. And she is hell-bent on getting her own revenge. If half of the Valkyries knew what they did when they weren’t around they would leave them.

Grinning she thought to herself it is time to put the camera’s up and start taping. Time to bring the club to its knees. Fuck with me, I will fuck you back and not the nice way. Time to start giving these women what they need to bring the males to their knees. I so enjoy my job.

I sat back and watched these men who would have sex with the club whores and then go home to their Valkyrie's like they were good little boys. Well, fuck them. I hate men like that and I hope to see some fireworks go off within the next few months.

Fun, Fun, Fun. This fucking club covered for Dreamer, the man who was supposed to make me his Valkyrie but instead left me for a lying fucking whore.

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