Just Be Mine

Chapter 18

The last thing I remember was going to the bathroom. I was going to take a shower so I started to remove my shirt but didn’t get very far. Hands reached over my mouth, cuffing it, and my eyes were covered too. I didn’t know what was going on then but I couldn’t anything. The hands were ice cold so I knew what that meant. A vampire had me and I know it wasn’t Kellin, he wouldn’t do something like this to me.

When I was able to see again, I ended up being in an alley way or something. We were close to the café if I was correct. There were people around, looking at me with red eyes. I tried to avoid them. What’s going on here? One of them came towards me; he was more muscular than the rest of them and looked so much more threatening. I already knew he wasn’t human, he couldn’t be. He kept his glare as he looked down at me. Red eyes. I backed away as he came closer to me, then I ended up near the wall. He stood over me, leaning closer and closer then he stopped. I could feel his dark hair brush against my face, he was that close to me. He wasn’t going to do anything was he? He sniffed me. I tried not to tremble so much but this sort of set me off. Why the hell is he sniffing me for?

“Hmm. I know that scent,” he said to himself. God, I hope he doesn’t know me, this would be even worse. I cringed back as he stood up straight and turned around. His grace and looks didn’t match. How is he a vampire? “Isn’t this the boy?” he was asking someone that. He sounded threatening like he didn’t even want the answer. “Kellin.” he said.

I turned my head to him. Kellin’s here? Can he say what’s going on because I’m so confused and scared out of my wits here. Why am I surrounded by a bunch of vampires? Is this guy going to kill me?

“You aren’t going to speak, Kellin?” he walked over to him. Now I could clearly see Kellin being held down by two others; he was resisting but their grip on him was so strong. I was going to ask them to let him go but I choked on my voice. The terror started to come up and it hurt. Why is this happening?

“Let him go.” he growled.

“Tell me, is it just a coincidence that he’s here or what?” the guy leered over him. Kellin didn’t answer. “Is it the boy from that night?” he asked. From what night? Kellin kept his mouth shut. “Layne, answer my questions.” he looked up. There were two others standing on the roof top of the neighboring building. Him and I think that was Jeremy. Oh my god.

“I don’t know anything.” Layne answered. The guy paced around, trying not to get angry but I know he passed that stage. He’s trying to keep calm.

“I knew when I let all of you loose that I would run into a problem like this.” the guy sighed. “What do I always say? Never go for the families because we have to leave the kids behind.” he shook his head. Wait. Families? They know something about my parents?!

“What?” I asked.

“It seems like that was kept a secret from you.” he turned to me. A secret about my parents? What the hell do they know about them? “You should know your parents were killed by vampires, and like many others kids out there, their and your parents were killed by a few of my followers.” he said. My eyes darted to Kellin. He knew something like this and kept it from me? HE KEPT THIS SHIT FROM ME?! “Did he tell you he was one of them?” the guy asked.

There was a twisting pain in my chest. It was like being punched and having all the air escape. I didn’t want to believe that Kellin was one of the vampires that killed my parents. I never thought it would be him. He said he loved me and all that, how could someone do something like that and claim they love them? I looked at the ground and tried to process all this. He told me years, he said he loved me for years. Did he mean fourteen? I knew he was lying when he couldn’t give me an answer. Like hell would he forget. Kellin helped kill my parents.

The guy moved down in front of me. I’m guessing he’s the leader now. This is supposed to be the guy that everyone feared and I did too. He already looked mean, and now I knew that he was pissed off. He could kill me if he wanted to and I have the feeling he would. Nothing is stopping him from doing just that anyway. He looked me in the eyes as his skin touched mine, it took me a while to figure out he was touching my face. I was going to be sick if he didn’t move away from me.

“Its forbidden for vampires to have a human lover,” he told me, twirling a strand of my hair. I heard growling and I instantly knew it was Kellin. No one else is going to care for me, I don’t know any of them at all. “I do have the right to kill you, but I’m not going to do that.” he said. I didn’t even feel the relief from that. So what he was going to let me live? I was lied to and its freakin killing me already. I had to spend years in foster care, years at an orphanage, years of shit, all because a few vampires couldn’t control themselves.

This guy sighed and stood up, running his hand through his hair. “I know this idiot will just go on a rampage before I could snap his neck,” he didn’t want to deal with something like that. He looked down at me. “I’m going to let you go. You don’t know anything about this or that vampires exist. Got it?” he asked.

“Yep,” I answered quickly. Like hell would I defy him. He’s showing me mercy, I might as well take it. I got up and no one stopped me; I ended up running out there, not even giving one glance back. How could I?

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

All this was a set up. I should have known something like this would happen. Everything that I worked for, all the effort I put in, its over. I basically have nothing now. Dante took it upon himself to tell Pierce everything. Now he hates me and there’s nothing I could do about it. I never saw this coming, I never would have expected it to happen like this.

“Did I not tell you to leave that boy alone?” Dante shouted at me. This is probably the last lecture I hear before he kills me. Everyone wanted to see this kind of thing happen anyway. Its not everyday Dante gets to kill because of a drastic rule being broken. Its like a once in a life time thing.

I kept silent as I looked down at the ground. I’d prefer this view now. I couldn’t move much anyway, my arms were now pinned behind my back as I was forced to kneel in front of him. My fearless ruler, now about to take my life. Did I not say I would never have this happen to me? Dante got down in front of me and gripped my face, making me look at him.

“I said do not pay attention to the boy. Do you remember that?” he asked. I didn’t answer him. I wanted to snap at him, I wanted to snarl and bare my fangs, I even wanted a chance to fight him at least. Is he scared I might kill him first? That’s not a way to think. He gets to kill me if he wants to. A sigh left his mouth and he let go of my face, grabbing my hair instead. “You should answer me,” he threatened.

“I remember,” I answered shamelessly.

“Then why?” he asked. I couldn’t answer that so I kept my mouth shut. He knew I couldn’t say anything about that anyway. He released my hair and got up. “Its vampires like you that make it difficult on us, Kellin. Humans are not to be played with, they are our food source, nothing else.” he told me. He’s like a nagging parent. I held in the urge to roll my eyes. That would only get my head rolled off.


“Quiet.” he yelled at Layne. I bet he was going to try and bail me out of this one. For once, I didn’t question him not having my back on something like this.

“You shouldn’t kill him,” Jeremy said. Why is he trying to help me out for? I wanted him to stay out of it cause the last thing I need is to owe him in return for this.

“Oh? And why not?”

“What’s the point in doing that when it means nothing? Its not like the boy will forgive him.” Jeremy said.

“Because you know so much about him,” I yelled at him with so much attitude; I started to wrench away from the grip that held me down. Then Dante shoved me back with his foot. I’m done being quiet, I don’t care if I lose my life now. Jeremy’s right, Pierce will never forgive me for keeping this a secret from him. Now that there’s nothing to lose, I can say whatever the hell I want to.

“Didn’t Jeremy ever tell you that he’s been living with him for some time now?” I asked Dante. He remained quiet, his force on me diminishing.

“Jeremy,” Dante growled.

“You believe him?” he asked.

“Oh please, you aren’t even trying to cover it up. Why were you living with him anyway? Was it to-”

“Kellin,” Layne cut me off. I stopped running my mouth and stayed quiet. Dante had moved from me, letting go of my head. I shook the guys off me but stayed in my rightful place.

“You knew Kellin was going on with something like this,” Dante sneered. Layne backed away, giving up. He didn’t seem to have patience for this anymore. “Why?”

“Just doing it to piss him off.” Jeremy lied.

“Yeah right, we know why-”

“Kellin,” Layne did it again, stopping me in my tracks. He keeps on doing that to me when he doesn’t need to. Let me talk dammit.

“Is there something going on, Layne?” Dante asked.

“No, he just has a big mouth.” Layne ran his hand through his hair and sighed impatiently. He doesn’t think Dante should know anymore than what he does now. Why not rat him out? I would love to see Jeremy get killed for being a traitor.

“Is that all it is?” Dante didn’t believe it. “Just go, all of you.” he waved us away. I saw how Jeremy got his way, he was smiling about it.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

This isn’t real. Kellin could not have been one of those who killed my parents. He can’t be, I didn’t want him to be. Why now? Why did I have to find out right now? I knew he was no good but I would have never known. If tonight never happened then I would have never known.

I was furious. How could he keep something like this from me? Why would he chose to do something like that to me? I didn’t do anything to deserve it.

I paced around in my room. My brain was frying as I thought about this. Then I completely snapped; I threw my phone at the wall and watched it shatter without regret. I just need to get my anger out somehow, but it was hurting. Why the hell is this happening? After all this time Kellin spends with me and now it ends up like this?

And I thought things couldn’t get any worse.

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