Keeper Hunter

Chapter 13

I left the body and returned to Captain Clements quarters noting the pock marks on the wall. It seemed like not all of my shots had been on target. Thirika would have pulled me up about it. Two Marines guarded the entrance to the captain’s quarters.

“Captain Gardner inside?” I asked the guards.

“Waiting for you ma’am,” one said while the other opened the door.

Both the captains were there along with Lieutenant Jenna Wright they were arguing. Well two of them were. Captain Clements sat on the couch two Marines in combat armour flanked him their weapons trained on him.

I stared at the scene shocked. “What’s going on here?” I demanded. I wished I could take those words back but I couldn’t unsay them. I wasn’t in charge, I really should have gone back to my quarters and let them sort it out themselves. But it was far too late for that I was involved.

“I’ve placed Captain Clements under arrest,” Jean stated grimly.

“For what?” I knew I should hold my hands up and walk away I just couldn’t. I cursed the fact I couldn’t leave things alone.

“For obstruction. I take it you heard about the bomb that PFC Dacatti found. On a hunch I had the other barracks searched and we found more devices.”

Which made some sense. “Ok?” I said. “And the problem is?”

“He won’t let us access the ship’s personal records.” Jean looked at Clements her face flushed.

“Captain Clements we need to access those records,” I told him. “I can’t help you otherwise. I really don’t want you to end you career in a jail cell?”

Jenna Wright gasped. “It can’t be that serious?” she said alarmed.

I felt sorry for her getting mixed up in this mess. “I’m afraid I am. He could be at least classed as part of a conspiracy to murder. Unless he co-operates it will be a court-marshal.”

Jenna straight and nodded thoughtfully. “Ma’am,” she addressed me carefully. “I can give you access?”

“Thanks,” I told her.

“Ok what do you want,” Jenna sighed.

“Info on Maria Garcia,” I said seeing Clements go pale. Mention of the name had him worried. Which would go some way to explain his reluctance for us to look into the crew records.

Jenna glanced at Clements her face expressionless. “Could we talk about this in private?”

“Captain Gardner?”

She inclined her head. “Go ahead.”

Jenna led me into Clements bedroom making sure the door was closed. I’d never seen Xenai’s bedroom I assumed it would be the same as this one. There was a double bed and various cabinets with a large screen on one wall. The bed was unmade.

“Ok what is it you want to talk about that you don’t want to know Captain Gardner know about? This about Captain Clements and Maria Garcia?” I asked I could guess taking in the expression on Clements’ face. He didn’t know she was dead that would be interesting when I told him that. Not that I wanted to be the bearer of bad news. I wanted to gauge his reaction and work out things from there.

“Do you know everything?” Jenna said sounding resigned.

“Not really but I can make some good guesses.”

Jenna swallowed hard. “Captain Clements was seeing Maria on a regular basis. I know it went against regulations but everyone turned a blind eye.”

“Go on?”

Jenna glanced to the door. “I don’t know how much Maria told you, she came on to him.”

“Me, nothing she’s dead.” I hadn’t meant to be that blunt it was the way it came out. I’d been with the Valkyrie too long their habits were rubbing off on me.

Jenna went as white as a sheet. “You killed her?” she said accusingly.

“She was already dead when we found her. Her wound which would have made her bleed out eventually could have killed her. But that wasn’t her cause of death. She was found with a gunshot to the head it looks self-inflicted. Although I can’t be certain until we move the body to somewhere where it can be examined properly.”

Jenna went paler that I thought possible. “No way, Maria loved life she couldn’t have killed herself?”

“Be as it may she took shots at us as we exited the captain’s quarters.”

“What would make her do that?”

“Which is why I need that info.” I regarded Jenna carefully. “I need to know if there’s a connection with the bombs?” I shouldn’t be taking charge I really should have left it but I couldn’t do that lives were on the line. I had to make this stop. I felt sick to my gut.

Jenna nodded her face thoughtful she seemed to have realised how serious the situation was. “We can access the terminal from the captain’s terminal.” She gave me a sideways glance. “You better be right about this?”

“It’s better you hope I’m wrong.”

We went back into the main room. Clements still sat on the couch two Marines flanked him their weapons pointed at him.

“Is that necessary?” I asked Jean.

“Not really I just wanted him to know we take things seriously.” She flicked the Marines a signal.

The Marines lowered their weapons. Clement watched me carefully as I walked with Jenna over to his terminal. He knew his indiscretion had been found out. I was less concerned about that then anything else I would find.

Jenna tapped in her ID and the screen came to life. “You can voice access the computer I’ve given you authorisation.”

“Computer access personal records for Maria Garcia?”

I studied the information on the screen there was a connection. “Paranova,” I said. I thought about it and asked. “Any other crew from Paranova?”

The computer gave me a list of five names. I sat at the terminal my fingers flying over the holo keyboard. I entered more search parameters, things I’d find hard to vocalise. Of the five names only two had universal access to the ships systems. Maria who should not have and another Freddie Weathers.

“Find and detain Freddie Weathers,” I told Jean. “Gently, I need to know what he knows if he actually knows anything.” I wished I had a telepath then this would be so easy. I regretted what I was about to do the sick feeling grew. I was sure it would come back to haunt me later. “Captain Clements,” I said formally. “You will be detained until a full enquiry can be convened.” I was surprised when he didn’t object. I wasn’t prepared for that. His total collapse was something hadn’t factored in. I turned to Jenna a resigned expression on her face. “You are in charge.” I really shouldn’t be doing that.

“I’m not the XO,” she stuttered.

“You are now!” Jean said. She gave me a look acknowledging I was the voice here. I didn’t like it but I’d have to live with it. “What are your orders?” she asked me directly. She wasn’t angry about it just alert like any soldier I’d dealt with.

“I need a full sweep of the ship. I’d like to know if there are any other surprises in store?” I regarded Jenna staring at me I felt uncomfortable. “Lieutenant Wright we need to drop out of hyperspace and send a message to Paranova and to Central Command.”

“It will take us hours to recalculate the route!” she objected.

I knew the Fandaran could do it in minutes. I didn’t want to break her illusions. “They need to know,” I stated.

“Aye ma’am,” Jenna said.

A search of Maria’s quarters brought up nothing. Then I hadn’t expected it to. She shared the room with several other bunkmates. Not one of them had a connection with her other than that they shared a room. Oh they knew about her and Captain Clements probably one of the worst kept secrets on the ship. It was a frustrating waste of my time. We searched her work place or where she should have been working. We found nothing on Weathers he seemed to be clean. With a crew of over a thousand we had plenty of suspects and not enough time to look through them all. Once we dropped out of hyperspace we sent a message to Lady Broaden and to the naval base on Paranova. Two hours later we were back on our way and no further forward. The bombs had brought nothing new to the table as far the Marine’s that had disarmed them had said. They were primitive jury-rigged explosives timed to go off when the Marines had a muster inspection in their barracks.

I was called to the bridge and wondered why. The bridge was no different from the bridge on the Valorous Star, a rectangular room with a huge screen at one end. It was currently showing space. Jenna was standing beside the captain’s chair her face expressionless. On the giant screen was Lady Broaden.

“There you are Glenda,” she boomed out loud.

“Lady Broaden?” I saluted the correct salute this time.

“I’ve received your report, is it a bad as you say?” I realised she was playing to her audience, the crew of the ship.

“Yes ma’am,” I replied then launched into an explanation of what we’d discovered so far. I saw some of the bridge crew go pale as the full implication of what was happening. “We also discovered that the shuttle doors had been rigged to open when the Marines were assembled in there.” I shivered at the thought. I’d trained in that bay ignorant of the danger I was in. “It was where the Marines would have assembled after the attack on their barracks.” We’d been unable to discover who had done it. I had been told it had been beyond Maria’s capabilities. I really didn’t like the implications. “Those survivors would have been blown into space.”

“Good work in stopping this but now it is time for you to step back. It’s not the mission you were given,” Lady Broaden stated. “Someone else will take over this investigation.”

It was clear that Lady Broaden was making sure that everyone aboard knew I was working for her I hated that.

“Hell!” Jenna said. “I thought you taking charge was a joke?”

“I’m an investigator,” I said simply.

“I didn’t know you knew Lady Broaden personally. I’m sorry I doubted you. You were clearly the right person in the right place?”

I shrugged. “We do what we can for the Empire.” I know it sounded hollow but was what I was expected to say. With that I left the bridge and headed back to my quarters. There was still much to do before we arrived on Paranova.

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