Justin Time and the Time Trappers

Chapter 23

I suddenly woke up. I felt my head feel like there was a tight band around it. I tried looking around and all I could see was all these weird gizmos and doodads and whizits. I saw this weird monitor next to me. It had all sorts of weird lines on it. It reminded me of a heart monitor, and perhaps it was a heart monitor. It was beeping calmly.

At least that meant that Marx had not killed me. I heard this weird whistle and it made me look around. I saw that monkey again, he was perched on a chair across the room from where I laid.

“Ouch that looks like it hurt.” The monkey said.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked.

“Collecting this,” the monkey said. I watched him as he pulled out that Tiara I had seen earlier, he had it in his hand.

“Why do you have that?” I said.

“I learned something from watching this, and watching Korin,” the monkey said as if I knew who Korin was. “This is too dangerous for you lesser beings.”

“Who the hell is Korin?” I asked.

“I suppose you can call her a time trapper.” The monkey said simply.

“I’ve never heard of her,” I said.

“Yeah, she was before you came into the picture.” The monkey said he scratched his chin and acted as if he was going to sit down and mention something. “You ever heard of the Savage Moon?”

“The what?” I asked.

“I suppose not,” the monkey said. “I stopped it from coming to this planet, thanks to this.” The monkey said grabbing the tiara and looking at it. He suddenly tapped it and it disintegrated. “Then this created a paradox, which then caused this time to happen.”

“You created a paradox?” I asked.

“I didn’t, Korin did,” The monkey said. “Kind of like you Time Trappers I gave her very specific things to follow. She didn’t, this thing ended up here, and the Savage Moon ended up here also…go figure. Three remnants of our technology ends-up being here thanks to her mistake.”

“What do you mean remnants of your technology?” I asked.

“I am called Hanuman,” the monkey said. "I am what your race and others refer to as Star Builders."

“Why does that name sound familiar?” I asked.

“Because this is not the first time we have met,” the monkey said. “Nor will it be the last time we will cross paths. I think we all learned a lesson here, Time is too dangerous for you lesser beings to tinker with.”

“That is the second time you said lesser beings,” I said.

“Take no offense to that,” the monkey said. “Your race just has not evolved to the point mine did, these races now-a-days are so charged up with their obsession with making something more and more finite. Especially when they don’t realize what they are doing. I shouldn’t be one to judge as that was what did my race in as well.”

“So, what is your plan exactly?” I asked.

“I have to stop this Hunraken character,” the Monkey said. “However, I think there is someone pulling Hunraken’s strings. How did Hunraken know about the Tiara, how was Hunraken able to fix the Savage Moon? How did Hunraken know about the Sun Eater? These are all unknowns. Well for the most part. Someone is telling him.”

“Who could be telling him?” I asked.

“I guess I’ll have to find that out,” The monkey said.

“Wait you aren’t just going to leave me, are you?” I asked.

“You’ll see me again,” the monkey said.

The monkey disappeared.

I realized there was something off. Something severely off. I was trying to understand what it was. I was trying to formulate, extrapolate and populate. Things I didn’t even know what they meant. At least I didn’t.

“Ah looks like the procedure was a success,” Hunraken’s slimy voice appeared. He soon appeared and looked at me. “So, your consciousness was transferred successfully?”

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked.

“Oh so you don’t notice when it happens,” Hunraken said, he acted as if he was noting this down.

“Notice when what happens?” I asked.

“I successfully duplicated the power of the medallion of souls.” Hunraken said in an almost gleeful manner.

“What the hell does that mean?” I asked.

“Did you happen to look to your right?” Hunraken asked.

I wondered what the hell that meant. I looked to my left and froze. It was my body. I was standing in this weird cylinder that looked like those things that the weird dolls were in. I looked like I was sleeping. But if my body was over there…where the hell was I?

“What the hell?” I said. I squirmed and looked down. I was inside one of those dolls I had seen earlier. How? It was in that doll that had the word EIGHT scrawled on it. I tried to get out of this chamber, but I couldn’t move my whole body was strapped.

“I was looking for a specimen to test out transference of a consciousness.” Hunraken said. “I was going to transfer Persephone, but that didn’t work. Luckily, I saved her persona. Recorded it in an electric brain. Once I have your previous self fully wiped, I will add her data to you.”

“What the hell kind of sick…”

“And just with a flip of this switch here…” Hunraken said he walked over to this computer gizmo thing. “Your memory of your previous self will be wiped out.”

“You think I will forget?” I said to Hunraken who laughed. “I’ll remember you, you son of a bitch and I will bring you down if it’s the last thing I do.”

“I will like to see you try,” Hunraken said as he flipped the switch.

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