Just Be Mine

Chapter 21

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

Why Layne was here, I wouldn’t know. Last time I check, he was covering for me. But now what? Who’s doing the covering if he isn’t here? I walked over to him when I tormented Pierce enough. He didn’t look too happy, in fact, he looked shaken up a bit.

“Its starting.” he said. I groaned. It was about time Dante kills Jeremy but what if its the other way around? I’ve been wondering if I would ever stop them if they did fight but probably not.

I followed Layne for most of the time. It was when I heard the yelling I knew where everyone was. Dante was furious but he would be, he’s being betrayed by his best friend of course. Everyone gave them room because it would mean a fight. Layne and I stood on the ledge of the building to have a higher view of everything. None of us were going to get in between that. When Dante gets that mad, he tends to kill more of us than humans. I might as well keep my distance right here.

“....are you kidding? I might’ve expected something like this from Kellin but not you.” he shouted. I rolled my eyes. Like I would really go and fight him to take his place. Yeah right. I would let everyone loose and care for only myself.

“I think its time someone else takes your place.” Jeremy said. The only way to do that is to kill the existing leader. They really are going to fight.

“What do we do?” Layne asked me. I put my hands in my pockets, looking unentertained because I wasn’t. We both knew something like this would happen eventually.

“Nothing,” I kept my gaze down at the two who were about to kill each other. I think I’ve had enough of being together in a group. Its annoying. I think I might branch away finally but I have to prove my worth somehow or Dante will snap my neck, if he makes it out alive. I don’t know who will end up on top, but I’m sure everyone is betting on someone. All we can do is watch basically.

It didn’t take long for anything to start. I wasn’t surprised when I saw how no one got the advantage from this. They’ll kill each other, and then what? Let forty vampires go free? That’s hazardous. Neither of them intended to lose which isn’t surprising. After all this time, who knew Jeremy was interested in becoming a leader. Especially of this group. Why would he want to be? Its too much work. And its not like Dante plans on giving up the position he probably earned. Who knows who he had to kill just to be here. Now he has to go through it again. And with a friend, at least he thought they were friends. I didn’t feel bad about it. There’s only so far a friendship will go. Hell, I know in certain situations Layne wouldn’t hesitate to rat me out. He even says he will if I don’t shape up. So something like this happening isn’t a surprise.

There were cracks in the ground and the walls. Rubble and rocks flew everywhere, causing debris. No one was winning, they were just crushing each other. I wonder when I’ll see an arm fly off. That’d be cool. I was going to walk away cause I really didn’t have an interest for this. Unless someone is completely beating the crap out of the other, I won’t care. I moved my arms behind my head and sighed just as I was about to walk away. Then I saw something in Jeremy’s sleeve. He was about to pop something out. I narrowed my eyes to get a better look. I think that’s a wooden stake. Its small but it will get the job done. That’s cheating though, he’ll play it off like he actually did kill Dante.

Here’s my opening.

I jumped off the roof and landed on Jeremy right when he noticed what I was doing; he tried sliding the wooden stake back in his sleeve but I pulled it out faster and drove it into his chest without any sort of hesitation. His movements paused when he realized what I’d done. I smiled a bit, feeling like I accomplished something good because I actually did. That’s right. He glared up at me but that was the last thing I saw him do before he started to turn to stone. Good riddance.

“What the hell, Kellin?” Layne yelled. I ignored him, pulling the stake out from the useless pile of dust I was on. I shrugged and dropped it.

“Well I’m out of here.” I got up and put my hands in my pocket. I don’t understand why everyone is shocked for. I saved Dante’s life and it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done. I don’t feel bad or think I should have let Jeremy do what he did. Hell, he fucked my life up so why not die? Exactly, he got what was coming to him anyway.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Dante asked.

“Oh, my bad. I didn’t officially state anything.” I pulled my hair back and looked at him. “I’m leaving and I really don’t plan on coming back. I did my good dead to you and now you owe me. I’m not a part of this anymore so your control over me is basically futile.” I said. He glared at me. Oh is he threatening me now, is that how it is? I just saved his life, he should be grateful. Whatever, I’m not obligated to listen to him anymore.

“You can’t just-”

“The only time I follow rules and you’re telling me I can’t leave? Whatever, this is ridiculous.” I walked around him. I sensed his movements and knew he was aiming to kick me down like usual. I turned around and stopped his leg with mine; I swear I heard cracking of my skin but it worked. He looked at me with shock now. I just defied him, I’m literally not supposed to with every bone in my body but now I don’t give a complete shit.

It didn’t take long for him to make the next move. I know Dante’s strong but not that fast. I blocked all his hits without breaking a sweat. I know when he grabs at me, he’ll crush me, so all I have to do is make sure he can’t get his hands around me. I was cautious of every move he made cause he doesn’t make the same move again. Its a struggle because I have to find some way to counter him.

“Kellin, you might want to stop,” Layne suggested, panicking. Yet he can’t see that I’m busy. I ignored him because its hard to focus. How can I get Dante to stop trying to do combat with me without breaking my hands off? He’s not even aiming for my head, just my hands and I need these to live.

I knew there was a wooden stake behind me on the ground but how I’m gonna get it is a problem and he’s so close to actually killing me. He noticed my sudden distraction and pushed himself harder. Wow, this is taking too much energy out of my life. The stake was right behind my foot at this point; I rolled it off the heel of my foot so it would pop in the air. I caught it and pressed it on Dante’s chest. He stopped moving, staring down at my hand. He’s so lucky I didn’t drive it through his chest yet.

“Is there anything else?” I asked him. I wonder if he’s having a problem letting me go. Or its the fact that more people will try to leave after seeing that. Vampires should never be alone, they always have to go in groups. Its just instinct. But I don’t like it.

“You can go,” he said through his teeth.

“Good,” I backed away from him. I still held the stake in my hand just in case anyone else wanted to be a dumb ass. I wouldn’t drop this till I’m good as gone. Very far at least.

But now that I’m a loner, what do I do?....Hehe, I know what I’m going to do. I can spend all the time I have with Pierce and I don’t expect anything less from that. Its okay now because I know he loves me. It finally happened and it didn’t take as long as I thought it really would. I feel proud but I feel...great? I haven’t felt like this before. All I wanted for a while now was for Pierce to love me and now that’s what I have. He can deny it all he wants but I know what he feels, I’m not that stupid.

He was walking around his apartment, reading a book that he probably doesn’t need to read. Humans are predictable, I wonder if I was like that. I just walked in but he didn’t notice anything from that.

“You always read.” I said. Anger flared inside him as he closed his book and threw it at a wall. Oh, he’s annoyed by me. That means I’m doing my job then.

“What are you doing here, Kellin? I thought you left.” he shouted.

“This is why you have noise complaints.” I said. He took another breath just to yell some more but he stopped, realizing what I just said. He does yell and shout at me a lot, doesn’t matter the context of it actually.

“Get out,” he said.

“I probably won’t do that,” I sat on his couch like I lived here. I might just live here because I don’t have anything else to do.

“You annoy me.” he said loudly. This is why he has the complaints but he doesn’t listen. The only reason he shouts is to get the point across but come on, he doesn’t need to do all this. Although, I like when he yells at me.

“But...” I urged him to continue.

“But nothing, get out.” he yelled. Oh. That’s a no then. I snatched his wrist and pulled him down on my lap. His face turned red when I placed my hands on his thighs, right underneath his butt. It made him mad but just give it a minute. “I’ll choke you.” he threatened. I like the sound of that.

“Mhm.” I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck, taking in his sweet scent. No other human can smell better than him.

“Can you not?” he stuttered.

“You smell good.” I murmured.

“Stop,” he groaned as he tried to force me away and I let him, only to get the chance to kiss him. Now he didn’t stop me.

He tasted like sugar, like he just ate something sweet. I licked his bottom lip until he opened his mouth more for me. I let my tongue roam around and his did the same; his hot breath mixed with mine as the kiss got deeper and deeper. This is something he likes, just kissing. If it were anything else, he’d express his hatred for it. But I loved doing this to him. I could feel his blood run to his face, making him hotter as his heart beat so much faster. I wanted to have everything of him, all of him. That’s when my sexual drive kicked in. My hands tightened and he moaned, not even aware he let that slip from his mouth. I moved my hips slowly and rubbed against him; he trembled slightly as another moan came out. That’s it. I sucked on his bottom lip more and it made him shake more. He wrenched away from me, gasping and panting.

“Kellin stop,” he begged quickly. I didn’t. His hips were moving too so he really can’t say anything. He should stop denying everything and let it be.

“Tell me you love me.” I nibbled on his ear. He continued to shake and moan as he tried his hardest to not.

“I love you,” he stuttered. When he says that, it just makes me happy. He makes those three words sound like heaven.

“Again.” I said.

“Oh my god,” he couldn’t take any of this. I was rubbing against him, he was rubbing against me. I could feel his bulge on mine. I was going to keep doing this until he says it again, he knows I will. “I love you,” he moaned. God, I love his voice so much.

“Do you mean it?” I asked.

“Y-yes,” he answered. I’m basically torturing him but its okay. He pressed his head on my shoulder, still trying to hold back his moans as I moved my hips more against his. All this grinding is making him hard. I just wanted to remove his clothes but there’s no time.

He breathed against my neck. His cries were silent but every time I moved too much, his voice jolted. I wanted to make him scream for me. That’s my goal. He moved his head and soon I felt his mouth on my neck; he was nibbling on my skin. That is something I hadn’t felt before; it made me pause for a second. What is this?

I didn’t think having my skin sucked on like this could feel so good. I didn’t think Pierce would even go that far. I didn’t stop my moans, I just tried not to tremble. Is this what he feels like when I do this to him? How the hell does he not like it? He kept biting and sucking on me as he ran his hand through my hair. I really didn’t want it to stop. My hips continued to move again and he cried out, shuddering. I was ready to actually fuck him, I can’t hold back any longer. His hand tightened in my hair as he straightened up, his back arching. His face had gone red, his eyes glazing over with lust. I love his face when he’s like this.

“I- I’m coming.” he cried. I met my lips with his but he didn’t hesitate to push his tongue on mine. He shook on top of me, his cry getting louder till he finally climaxed. I, on the other hand, was not finished.

He slumped over on my body as he silently gasped for air. I slipped one of my hands in his pants as my other spread him apart more. I pushed in one finger easily.

“Oh...” he moaned lazily. I got in another finger and thrusted them in him. I was impatient; my fingers were moving slick so why not take his pants off now? I let my other hand go to the front of his jeans, unbuttoning it easily. He was hard again; my hands slithered in his wet boxers. I heard his silent moans as I touched him lightly. I wanted to see his face but its obvious he’s trying to hide his embarrassment; I always tell him that I don’t care. I want to see his face every time I take him. That’s how it is.

After hours and hours of non stop sex, he finally couldn’t do it any more. Neither could I but he caved first. He fell asleep the second we stopped. I didn’t think he was that tired, he was screaming two minutes ago. Yeah. There were white stains all around us, I mean it when I say we came a lot. It hasn’t been this dirty before but I guess we can try new things.

I kept my arms around him as I hugged him tighter. He’s always so warm, its nice to be in contact with him. I listened to his heart beat and wonder what my rhythm would be like if my heart could still beat. Would they be in sync? That’s something I would want to know. I wish I could be human for him at least. There’s still the barrier of me being a vampire and most likely able to kill him. It was honestly a struggle to not try and bite him; my teeth were throbbing but I controlled it. I don’t want to be the one hurting him. Not again. I just held him tightly as he slept soundly in my arms.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I felt unbelievably groggy when my eyes opened. The tired feeling still lingered in my body. What the hell happened. Oh...right. I know why I was tired. Fuck hormones man, they fucking suck.

I had different clothes on from the ones....that were partially on me. Kellin still had his arms around me like before. Did he stay here the whole time? I shifted and his arms loosened, giving me room to move. I don’t know why I was so comfortable though, its like he could be my personal bed or something. I always fall asleep on him no matter what.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized. “I always push you too far.” he said. Isn’t that the fucking truth. He’s a beast.

“Its fine.” I murmured. I guess I shouldn’t care so much because of how many times its happened. I’ll get over it, and besides this type of thing is supposed to happen anyway. “I’m hungry.” I murmured.


“Make me food.” I said. He laughed lightly. Oh come on, he obviously doesn’t understand how I just need food. What I had this morning was heaven I swear. “If you want a way into my heart, cook for me.” I said and moved my head off his chest to look at him.

“How cruel.” he pouted.

“I like the way you look in the kitchen.” I teased.

“You’re really mean, I hope you know that.” he said. Its just to him though. I got off his lap, feeling the pain in my hips and ass. It made me groan. He should lay off for a couple days because it hurts. One day, I’ll just cut him off for real.

“Ya ya, you should go make me something though,” I said.

I played Daphne as Kellin made me food. Don’t I have work to do? Wait. I have to work tonight. Well this should be a fulfilling day, if not, decent. Where’d Toby go again? Huh. I strummed more chords as I waited for my food, I think I’m getting pasta.

“What’s taking so long?” I complained.

“I’ve been done for ten minutes.” he said. What? I looked over to him; he was leaning against the counter, doing nothing. I stared at him for a good minute before I even moved. I can’t believe he wouldn’t tell me this; I’ve been starving this whole time. I snatched the fork from his fingers as I hopped up on the high chair.

“So now you’ll accept anything.” he smiled.

“No, I was just hungry and didn’t feel like doing anything.” I countered.

“That’s a good excuse,” he murmured. That made me sort of mad but I ignored him, muttering curses to myself as I stabbed my food. “So you know-”

“Do not say anything else.” I cut him off.

“What was it you said when I told you I would get you to love me?” he asked, teasing me. I turned red as I gripped my fork.

“Get out,” I said.

“I can, but I won’t.” he said.

“I’m busy the rest of the day. You can’t-”

“You know how I get when you don’t pay attention to me.” he said slyly. Yeah, I am aware of how he gets when I don’t give him the time of day. He sure as hell doesn’t need to remind me of that.

“You should control yourself or I’ll kick you out.” I threatened.

“What makes you think I won’t come back?” he asked. I picked up my plate and got out of my seat. Kellin annoys me to the core and sometimes, I just need some help on how to deal with it. Any sort of tip would be nice because I can’t handle this.

“Just cause you’re a vampire doesn’t mean I have to be afraid of what you can do.” I said as I walked to the couch. He was in front of me then; I staggered back a bit, sort of shocked that he was in my way so fast. Then again, he does have super speed. He had that threatening look on his face that forced me to step back but he kept coming closer. I regret what I said.

“How about now?” he asked, his fangs visible in his mouth. I frowned but still looked into his black eyes.

“I know you won’t hurt me.” I said as my grip tightened on my plate.

“Hurting you in the context you’re thinking of is never my intentions.” he trailed a finger down the side of my face and down my neck. “But you know I’ll be the one to put hickeys and bruises all over your body.” he added. That’s the part I should be afraid of, him doing all kinds of things to me. There’s no doubt that I have hickeys and bruises from before.

“No stop,” I said. He laughed at my sternness but lack of ability to actually hold it. I only focused on his fangs; both pairs looked incredibly sharp. I started to feel that pain in my neck somehow. It scared me.

“Tell me you love me.” he said. I ran into that one again.

“No,” I said. He smiled, finding my hesitation cute. I didn’t. It annoyed me. Plus I’m sure I told him I loved him enough today. He doesn’t need me to say it every single second of his life. I would prefer not to. Its embarrassing and I don’t like being embarrassed especially when he makes me.

He was coming closer to me like he was about to kiss me so I put my hand on his face to stop him. The only bad part about that was that he licked my palm. There’s no way I’m going through that hell again where he thinks its okay to devour my hand completely. All I wanted was to eat my pasta and be gone. I have to get ready for work, if he doesn’t let me go then that’s it. His bottom fangs were starting to go into my skin, that’s when I drew back. I saw the drop of my blood from my cut he had just given me. When will he ever stop? He took my wrist and licked my cut, watching me though. Someone make him stop please.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

I have no self control.

But that doesn’t hurt me so I’m good. After tormenting Pierce for the longest while, I finally gave up because he seriously started searching for that wooden spoon of his. I might have to hide all the wood in this apartment just to be safe. I feel like he might live up to all his threats actually.

I walked with him when he had to go to work. He wasn’t okay with it till I actually got quiet. I can’t just stay quiet though, its weird. When do I ever not talk? I was going to say something, anything, when I smelled Layne’s scent near by. Oh for Christ sake, I left for a reason. Does this mean he’ll be tagging along from now on? I’m not being rude or anything but I don’t want him to. He’s going to obey Dante, I don’t have to anymore. I groaned when I saw him, this is fantastic.

“What? What do you want?” I dragged on with annoyance.

“We need to talk,” he said and sounded serious about it.

“Fine, I’ll come-”

“No, I might as well do this in public so you won’t attempt to kill me.” he said and looked right at Pierce. Well shit. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he looked back at me.

“Nothing.” I answered. Why would he want to talk out here when he’s basically showing off. His eyes were a bright red and its clear how visible his fangs were. If anything, he’s going to start a riot.

“Why would you ask for something like that? Breaking away from the group will have you killed.” he said.

“Staying there would have me killed too. You know Dante would finally snap and do something.” I said plainly cause we both know its true. All of its true.

“Anyone that comes around will make-”

“Me a target blah blah blah, I get it Layne, you don’t have to tell me.” I rolled my eyes and dragged on. Why is he nagging me for? Gosh, I did everything I was supposed to.

“You always cause trouble.” Pierce murmured as he walked on. This kind of thing would annoy him, either that or he doesn’t care. So I’m not surprised to see him walking away.

“You’re making a mistake.” Layne said to me. We’re still in public so I can’t pin him down. Why would he do this now?

“I can handle myself. You don’t have to worry about me.” I said. He stared at me with red eyes. He’s trying to process it now. Maybe he doesn’t want me to leave, I can accept that fact. Aw, he’ll miss me.

“Don’t get killed.” he said as he walked passed me. I can’t even promise that much. But I’ll try not to. And here I thought Layne wouldn’t care one bit, how sweet of him.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

So many girls come in here to do nothing. Is it just a hang out spot or what? I leaned against the counter, just waiting for Marium to come back. Kellin was talking to his friend outside, if they want witness, they can have them but it definitely will not be me. I’m not going to watch them rip each other apart; that’s not what I signed up for. I didn’t even sign up for anything. Dammit Kellin, dragging me down with him. This is just great.

“Are you day dreaming?” Kellin was really close in front of me on the other side of the counter. He’s lucky I didn’t rage because that’s a scare moment. I looked at him plainly then changed my view. There were a couple girls giggling at the table by the window and I knew exactly what they were talking about.

“Seems like you have a couple fans.” I said bleakly because the only thing they would talk about is this thing in front of me. It always happens, even with that friend of his. Kellin smiled.


“Like hell. Go entertain them so you can leave me alone.” I moved off the counter cause he was just a bit too close to me.

“I don’t entertain.” he frowned. Look at that, I made him unhappy. But the frown was replaced with a smirk in seconds “And besides, all I need is my number one fan.” he said.

“Get the hell out.”

“This isn’t your place,”

“But I’m running it for now. So if you don’t like that, you’re welcome to go.” I said, pointing the door out to him.

“Say you love me.”

“I will do no such thing.” I stammered quickly, feeling the heat on me

“I’ll kiss you here if you don’t.” he threatened slyly, the smile on his face getting wider, exposing his fangs. I pursed my lips in tightly, I might as well because being kissed here would ruin my life. Word gets around fast and god, I know Jesse will be a total noob and twist all the rumors around to make me look bad. Kellin has me cornered. Its unfair how he has to do that to me.

“I love you.” I murmured quietly as I looked away. My cheeks heated up even though I tried so hard to not blush.

“That’s the spirit.” he said. How does he get so happy just from three little words? He always lights up somehow and it makes me feel.... I don’t know. But seeing him happy like this sort of changes my perspective. WHY IS HE SO HAPPY? I wanted to bury myself so he couldn’t see my face. Its embarrassing like this. Why am I stuck in this situation for? I’m getting flustered again and its so weird.

“You annoy me, go away,” I said, my face burning up.

“I always tell you that you can’t lie to me,” he said.

“You know you’re annoying, Kellin. Go away so I can do my job.” I said. He got off the counter, still looking at me. I know he’s probably going to seduce one of those girls just so he can kill her.


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