Kaden's Luna

Chapter 25 - The Beast Within

Almost a week had passed after Kaden and I went to Rosie’s for breakfast. We texted and video called each other, but I had become busy when lecturers decided to pile on the assignments.

I rush up the stairs and into the college library, swiping my card at the gates before taking the elevator up to the right floor. I had woken up late today because I forgot to charge my phone last night, therefore my alarm didn’t ring.

I see a hand waving and a relieved sigh escapes me when Logan points to the free table he had snagged this morning. We had agreed to meet up in the library as we both had work to do, deciding to keep each other company.

Greeting him softly, I place my things on the table before taking a seat. He chuckles before passing me a coffee cup, making me forget everything and take it greedily. I smile happily after I’ve taken a sip, playfully glaring at Logan when he mockingly rolls his eyes at me and taps his watch.

We work for an hour, him typing away on his laptop whilst I start writing down the names of the books I need to get my reports done. I’m just about to get up when Logan takes the piece of paper and says he’ll get them for me, needing two books himself.

I thank him as he walks off, returning to the document I had opened on the right side of my laptop. I had made it to half of the word count when I notice that Kaden is calling. Taking it off charge, I head out to the stairs where it’s quiet and accept the call.

“Hello?” I answer the phone, taking a seat on the steps.

“Luna,” Kaden’s husky voice greets me, a frown gracing my lips when I hear the sharpness in his tone. “I’m picking you up this evening so have a bag ready.”

“Kaden, I really can’t today. I need to finish my reports and -”

His frustrated growl shuts me up, making my eyes widen. “Tonight is a full moon. I need you near me, Luna.”

“Oh…” I trail off, realising why he was on edge today.

“You can do your work at my place. I’ll pick you up around five, okay?” He asks and I can hear the pleading in his voice for me to understand his situation.

I smile and nod before face palming myself when I realise he can’t see me. “Okay, I’ll see you then.”

“Thank you, angel.” He murmurs gently, hanging up after I’ve said goodbye.

I make my way back to my seat, smiling giddily at the endearment before it’s wiped off my face when Logan slams a few books onto our table. Our eyes widen and I struggle from bursting out laughing when he grimaces, his cheeks burning in embarrassment as he dutifully avoids everyone’s stares.

“They were heavy.” He defends, quickly taking a seat.

“Thank you.” I whisper to him, gesturing towards the books.

He grins and nods in response before taking two books from the pile. I sigh heavily before taking the first thick book, opening it up only to groan quietly when the text isn’t large enough. My poor eyes were going to be tired after this.

“Sucks to be you.” Logan snickers, making me kick his shin under the table.

“Ow!” He whisper-shouts, clutching his leg whilst I giggle.

“Hey.” I greet softly as I take a seat in the black Mustang, placing my bag by my feet.

I turn to face him after I’ve put my seatbelt on, my eyes widening in surprise when his hand curls around the back of my neck and pulls me forward, planting his lips on mine. A muffled sound of surprise escapes me at the sudden action, but it doesn’t take long for me to melt in his hold.

“Why do you have a male’s scent all over you?” Kaden growls deeply, backing away but not letting go of my neck.

I chuckle nervously, rolling my eyes as I pull away, making his hand fall to his side. “Because both male and female students attend university.”

I mentally groan at what was supposed to be a confident statement comes out as a question, in a very high-pitched voice. I can already see that Kaden’s wolf is present, hearing that his mate was around the man he dislikes isn’t going to help the situation one bit.

“Luna…” He growls warningly, driving out of the neighbourhood.

“Nice weather today, isn’t it?” I chirp, deliberately avoiding his warning as I stare out the window.

“Fucking peachy.” He snarls, knuckles turning white as snow as his grip tightens on the steering wheel. “You were with that preppy boy, weren’t you?”

“Logan didn’t even go to a prep school!” I argue, staring at him in shock and slight frustration.

“Oh! So, you two are that close that you know which school he went to?” He counters, arching a brow as he drives.

“Kaden…” I murmur pleadingly, taking his hand and intertwining it with mine.

He’s quiet for a few seconds, slowing the car to a gentle stop at a red light. Resting his head against the seat, he pinches the bridge of his nose before nodding. When he looks at me, I see his irises shifting from blue to black uncontrollably.

And then, with one angry growl, his eyes are that perfect icy blue I adore.

“I’m sorry.” He sighs, leaning over to peck my cheek. “It’s a bit hard to control myself and Ajax when there’s a full moon.”


“My wolf’s name.” He explains, accelerating when the light turns green.

“I like it.” I grin, hearing him chuckle.

We reach the house in no time and I hop out of the car, my hair blowing everywhere when Kaden decides to use his abilities to pick me up and speed into the house. I laugh lightly as he places me on the bed, taking my bag from him.

I cross my legs and take out my laptop, wanting to finish at least one report by tonight. As I begin typing, Kaden sits behind me, his legs on either side of my body. He sweeps my hair to one side before resting his chin on my shoulder, his arms winding around my stomach to pull me closer against his chest.

“Aren’t wolves supposed to go all crazy on a full moon?” I ask, hearing him inhale my scent deeply.

He chuckles huskily, pulling the neckline of my top slightly to press a gentle kiss to my skin. I shiver, biting my lip hard to suppress a moan. “That’s a slight exaggeration humans have made. Unless we have our mates to calm us down, we just let our beasts take over to hunt and go on runs.” Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ Find_Nøvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

“Can I see your wolf?” I ask excitedly, curious to see the beast that resides within his mind.

He stiffens slightly, pulling away which makes me frown. I turn my head to look up at him, catching hesitation in his eyes. He notices my stare, the hard look he was sporting melting into a softer one immediately.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea, sweetheart.” He murmurs gently, playing with my hair.

“Why not?”

He looks up at me, a frown on his lips and I see his eyes glazing over. I remember Kaden telling me if that ever happens he’s either talking to other werewolves or Ajax. I wait patiently, pouting when he growls and his eyes shine bright blue again.

“Please?” I beg, pushing my laptop away and turning to face him.

“He could end up hurting you.” He sighs, shaking his head as his eyes burn in refusal.

“You just said that Ajax is calmer if I’m around.” I slump, crossing my arms.

Kaden glances from my figure to the setting sun outside the window with a torn look. Eventually, after a long staring contest, he relents and growls out a worried ‘fine.’ I whoop in joy, hopping off the bed and hurriedly putting on my boots before turning to him.

He’s still sitting on the bed, a lazy smile on his lips as he stares at me with a look of adoration. I blush slightly before taking hold of his wrist and pulling him up, practically bouncing on my toes in excitement.

We make our way down the stairs and step out onto the patio. Kaden tells me he’s going to shift behind a nearby tree so that his clothes don’t rip. I wait patiently, staring at his broad back as he disappears into the forest. It’s all quiet for a few minutes and then I see him.

I gasp when a large grey coloured wolf makes its way out of the forest. His eyes are a sparkling blue, white fur running through his coat here and there. He towers over me by a good few inches, a size that I never expected. I stumble back a few steps out of shock but what causes me to freeze is when a voice echoes in the clearing.

“Mate.” His voice is deeper and gruff, my eyes widening when I realise it’s Ajax. “I would never hurt you, don’t be afraid of me.”

My body relaxes at his reassuring words and I nod slowly. Walking up to me, he nudges the hand I hold out making me giggle. I run it through his incredibly soft fur before scratching behind his ear, loud purrs escaping him in response.

“Hi, Ajax.” I murmur, hearing him growl softly as he circles me, scanning every inch of my body.

He purrs in satisfaction once he’s done, catching the material of my top in his teeth. I think he meant to pull me closer but instead, he tugs too hard and I end up falling onto the grass. I cry out in surprise at the sudden action, bursting into a fit of laughter as he nuzzles my neck, his fur tickling my skin.

His bright blue eyes watch me in awe as I lay there out of breath. I smile and sit up on my knees, giggling as he steps closer to inhale my scent.

“I have been waiting to meet you for a very long time, my sweet angel.” He speaks gently, a stark contrast to how deadly he looks right now. “Mate looks beautiful.”

I laugh shyly, shaking my head as I stand and dust away the dirt from my jeans. “I look like a mess, Ajax.”

“Then, mate looks like a beautiful mess.”

I stare up at him in stunned silence, watching his eyes flicker with worry as he tilts his head. He sits back on his hind legs, leaning down to rub his snout against my stomach in concern when I don’t respond.

“You’re so cute!” I squeal, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Ajax huffs angrily, shaking his head as I pull back. “I am a beast, little mate. I am dangerous, ruthless and strong.”

“And freaking adorable!” I gush, smiling sweetly when he shoots me an unimpressed and frustrated look.

Eventually he gives up in trying to change my mind before convincing me to hop on his back for a ride. I stare up at his full height when he stands, nervous at the idea.

“I will never let anything happen to you, Luna.” He states with authority, crouching down so that I can get on.

I nod but hesitate before finally climbing on and clutching his fur in my hand to hold on. Before I can tell him to stay at a slow pace, he shoots off, bounding into the forest behind Kaden’s house. My surprised shriek echoes in the quiet night as I hold on for dear life.

Ajax runs through the woods and I marvel at the inhumane speed he’s running at, reaching what I assume to be the middle of the forest in mere seconds. I ease up when he slows down, straightening to see a large pond with flowers growing around it.

I find myself having such a good time, feeling the wind flowing through my hair, the full moon above us with the stars twinkling in the dark sky. When we return to the house, Ajax crouches down to let me slip off his back. I giggle, turning to face him immediately.

“That was so cool!” I cheer, not being able to stand still because of the adrenaline rush.

He chuckles before stepping closer, nuzzling his nose into the crook of my neck. I smile and hug him, his warmth enveloping me. But just as soon as I pull away, he growls ferociously making me frown at the sudden change in emotion.

“Ajax,” I murmur, bringing his head down so that our eyes met. His once blue coloured eyes are now an angry black. “What’s wrong?”

“Human wants mate back.” He snarls and I can literally feel his frustration rolling off him in waves.

“Well, it is late so -”

“No! Tell him to let me spend more time with you. He gets to be with mate all the time!” Ajax whines like a child, angry growls escaping him as he all but clutches me to him, refusing to let go.

“I promise that I will tell Kaden to let us meet soon, okay?” I assure him, caressing his fur softly.

“Five more minutes.” He mumbles, inhaling my scent deeply.

I laugh lightly and nod, watching as he eventually backs away with sad eyes. I press a kiss to his cheek, whispering for him to cheer up, which he does but only slightly.

“I love you, my angel.” He murmurs gently, pawing the ground. “I will protect you with my life.”

“I love you too, Ajax.” I smile, watching as he walks behind a tree.

Kaden steps out, fully dressed, and makes his way over to me. He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead before leading me back inside, muttering about how it’s too cold and that I could get sick.

“I like your wolf, he’s sweet.” I sigh as I take a seat on his couch.

He scoffs, a smirk playing on his lips as he takes a seat beside me, draping his arm over my shoulders as he turns on the television. “He’s only sweet to you, Luna.”

I nod in realization, cuddling up to him on the sofa when he pulls a blanket over us. “Oh! You have to let Ajax and I meet on full moons.”

“But why?” He whines, poking me in my sides and making me squeal. “I want my mate all to myself.”

“B-Because I p-promised him!” I laugh, trying to push him away.

“Ugh! Fine.” He groans before catching me off guard, a surprised cry escaping me when he tackles me and peppers kisses to every inch of skin that is visible.

He’s just as loving and sweet as his beast.

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