Kaden's Luna

Chapter 27 - Birthday Boy

“It’s his birthday?!”

I blush in embarrassment when people around me on the busy street stare at me with curiosity.

Rico shoots me a weird look before his eyes widen in realisation. “Wait...he never told you?”

I shake my head, frowning at how Kaden had not once mentioned that his birthday is today. Rico and I had quite literally bumped into each other in town whilst I was running some errands and he was gift shopping for Kaden.

“It’s okay Luna, he generally doesn’t like celebrating his birthday.”

“What are your plans for tonight then?” I ask, shuffling closer to let a woman past.

“Well, I haven’t exactly thought of anything.” He groans when I shoot him a look of disbelief. “Maybe meet up with the boys and have a few drinks?”

“Or...a surprise party with his closest friends!” I suggest, thinking of how we could set it up by tonight.

“That’s actually a great idea! Kaden’s never had one since...” He trails off, making me smile gently in understanding. Snapping out of it, he looks at me with determination and excitement. “Let’s plan a party!”

We decide on how best to organise everything for tonight. Rico calls up the boys and I’m relieved to know that Natalie and Leah are close by so we can all talk to them on the speakerphone. We delegate roles between us and I text Maddox and Eva of the plans for tonight, who respond with excitement.

Axel suggests we should do a barbeque party held at his house and everyone agrees that Kaden won’t expect something fishy about it since he will be heading over for drinks anyways. After everyone is clear on what they’re doing, we hang up.

Rico and I head into the various stores, deciding on decorations and balloons. I pick out some tassel garlands, bunting, string lights and streamers. I turn around only to frown in confusion when I see Rico carrying a pack of black balloons.

“Why black?”

“It matches the colour of his soul.” He shrugs, making my jaw drop at the statement whilst he laughs loudly. “Kidding. I got gold and red too since it’s his favourite colour.”

“Okay, good.” I breathe a sigh of relief, agreeing with him that we have everything we needed.

After paying for the decorations, we make our way to a nearby supermarket. Grabbing things for the barbeque, we pick out some snacks and sodas also. Making our way past the checkout line and collecting our items, Rico and I carry the bags to his car and load them into the backseat before setting off to Axel’s house.

The drive isn’t that long and by four o’clock, we are driving past the wrought iron gates and into the large estate. Rico points out that all this land belongs to Axel’s pack, telling me which house is the main pack house. It’s quite a large building and it makes sense when he tells me that most of the pack lives there. Families live in the other houses that we drive by before we get to the large mansion that houses Axel’s family and Natalie.

Hopping out of the car, we grab the bags before I follow Rico to the back garden where there is the sound of chatter. Maddox and Eva have already reached and I greet them with a wide grin, hugging them both before setting the bags down on the large picnic table.

I greet everyone with a wave, grabbing Eva’s hand before we make our way into the house. Natalie hugs Eva and I as Owen takes the bag of snacks off me with a greeting. We prepare the food and I can feel the excitement in the air as everyone prepares for tonight.

As I am helping Chris tie the balloons around the garden, my phone starts ringing. I take it out of my pocket only to freeze when I see that Kaden is calling me. Axel notices and lets out a loud curse before telling everyone to quieten down.

I walk away from the group, pressing the phone to my ear. “Hey Kaden, what’s up?”

“Hey, you.” I can almost picture the smile he has on his face. “Nothing, are you at college?”

“Um...no. I’m with Eva in town right now, we’re meeting up with some friends. Why?”

“Oh,” I can hear the slight disappointment in his voice. “Nothing, I just wanted to see you tonight.”

“Kaden, I’m sorry.” I bite my lip, realising he wanted to celebrate his birthday with me. “I can’t make it tonight, what about tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that’s fine Luna. I’ll see you tomorrow, goodnight.” I can hear the undertone of sadness in his voice and it makes my chest ache.

“Goodnight, Kaden.” I murmur before hanging up.

I pocket my phone before making my way back to the garden again. I feel bad that he’s upset I’m not coming over tonight, on the day of his birthday too. Hopefully this surprise party will make it up to him.

When I reach the garden, I see that the decorations are up along with the string lights. The balloons sway lightly to the breeze of the evening and I smile at how pretty everything looks. I hear Derek in the kitchen before he walks out with the alcohol cases, Matt giving him a helping hand as they place them on a nearby table with red paper cups.

The barbeque is ready to go and the weather is perfect this evening.

All that is left is the birthday boy.

One hour later.

We are currently in the back garden where Axel has told Kaden to come when he arrives. The lights are off and we are sitting on the picnic table waiting for Kaden. Even in January, the sun is going to set soon but I’m thankful that Axel has a fire pit in the garden.

We have two torches that Axel and Natalie hold so we can see each other. Derek is handing out party hats which makes me laugh at how childish we look. I adjust the strap of an orange one on my head, chuckling at Leah when she sidles up next to me with a cheeky grin.

Chris rushes back in and whispers at us to hide, everyone scrambling to their already decided spots around the garden. I wait with bated breath, trying to be as silent as possible with Derek beside me. As soon as we hear the double door open and Kaden muttering out “guys?” in confusion, Leah switches on the string lights and we all jump out.

“Surprise! Happy Birthday!” Everyone yells, laughing at the shocked expression on Kaden’s face.

“What the...” He murmurs in confusion, a small smile on his lips as he takes in the decorated garden. Sᴇaʀch Thᴇ Find ɴøᴠel.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Everyone greets him as he makes his way down the steps and onto the grass. His ocean blue eyes meet mine as everyone gets started with the barbeque and disperse. I bite my lip, smiling when he reaches me. I wrap my arms around his neck as his encircle my waist, familiar tingles dancing on my skin in joy.

“Happy birthday, Kaden.” I whisper, pressing my lips to his in a short kiss.

“You little liar.” He chuckles, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

“Me?” I gasp jokingly, poking his chest with my finger. “Says the man who didn’t care to tell me about his birthday!”

He pulls away and shrugs half-heartedly. “I don’t really like to celebrate it, it’s just another day.”

“Well,” I loop my arm through his with a smile. “You’re celebrating it this year.”

“I’m assuming this was your idea?” He smirks as Rico come up to us.

“All hers.” Rico laughs, doing that man hug thing with Kaden.

We munch on the snacks, that Rico and I bought, as we chat amongst ourselves. Kaden sits beside me on the picnic bench with his hand curled around my thigh, his thumb rubbing circles into my jean covered thigh. I am slightly leaning against him, sipping on my cold drink as I talk to the girls.

Eventually, we all have plates full of burgers, chicken and vegetable skewers with corn. Axel decides to light up the fire pit which makes me sigh in relief since the picnic table is conveniently next to it. The weather is nice for a January evening but still chilly enough to remind you that it’s still Winter.

Eva and I bring out the cake next, everyone praising her baking skills. It truly looks like one of those cakes done by a professional from a bakery store. Kaden blew out the twenty-seven candles as everyone sung happy birthday, cutting us all a piece.

Sometime during the evening, Derek and Matt suggest that we play a game of beer pong. Everyone is split into two teams with four players each. I opt out since I didn’t want a repeat of my last drunken episode. Kaden, Chris, Natalie, and Owen are on one team whilst Maddox, Rico, Matt and Derek were on the other. Eva and Leah suggest they drive Maddox and Chris home whilst Axel teases Natalie that there should be someone to tame her when she gets wild from the liquor.

The evening sun colours the sky with hues of pinks and oranges, eventually turning into night as they play on. By the end of the game, Chris, Maddox, Derek and Natalie are completely drunk. Everyone else is either tipsy or sober because of how good they were at aiming for the cups. Matt’s team won and he’s currently hollering like a mad man.

The night ends with us moving inside to beat the cold, watching an action movie whilst wrapped up in blankets and sipping on hot chocolate. I cuddle with Kaden who slips an arm around my shoulders and pulls me close, pressing a kiss to my temple.

Eventually, everyone who doesn’t live on the pack lands gets up to leave, making Kaden and I follow. He thanks everyone for the party and the gifts, a large bag in his hand that contains numerous presents. In all my hurry, I had forgot to buy something for Kaden.

We walk down the driveway, waving goodbye to Chris and Leah. I see Eva helping Maddox into her car and decide to help her, but Kaden pulls me back. I look up at him expectantly, watching his eyes dart between my friends and me.

“Luna...will you stay with me tonight?” He asks, a hopeful look in his eyes.

I look back to see Eva rounding the car towards the driver’s seat before she stops and looks back up at me. She grins cheekily before waving and hopping into the car, driving off. My jaw drops at her actions, surprised that she didn’t even ask if I wanted a ride home.

I turn to Kaden with a sheepish smile, an amused smirk on his lips as he stares down at me. “I don’t really have a choice now.”

He chuckles before intertwining our hands and leading me to his Mustang parked further away on the driveway. His skin is warm, as always, and I try not to inhale his strong, masculine scent.

“You sure you’re okay to drive?” I ask, looking up at him.

“I’m good. Alcohol doesn’t affect werewolves that much unless you drink as much as Natalie and Derek.” He playfully rolls his eyes, chuckling when I let out a giggle.

I thank him as he opens my door for me, getting into the car and holding his bag of presents for him whilst he hops into the driver’s seat. He starts the engine and turns the temperature on high to warm me up when he notices that I’m shivering slightly. I decline when he offers me his jacket, but he wraps it around me anyway despite my protests.

We drive through the quiet, city streets of Berlin, not a soul in sight since it’s one in the morning on a Tuesday night. In no time, the warm glow from the city lights fade in the distance and we are left with lamp posts on countryside roads. I gaze out at the dark fields, the green grass visible only when the headlights would illuminate it.

Soon, we arrive outside Kaden’s house. He holds out his hand for me to take when I hop out of the car and make my way to him. Together, we make our way into the house, the sound of the door locking behind me reaching my ears before the lights turn on.

He takes the bag from my hand and sets it on the coffee table before leading me upstairs. I yawn as we enter his bedroom, thanking him as he hands me my set of pyjamas that I left here last time. Kaden has made space in his wardrobe and chest of drawers, telling me to leave some of my clothes and things here for the days I come over.

But before I leave for the bathroom, he takes my pyjama top and switches it out for one of his t-shirts. I smile, shaking my head as he grins at me boyishly. Making my way to the bathroom, I change and let my hair out of its ponytail, brushing through it so that it falls down my back in loose waves.

Kaden is already changed into a pair of sweatpants when I enter his room, making me force myself to avert my eyes once I catch sight of his toned, bare chest. I close the door and place my clothes on a chair before making my way to the bed, climbing onto it before crossing my legs.

His hand finds mine and his thumb starts to create circles on my skin absentmindedly. I flush under his intense stare, feeling shy suddenly when he doesn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to get you a present.” I smile sheepishly, finally meeting his eyes.

He chuckles before leaning close and kissing me sweetly. “I don’t need anything, just you.”

My cheeks burn in a fiery blush and I avert my eyes from his intense baby blues, staring at the pattern on the blanket instead. “Did you like the party?”

I look up to see him nod, a smile on his lips. “I did. Thank you for that.”

We slip into a comfortable silence, only this time I’m not shying away from his stare. I gaze at the hue of gold making its way to the surface of his irises, mesmerising me completely. His large hands move to grip my hips before he pulls me onto his lap so that I am straddling his waist.

“What does it mean when your eyes turn gold?” I ask, my voice filled with curiosity.

He chuckles, eyes on the way his fingertips trail over the bare skin of my arms in a lazy manner. “It means that I want to kiss you...as well as do other things.”

“Oh...” I blush crazily, biting my lip in nervousness.

He smiles softly, a look of adoration in his eyes as he stares up at me. I don’t know what came over me in the next few seconds, but I find myself leaning down and pressing my lips to his. He groans lowly, arms encircling my waist as he holds me whilst our lips move against each other’s.

I pull away shortly, all my boldness fading away. My eyes remain rooted to his bare chest and I hear him chuckle before he sits up and pecks my lips before trailing a path of fire from my jaw to the base of my neck. Involuntarily, I let out a soft moan, a foreign feeling rising within me at his touch. Not being able to take it, I tangle my hand in his hair and pull him down to meet my awaiting lips.

I want more than just pecks and short kisses. I crave for us to go further, for the kiss to become so intense that it leaves me breathless in the end. But all too soon, Kaden pulls away and I resist the urge to whine. His eyes wander over my flushed features and messy hair because of his hands tangling in them.

“Is this your way of making it up to me?” He smirks devilishly, fiddling with the hem of my shirt.

I shrug, a shy smile on my lips as I nod. A surprised squeal escapes my lips when he flips us over, my back meeting the mattress as he hovers over me. I’m rendered breathless as his icy blue eyes meet my chocolate browns, his fingertips leaving warm tingles on my skin as he tucks away a strand of my hair. I almost want to moan out loud but I stop myself at the last second.

“Best present so far.” He grins before his lips descend on mine in a passionate kiss.

I smile against his lips before he swallows my shocked gasp when he bites at my bottom lip. His tongue greets mine before we are engaged in a battle, Kaden fighting for dominance. I let him guide me, enjoying the feeling of him trying to pull me impossible closer, his hands roaming over my body and igniting warmth within me.

I whimper when he pulls away, the sound of our soft pants echoing in the quiet room. Kaden places an open-mouthed kiss at the base of my neck before nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. I groan in pure desire, my body trembling underneath him. My hands roam his bare chest, feeling every ridge and plane of his torso. He growls against my neck, pulling away to smash his lips against mine again.

I lose my balance and slowly fall back on the bed again, bringing Kaden with me. As the kiss turns hot and heavy, his hands slip under the t-shirt I am wearing. This time, I don’t stop him. I let his hands roam my warm skin, curling around my sides before his thumb traces the underside of my breast.

He freezes when he realises that I’m not wearing a bra, my long hair had hidden my chest when I had walked into the room. He pulls away making me want to cry out at the loss of contact. I look up to see that his eyes are completely black, the blue nowhere to be seen.

“Shit, you’re driving me crazy baby.” He growls, sending me a heated look.

I sit up, making me way over to him so that I could straddle his waist again. I take control this time, my lips pressing kisses to his jaw and neck. His nails dig into my waist but it’s not enough to make me want to stop what I’m doing. I continue my sweet assault down his chest before he has finally had enough and pulls me back up.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he kisses me with hunger, his actions growing fervent and desperate. An unintentional moan escapes when he tangles his hand into my hair, pulling my head back so he can have more access to my neck.

“Kaden.” I groan, my fingertips trailing down his chest before I hold onto his bicep.

He hums lazily, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck affectionately. Every breath of mine comes out in short pants as I try to recover from our steamy make out session. He leans closer, our lips brushing which makes me shiver.

“Best birthday ever.” He mumbles against my lips, making me laugh loudly in reply.

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