Just Be Mine

Chapter 9

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“Hey Kellin,” I heard Robby call me. Dammit, I’m about to get bullied. I looked at Layne and I knew he was thinking the same thing. I sighed and moved off the wall I was leaning on; I guess hunting can wait. Robby and his two other friends came down from the building they were walking on. Unlike them, I sort of respect the authority that Dante has to the point where it would disgust me if he were to kill me. They are like rebels who don’t care. Unfortunately, I won’t let them brain wash me into thinking its completely safe to join them in a stupid revolution.

“What?” I asked, rolling my eyes. I don’t have time for their stupidity. But Robby was smiling like he had dirt on me. What could he possibly have? His little gang pisses me off.

“So I heard you have a little human friend?” he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. I whipped my head around to look at Layne in shock. He shook his head quickly, denying the fact that he told. But how does Robby know? This can’t get out, if he tells Dante, it will be over. No one should know. Robby laughed as I looked back at him. Just by my reaction proved it all was true.

“So its true then. Well well, Kellin’s been having fun.” Robby snickered and so did the other two. I glared at them, my fangs coming out. They aren’t significant in this clan so I don’t think Dante would notice if they happened to disappear.

“How much trouble could I get in?” I asked Layne.

“None, if we cover this up.” he said. Good, so he’s going to help me out here. Robby looked puzzled, too bad that’s his last expression. Its two against three but I think we can handle this.

We rushed them before they noticed we were going to kill them. I grabbed Robby before he could swerve away from me. I won’t let him go that easily. His arm pressed hard into my stomach but I didn’t release him as he thought I would. My secret can’t get out or it could be trouble. He should have kept his mouth shut instead of thinking he could use this against me. He growled lowly, the sound threatening. I’m about to put an end to this quickly. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled his head from his body. Damn pest. That wasn’t much of a fight but then again, I’m pissed off. I dropped his head next to his lifeless body.

“There has to be a third party,” Layne said. I looked over to him. He had cracks on his neck but his skin was reforming quickly. In the time it had taken me to kill Robby, he’d taken down the other two without help. Show off.

“Third party? Like someone else is involved?” I asked.

“Like Jeremy might be part of a different group.” he said. There is a possibility of that. Jeremy is almost never with the whole group. Sometimes, Dante isn’t aware that he’s gone.

“He must of told them.” I said, thinking hard about it. “Then this said third party told Robby. But what’s the point?” I asked.

“To check if its true,” he didn’t sound so confident on that. But I did prove it by my actions. I wouldn’t have rushed to kill if it wasn’t necessary. This is dangerous, if Jeremy is telling someone then word can get back to Dante and I’d be screwed. All this is forbidden. If this secret of mine gets out then I’m dead.

“Jeremy’s doing all this,” I said. “You don’t think he would actually try to kill Pierce would he?” I asked, getting kind of freaked out.

“He’s living with the boy, what do you think?” he asked bluntly. No, Jeremy can’t do that. He’s forcing me to stay with Pierce more and if I do that, Dante will get suspicious of me. Pierce’s scent is already enough on me, any more and I could be smelt from a mile away. Jeremy wants something out of this. What? My death.

“We shouldn’t stay here,” Layne said, shaking me out of my daze. I guess we should leave. We moved past the three piles of dust without disturbing them. The only thing that came out of this was killing those three. How many more vampires am I going to have to kill to keep my secret away from Dante? I think I’m going to get a headache. Layne is better at reasoning than I am so he can take care of this.

I need to focus on keeping Pierce safe for the time being. All this should blow over after a while. But his safety comes first.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

Its been non stop days of Kellin just harassing me. He just stays around like he lives here. This whole “I love you” thing needs to calm down. I wish this wasn’t how it was going to be. I don’t like it when he teases me or invades me space, its my space. Why is he invading it?! I try to not blow up and sharpen wood but this guy annoys me. I can’t even go one day without him being around. I just want one day of peace but I will never get that.

“You’re still reading?” he asked. He said he would leave but he has the fucking nerves to come back here. I got so frustrated that I closed my book and threw it as I got up and ran my hands through my hair. I will never be able to get work done with him around I swear.

“The hell are you always here for? Seriously, don’t you have someone to kill or something?” I yelled down at him. He laughed, finding my shouting amusing. I will throw him out my window.

“I’m only here to make sure you’re safe.” he said.

“Safe from what?” I screamed. “There is literally nothing that will hurt me if I stay in here,” my whole body was getting heated from this. I couldn’t take his constant existence around me, its annoying.

“Do all humans think like this?” he shook his head. Can I choke him? “Listen, there’s someone I don’t trust and I have to make sure he doesn’t do anything to you,” he said seriously.

“Who?” I crossed my arms. This is the first time he hesitated. What? Can he not tell me or is it too much? “I have the fucking right to know who this person is.” I said through my teeth. He looked away from me, opening his mouth to say it.

“Jeremy.” he said. I paused. It can’t be the one who lives here, right? Its just a coincidence. Right?

“You don’t mean-”

“The one who’s been rooming here with you? Yeah, I’m talking about him.” he said.

“You’re lying.”

“Really, Pierce. Would I make something up like that to just stay here? Why do you think he’s every barely around or why he has his own room? Have you seen him eat anything here? And god, haven’t you noticed the perfection?” he listed bleakly. Why is that all true.

“So he’s-”

“Yes he is.” he said. My lip twitched. So all this time, he was just another vampire living here? I couldn’t speak, let alone breath. This is- this can’t be right. But all that Kellin said makes sense. I felt my heart beat faster as my hands got wet. This whole time, I’ve been living with a vampire.

“He’d hurt me?” I asked nervously.

“He wouldn’t, someone else could.” he shrugged. The hell is he blowing this off? “I’m not supposed to have feelings for you or any other human. When Jeremy found out, he started to mess around with it. If my leader gets a hold of this, we’re both dead.” he said. The look in his eyes were pure terror.

“Then why the hell are you doing this?” I shouted. He can just stop all this nonsense so we both stay alive. What is he doing knowing he can risk everything?

“You know, its not just some petty feelings. When I say I love you, I mean it so deal with it.” he crossed his arms. My hands went through my hair, shaking. I can’t do this right now. This is just all too much to handle.

“So we’re going to die?” I asked, giving up. Kellin wouldn’t just pass it up so easily, I know that much about him.

“Don’t you have any faith?” he asked.

“Do you fucking believe you can kill whoever will come for us first?” I yelled.

“No,” he answered without even thinking about my question. Well this is great. I dropped on the couch, getting more frustrated than normal. I hate this, I hate all of it. How is this happening? I didn’t ask for none of this. I hate it. “I will protect you even if its a death wish. Nothing will happen to you.” he said. This is just the infatuation talking. I couldn’t believe him even when he was scared too; he won’t admit it but I know how he feels.

“This would have been nice to know sooner,” I sighed.

“A lot of things should be known sooner,” he murmured but I knew he could’ve done it quieter if he didn’t want me to hear. He’s being a sarcastic asshole.

“If you’re gonna be a-”

“You probably shouldn’t think about any of this. I don’t want you to be worried,” he said as he got up.

“Worried? Is that it?” I asked in shock. I passed worried, I’m freaking the hell out. “Do you know what its going to be like to be alone?” I shouted.

He moved like lightening, coming really close to me. It forced me back, trying to get away from him but I was cornered by the arm of the chair. He had a sly smile on his face and that made me realize my mistake. I can’t look at him when he’s like this, its like he’s a natural born perv. It made me tremble slightly just because how close he was to me.

“Are you asking me to stay?” he asked lowly.

“I’m gonna ask you to back the fuck up,” I said. His smile got wider. I hate it when this happens because I know what comes next.

And he’s right on cue. He kissed me. Just like every other time, this is how he does it and I tend to not stop him anymore. What’s the point when its gotten this far? Its certainly not because I like when he does this to me....my cheeks burned. He’s good at it though, I’ll give him that. He makes me flustered so easily, it makes me want to curl up in a corner sometimes. Every time his lips touch mine, I know I turn bright red. I can’t help it. Today he was really warm, almost as hot as me. I haven’t felt anything like it. It was like kissing a human but he was perfect. Every move was precise, every kiss was perfect, making me want more. My brain is stupid and my heart is gullible. I will probably never stop him.

For the first time, I felt his tongue touch my lip. If he thinks he’s going any further than that then he’s dead wrong. We’re going to have a problem if he does it again. I couldn’t say anything with him on me like this. I was drowning despite the fact that he has now invaded my space. My hands wanted to move and it was a struggle to make them stop it but I wanted to run my hands through his soft hair and touch his face.

My mind is frying.

His kiss got rougher as his body got even closer to mine. We were together without space. I was starting to get nervous under him; usually he doesn’t push it this far but I feel like he’s losing himself. Is he really that terrified. I knew the subject would come back.

I couldn’t breathe so I shoved against him, trying to push him away. His lips parted from mine but they stayed on my skin. It sent panic through me when he kissed my neck again and again but he didn’t attempt to bite me. I know what he wants so I pushed harder. He isn’t thinking straight so I have to stop him. But he wasn’t responding to me.

“Kellin stop,” I pleaded. This was really making me nervous. His moving ceased finally; I let out a breath of relief as he sat up. Then I felt something and I don’t think I should have. My face burned bright red as I looked at him. “Are you fucking kidding me? How the hell do you have a b-”

“I told you, blood makes us warmer,” he answered, still holding a straight face. Is he not ashamed of this for real?

“Even there?” I asked in shock. I don’t think I can breathe. He’s just like every guy out there, the only thing different is that he’s dead. But I never thought he would be able to get hard from something like this. Oh my god, and I thought this could never happen, I’m not in the clear anymore, not after knowing this shit can happen. Now I know he’ll mean business next time.

“Wanna help?” he asked in my ear.

“If I was able to hit you, now would be the time.” I pushed him back when I felt him rub against me. Do I have a wooden knife somewhere? It could come in handy now.

“I know you want-”

“Kellin, I swear on my life if you touch me, I will run a wooden spoon through your face,” I threatened. He didn’t move from me which made all this worse.

“Threaten me again,” he said lowly.

“You fucking masochist,” I shoved him away, far enough that he couldn’t touch me again. I have to go and find that spoon before anything happens. I’ll be able to sharpen it and threaten his life with it.

“What can I say? Vampires are weak to pleasure,” he shrugged shamelessly.

“Where’s that damn spoon?” I groaned, getting up. I need to tame him, if not, I’ll be a pet and that will never work. I walked around into the kitchen and looked through all the drawers until I found it.

“If you come into my room tonight, I will use this,” I shouted, pointing the spoon at him. He didn’t move an inch so I finally got to him.

“You’ll fall asleep,” he said.

“You will not touch me, you horny freak,” I said back to him. It made him smile. No, he doesn’t have the right to do that. I can’t even walk through this place anymore without feeling scared or violated. Either, I’m doomed with this.

“Fine, I won’t touch you tonight,” he said and murmured something else.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t quite catch that,” I said loudly so he would focus his attention on me again. The hell did he just say?

“One day, I’ll fuck you so hard that you won’t even be able to stand,” he said louder for me to hear. I choked. He’s getting ahead of himself.

“You might want to not,” I said. “Get out,” I added right after. He laughed to himself, that sort of evil laugh. I’m going to die with him like this. I have to keep my guard up so high before something happens. Kellin better not do anything to me.

He was gone in a blink of an eye. How long before he comes back? At least I have some peace. But how am I going to address the whole Jeremy living here thing? He pays most of the rent with the money I don’t even know how he gets. I never really thought he could be one but should it have been obvious to me? I would have never caught on unless someone had said something. This whole time. Wow. I think I’m going to test it out a bit.

Toby came through the door. A second earlier and he would’ve seen Kellin here. He took off his jacket and sighed as he dropped everything else.

“I saw your ex down stairs.” he said.

“Great way to start a conversation.” I said sarcastically. Jesse has completely cut off all ties with me and I accepted that. I might as well do that or it will be a pain in my ass. “What was she doing here anyway?” I asked, trying not to show interest. Does she want me back! Not that I....care.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “But she looked confused. I bet she wanted to love and cuddle with you,” he mocked, making stupid kissy faces. Whatever. I know she doesn’t. Kellin fucked it up so I just can’t do anything about it.

“No I’m good now,” I turned away from him to find something to eat as he laughed at me. It makes me pissed how he does that but I tried to ignore him. I might make a sandwich for myself and not do anything for him, that’s fine.

Jeremy came back. He doesn’t know I know anything about him so I will keep my mouth shut. He might kill me so I guess its better than this. Now that I noticed though, he did seem more vampire than human. He was perfect. And intimidating now. Toby was right to be scared and I apologize for not being terrified with him.

I was really curious to see him how he truly is because he never shows it. I don’t expect him to but I still want to know. But the only way to do that is if I get blood somehow. I paused from cutting up the tomatoes and stared at the knife in my hand. I got to do it.

The knife sliced through a little piece of my skin on my finger but it was deep enough that there would be a drop of blood. While I cut myself, I watched for Jeremy’s reaction. He tensed ever so slightly but stayed composed; he noticed. I continued to stare at him but that was all I got. He’s good at this. But its clear that he is what he is. I’ve been living with a vampire. That’s a depressing thing to realize. All this is going to make me sick.

“Pierce, I hope you know you cut yourself,” Toby pointed out to me over the counter. I snapped out of my zone and looked at him. What?

Oh right. I cut my finger to test something out. Awful to know that this test gave me the results I never wanted to see. I looked away from Toby and down at my finger. It was fine, it still held that tiny drop of blood perfectly. I’ll just get a band aid or something, no big deal.

“Yeah yeah, I’ll take care of it.” I said dully still sort of dazed, as I dropped the knife from my hand. I should probably go do something about this. I head for my room and I planned on staying there. Everything is so bad right now, and I don’t want to deal with it all. I wish this wasn’t how it is. Why do I have to be stuck in a world like this? The vampire existence has caused me nothing but trouble, that’s all I’ve gotten because of this. I hate how this is, it sucks.

Its like all I’m being reminded of is my parent’s death. I can’t escape this reality.

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