Kasun's Kisses [ShadowPack #1]

Chapter 8: The Chaos

Marina did not know what happened. At first, she was dancing around with Caleb without a care in the world, and the next it was chaos. The locals and tourists were scrambling around before she was seeing a group of people was talking to Caleb.

She could not hear what they were saying for one, they were talking in Greek but it was too ancient that she did not understand what was going on. Only she was looking at the body gestures of the old man that would consider handsome for his age was dragging someone by the hair.

Caleb tensed up before he was demanding something. Then, the woman screamed and before anything can happen, the man was jumping on Caleb but then, there was a wolf with brown fur and grey arctic eyes were looking at her while it was standing on Caleb.

'Crush her,' she heard the wolf said before the men were coming at her. She did not know what was going on but she knew that she had to save the woman that was being in their custody. Okay, perhaps the better word was a hostage.

Marina was faking that she was about to run when Caleb was shouting at her to get away from her. Not a chance, I haven't been fighting for some time now. I want to punch someone, she mused before she was luring them to get to her.

And then, she surprised them with her skills.

One thing that her grandfather had taught her was not to leave her weapons at home. "You did not know the world that we live in, granddaughter, for many evil comes in different forms. Do not trust anyone," he once said and even though Marina felt that she could trust Caleb wholeheartedly, she knows that she has to defend herself as well.

So, she drew her daggers from their sheaths at her thighs as she was ripping them with slits for easy maneuver. She was looking at the men before they were glancing at each other, smirking as if she did not know how to use the daggers.

"Come on, boys. Let's dance," she said before the men were pouncing at her. But in their jumps, they changed. It was like looking at something that was dubious as well as impossible in her life. The men were changing into wolves. Big, hairy brown wolves.

They landed with their grey eyes looking at her before she was gripping the daggers tighter. Then, the wolves pounced on her as they howled. Marina sidestepped before she was slicing the daggers to the side of the wolves.

They whined before she was coming at them with full force. She was sliding on the ground before she was slicing the underbelly of the wolves as they were jumping again before she was putting the daggers into their throats.

The wolves instantly died.

She smiled before she was locking eyes with the woman that was in custody. She had brunette hair and grey eyes before Marina ushered her to go.

"Go, I can handle this," she said as she heard the screaming and the terrorizing that was happening all over the festival.

So much for a romantic date with Caleb, she thought before she saw that Caleb was not underneath the wolf again. They were fighting and Caleb was dodging every attack the wolf was throwing at him.

He was really good. Perhaps, he can teach me some of the moves, Marina thought before she was seeing something else that was happening. Caleb's eyes were burning gold before he was jumping and then, she saw that he too was changing shape before he was attacking the brown wolf.

He changed into a wolf with brown fur and golden eyes. He turned to look at her for a moment as the golden iris were burning into her. Then, the other wolf attacked him.

"No!" Marina was shouting before the woman from before was coming from behind.

"We have to get out of here. It is not safe," her sweet voice was coming out of the petite mouth before Marina was shaking her head.

"No, not without Caleb,"

"You see that he was capable of—"

"Not without him," she said before Marina turned to look at her. The woman gasped before Marina felt something was happening to her.

"What's happening?" she asked before she felt that her bones were hard and shifting around. She fell to the ground as the pain was too much before she was screaming out loud.

'Let me took over. I can help save our mate,' the voice told her before she was looking at the night sky. The starless night that was looking back at her before she felt the brush of the voice again.

'Hurry! We have to save him!' it urged before Marina was gripping the ground.

'Who are you?' she asked the voice before it chuckled.

'You will learn later but before that, I have to take over your body and save our mate,'

'What are you even talking about?' she pressed before she felt her cotton dress was torn and her mind was in the void. She could see things that were happening but she cannot feel her limbs and her body. She was floating somewhere before she saw that she was aiming for the wolf that was attacking Caleb.

'Mine,' it roared and everything was happening too fast, so fast that Marina watched everything on the sideline.


Caleb was aware that Marina was screaming. Was she hurt? Was she being tortured by the warriors that betrayed his father? Was she safe?

But of course, he cannot concentrate on that when the Beta was trying to bite his throat. Caleb was struggling before he was snapping his jaws at the Beta.

'You're good but not that good. You did not learn the Ancient way and you have been missing out pup,' the Beta snarled before he was punching Caleb with his hind limbs before Caleb was hitting the trunk. He went limp before something—or someone—was screaming inside his head.

'Mine!' it roared before Caleb saw a giant wolf with blonde fur and blue eyes. It was attacking the Beta before it roared. Caleb was limping before the new wolf was tearing the hind limbs of the Beta.

'You touched what was mine and you will pay for it,' the growl was coming from the new wolf as it was attacking the Beta again. Caleb turned to look at the spot where Marina was left and there was no sign of her.

Only Diana.

'Where is she?!' Caleb growled through the mind link before Diana flinched. He should have not done that but if anything happened to Marina...if anything happened to his mate...

'That's her,' Diana replied before Caleb was looking at the new wolf that was snarling at the Beta. They were dancing around before they were fighting again. The Beta said that he was learning the Ancient way of combat battle before he was looking at Marina's speed and precision.

Has she trained that way for every attack that the Beta threw at her, she can dodge it and used it against him instead.

Caleb was fascinated with her before he saw that Marina was biting into the old Beta's neck before she snapped it. The wolf whined before the grey arctic eyes of the Beta's were dimmed before it died. Caleb sucked in a breath before he shifted back to human form.

Naked as he was born.

The blonde wolf was spitting the blood that was inside her mouth before turned to look at Caleb. He stood up to look at her before approaching Marina with caution. But her attention was not Caleb. No, it was behind him.


'Get out of here,' he said through the mind link.


'She's unstable and she knew me as her mate. She would attack any female in the proximity of us,' he said before he heard the faded footsteps as Diana was getting out of here. Marina wanted to follow but Caleb stopped her.

"Easy, easy now," he said as the blonde wolf was focusing on him now. Her blue eyes were specked with golden before he felt the brush of the mind link trying to connect with him.

'Mine,' it snarled before Caleb nodded.

'I know, I know. I am yours as you are mine. Now, change back, Marina. Change to the human form,' he said before the wolf snarled.

'The name Ina,' it said before Caleb was reaching for Marina.

'Marina, are you there?' he said before he felt another presence as Ina was being pushed down. At least she was learning.

'Caleb, what is happening. Where am I? what's going on? Why I can't feel my hands and legs?'

'It's okay. Everything will be fine. You just listen to my voice and change okay? Just listen and do as I say,' Caleb said before he commanded the wolf to change into a human again.

"Change," the power of the Alpha was coming out of him, subduing the wolf to change back into human form. There were bones breaking before she was laying there. Marina was naked as he was before he knelt in front of her.

"It's okay. You're safe now. I got you," Caleb said before he was scooping Marina out and got out of the chaos that will definitely make the humans asking for questions later.

But that's for later. For now, he has to take care of his mate.

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