Just Be Mine

Chapter 14

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“There’s three left,” Layne whispered to me. We were up in a tree, scouting the woods from over the snow. We had killed two of Lucas’s boys, now there’s only three left.

Layne jumped from the branch and landed in the snow. I squatted down to get a better look through the trees. One was coming, and they were coming fast. Colton and Brycon were chasing him, Zeke and Layne are ambush. It should work. I don’t sense any reinforcements from the one coming. It should be easy to catch this one.

He fell for it, being cornered easily by the four of them. He didn’t even try to escape that, he willingly surrendered to us without hesitation. This one wasn’t a big guy, he was smaller than most, probably more kid like. He had golden hair and blue eyes. There was something about him that reminded me of Layne for some reason. I wonder if this kid is smart.

“Wait, don’t kill him yet.” I called out. They looked up in my direction, even the strange boy. He probably knew I was here too. I leaped off the branch and landed on all fours.

“If its information you want, I know nothing,” he said, his voice sort of high. I think he’s twelve then.

“I didn’t ask any questions yet,” I said to him. He wasn’t intimidated by me or anything. This kid is bold.

“You’re going to.” he replied. “I know your motives. I know what you want. Don’t think we weren’t warned about you.” he said, narrowing his eyes at me as I walked closer. Well shit.

“That means there must be someone you know that knows me,” I said.

“Kellin,” Layne thought I was pushing my limits but I really wasn’t. I’m not going to blow a fuse or anything, I know how to be calm.

“You have a secret, don’t you. Its an interesting one actually,” he was running his mouth.

“Watch it, your death will come quicker if you keep talking.” I warned.

He knows too much. I’m sure they all do. Jeremy has a big mouth, I know that much now, he was a snitch anyway. I frowned, thinking about how to solve this problem. Jeremy wants something but I wish he would leave me out of it. Now he’s about to get Pierce involved. Its already bad, I don’t need this getting worse.

“I’m going to die anyway, right? Your secret will be safe for now, I guess. But that boy will die and I know who’s planning on doing the job,” he said, smiling to show his fangs. I remained dead silent. Someone’s going to kill Pierce? No, never. I held in my anger, calming down so I don’t give anything away. The other three don’t know if its true or not.

Now I see why Layne warned me.

Well shit. I turned around, nodding at Brycon so he could take care of this kid. I just think I should leave or something because its too much. Jeremy really wants this bad, doesn’t he? Whatever it is, I have to stop him.

“We can make a deal.” the boy screamed desperately behind me. Brycon probably already had his hands on the kid.

“Hell no,” I answered. I’m not going to fall for something as stupid as that.

“Its not my request, its-” he stopped short. I turned around to look him. He was on his knees, Brycon already had his hands on his neck, ready to pull his head off. But now that would have to wait.

“Who’s request is it?” Layne asked before I could. The boy looked at him, frightened as well all watched. “It surely couldn’t be Lucas because he won’t get anything out of it.” he said. The boy glanced back at me slowly, debating what to do with his last moments.

“If you can stay out of the way for the winter season, the boy remains safe.” he said. “That’s the only thing I can tell you.”

“What about after?” I asked.

“You won’t need to worry then,” he said. I looked at Layne; he was confused and more or less skeptical. He doesn’t buy it but I do. This kid knows which means more people know. Including the three right here. I won’t be able to escape Dante now, one of them will tell.

Layne looked at me, letting me agree with the boy. The plan shouldn’t be a threat to me. Jeremy wants a deal then fine. If Pierce stays out of harms way, I’ll take anything then. All of it is fine.

“Okay then, we have a deal.” I said. He kept a straight face as he looked into the snow. Killing a small vampire like that was always something I was against. The kid is smart, I can admit that, and I wonder if he knows how to control his hunger at this age. But I still can’t have him running around like this, knowing everything that’s going on. This is why I don’t like kids, they know how to persuade without even knowing they’re doing it and it does hurt. I waved my hand at Brycon and walked away. There was the metallic scream of pain and then silence. If I had a heart, it’d be in pain.

We caught the other two easy. They didn’t promise anything or surrender easily so we most likely had to fight them. Lucas was still alive and that pissed me off. He probably took a detour and went around to Washington. We’ll find him if he comes back.

I tried to escape Dante as quick as I could but I didn’t make it far before a messenger had caught up to me. It sucked. Now I get to feel the rage. I went back, a bit anxious because there could be a number of things he wants, I just know the one of interest. He always has to kick me down on my knees, only me like I’m some lackey. I stayed put and didn’t move.

“You don’t keep secrets.” he said.

“I’m not,” I answered calmly.

“Then what the hell was-”

“Don’t you get a slight sense that you’re being lied to. I mean, not a lot of them like me so of course they want you to kill me.” I looked up at him. I confused him now, he backed away, thinking about it.

“You should let him go, Dante.” I heard Jeremy say. I don’t want him bailing me out. Shit.

“Where have you been?” Dante asked. Yeah, where Jeremy? I didn’t look at him, I kept my eyes away so he couldn’t look at me.

“Just doing some stuff, no big deal.” he blew it off easily but Dante wasn’t buying it. He let me go free so he could scold Jeremy in private. Finally, something will happen, I’m done anticipating it.

Now I can freely go annoy Pierce.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

The place was silent, except for me playing on my guitar. Sometimes, I wish I could sing so it wouldn’t just be me awkwardly playing the chorus to a song. Where’s Toby when I need him? I sighed and put Josylene down to go make food. Its so quiet here, what I would give to have someone-

Not Kellin. Oh my god why? I banged my head on the cabinet in frustration. Why the hell is this my problem? I should have cherished those three days because now I have to deal with this. He had his arms around me, holding me against him.

“Go away,” I said.

“Lets see, what ways will you get me to leave?” he taunted.

“I’ll stab you,” I responded.

“Or you can make this so much easier.” he suggested.

“I will kill you, Kellin, if you try for sex again, I swear.” I threatened.

“Oh baby, yes.” he moaned. I pushed him back and turned around to face him. He was trying not to laugh. Masochist. “I’ll only give as much as you want.” he said.

“Which is nothing.” I said quickly. I don’t want anything.

“C’mon,” he came closer again, his hands at my waist. “It won’t be so bad.” he was trying to persuade me. “I promise to make you feel good,” he cooed in my ear.

“No, stop.” I said. He most definitely did not. He bit my ear, nibbling on it; his hand was going somewhere other than where it was supposed to be. He’s honestly going for it. I intended to grab his hand to stop him but he got me first, pinning my hand down on the counter. He used his other instead. I squirmed around and fidgeted as his hand moved in my sweat shirt; for once can he not touch me?

He kissed behind my ear and made his way down. Next thing I knew, my sweatshirt was being pulled over my head. This is the first step to being trapped but I couldn’t move him away from me. I guess its cause I didn’t want to, my hands were just limp, not exerting any kind of force to get him away. This is one problem. I let him kiss me, I always do. He was warm again, unlike last night. It was sort of calming maybe, but I have to stop him from going any further than this. Now I started to shove against him and I know he felt me doing it, but why won’t he move the hell away?

His tongue slipped in my mouth without me letting it. My face burned quickly as I felt his tongue move and lick around. Our lips were wet in seconds but that wasn’t all. I wish I wouldn’t feel like this when he touches me. And god, every time he kisses me I swear my heart implodes. These are the things I despise just cause he can tell what I’m feeling. Yes, I’m flustered, yes, I’m panicking. He’s good at that.

Finally he pulled away, but I knew he was intending to continue. He pulled off his sweater in one graceful movement and threw it back. I wanted to scream and yell at him. Besides all the shit I was feeling now, I felt self conscious. His body was perfect, every feature was carved in with precision. No one can just have this. I never even knew he had this kind of muscle either; he wasn’t ripped, but he wasn’t as skinny as I thought. And how I hate how he has abs like that. I’m skinny as fuck and he gets this. I pressed back on the counter, just wanting to not be near him now for putting me in a state of shock. I think he did it on purpose too.

“I hate you,” I said.

“Wrong phrase,” he kissed me again, his hands going through my hair. It made me weak how he did this so easily. I could feel his skin on mine, his perfect skin. My self esteem is now totally gone. How can someone like this want someone like me? I’m serious. Doesn’t he want to be with vampire people or something? Why me?

“You could be a bit more enthusiastic,” he murmured.

“Why the hell would I want to?” I pushed against him since its the greatest chance to. He didn’t object to me wanting my space away from him. I know he’ll try something anyway.

“How about-”

“No,” I said quickly. “Whatever it is, no.” I said and meant it. He pouted. That isn’t going to do anything for him, I don’t know why he’s trying so hard for. I won’t just give in like that. “Can I have my shirt back now?” I asked.

“Then the pants come off,” he said.

“Get the hell out,” I shouted at him, turning red. He laughed at me, making it seem like I was blushing when in reality, I was pissed as fucked. Its not fair that he can do this to me and I can’t do anything, its unfair. He picked up his shirt and slipped it on. He just has to make everything worse doesn’t he? I looked away so I wouldn’t gawk at his existence, it made me sort of uncomfortable I guess but I kept quiet.

“You’re stubborn,” he said, putting a hand to my face; he moved my hair back slightly from my face. I pursed my lips tightly as I looked everywhere else except his face. Right now isn’t the time to talk because I know something stupid will come out of my mouth. I pushed him back from me so he couldn’t touch me or worse. He did let go, sighing as he turned around.

“Bye,” I said because that means he has to leave. I saw a smile from the side, something like ‘just you wait’ and then he was gone. Of course he would be. I picked my shirt up from the floor and put it on. I was still blushing from this little incident.

I have a problem, I feel like my heart won’t control itself. Kellin is doing this to me and I dislike it so much. I wish I wouldn’t feel like I like him. Because I don’t.

It was around eleven thirty when I wanted to go out for food. There wasn’t anything I wanted and I was basically craving tacos. Its not a far walk from here but its snowing so I don’t know how to deal with that. Its food or starve. I chose food so I put on a jacket and shoes and headed out. The snow was getting thick, the sidewalks completely covered by it. It made me uneasy; what if I fall and sink and die? I hate the snow. I walked on, ignoring everything around, mostly the snow that was wetting the bottom of my jeans. It was quiet around but of course it was super late. Usually there’s at least three or four people walking around so I’m not really worried about going out this late. But there was no one around. It was just me, walking by myself. I’m sure once I get further out there will be more people. All I have to do is get to my location and stay there.

And then I got this feeling someone was following me. It made me want to cry for real. If Kellin is playing a joke, he can kiss my ass because its not funny. I’m insanely scared right about now. I heard foot steps mashing in the snow so I know someone was behind me, it wasn’t even a joke. Kellin isn’t the type to scare me. Me! So this is just some stalker who wants to kidnap me, right? I wanted to believe that. My heart pounded in my chest as I felt myself slowing down. The walking behind me slowed too, like it wasn’t trying to get near me. Then at the same time, I knew what they wanted. I didn’t believe it was a vampire, it couldn’t have been. Then again, I’m out at close to midnight and I’m by myself. If that doesn’t scream I want to be eaten then I don’t know what is.

My hands started to get clammy in my jacket pockets. I wish this wasn’t real right now. There was a low sound, like an animal growling. My mind shut down. That’s definitely a vampire. I couldn’t breathe as I tried to think of a clear way out but no one out runs a vampire, that’s just insane for a human.

I’m about to be killed.

My voice wasn’t working. I wanted to call out to Kellin cause lets face it, he’s the only one who could help me. Is he even around? Would he be able to get to me before anyone else hurts me? My lips trembled as I tried to get his name out; I was stuttering, not even able to get past the K sound. It hurt to know I’m going to end up like this. I can’t feel my body, oh my god.

Something came out in front of me and was just about to grab me when it was tackled. There was no way I could see the two figures with the speed they were going at; they sound like animals as the noise started to fade. What the hell happened? I was shaking violently as I stared off in the direction I saw the things go to. I could still hear it. Them.

Then something touched me. I flinched and tried to get away but it was only Kellin. He had an arm around me, pulling me on quickly. I couldn’t move, I didn’t want to, what if something else happens? My throat closed up as I tried to focus. I knew there was a vampire about to kill me, it’ll just be like what happened to mom and dad. I knew that’s what it was going to end up like. I went into hysteria, feeling a hole open up in my chest as I tried to honestly hold in my tears. I was honestly scared shitless.

“Its fine, nothing’s going to hurt you.” he held me closer as we walked. I wanted to believe that, I truly did but that was such a close call. “I promise, no one will touch you,” he said, trying to calm me down. I was about to tune him out but this was the best thing I could get. He was trying his hardest to not have me have an anxiety attack.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“The idiot is near,” I said, looking around, I just don’t know where though. Layne stood near me, looking with me. All this snow can mess up sensing, it shouldn’t be hard to find Lucas around here but its tough. He knows when to come out and when to not. No one was around so I could search freely but it still wasn’t good enough to. Not even from above was better. This kid is a pain in my ass I swear.

“If we catch him, we have to kill him,” Layne said.

“No duh. Dante will have our heads if we don’t do our jobs. Plus I need to redeem myself.” I murmured. Jeremy doing what he did sort of messed up my pride. He’s so annoying; sending Lucas out here to distract us just so he can do what he needs to is clever. I’ll kill everyone.

“Um, Kellin,” Layne started to panic. I smelled Pierce’s scent near by. Holy fuck, this is going to fuck everything up. Lucas would be going for him, of course he would. Jeremy and I had a deal, I don’t give a damn if its indirect, he said Pierce wouldn’t be in harm’s way. “Lucas caught the scent,” he said. I looked to where Layne was looking. Sure enough, Lucas was on his way towards Pierce. Mine. He’s mine.

I went into full monster mode, ready to take him down but Layne stopped me from jumping off the ledge. The only instinct I had left was to snarl at him and I did. He needs to get his hands off me now before I snap his arms off him.

“Wait look,” Layne turned my head. Lucas was slowing down now but he was still too close. Anything could happen at this point. If I’m off for at least a second, it could cost Pierce his life. I wanted to get down there and kill him myself but Layne wouldn’t let me because he doesn’t consider him a threat yet. Is he fucking blind, he’s about to attack what’s mine.

Lucas glanced up at us and smiled. All the more while, Pierce was trying to call for me but couldn’t. His words barely came out as a stutter. He was that scared. I could feel his heart from here and I think he just might have a heart attack if this doesn’t stop. Lucas was enjoying this; he’s one of this sick vampires that torture before they kill. He flicked me off and went for the kill. That set me off but Layne was faster. I could barely see past my rage so of course I’d be slow. He got to Lucas first before he could snap at Pierce and tackled him off into an alley way. I jumped from the building and went to Pierce first, I know Layne can handle Lucas, he doesn’t need me for that.

I latched on to Pierce and he had a panic attack, just about to start screaming but he didn’t get there fast enough. He realized it was just me as I dragged him on. Why the hell is he even out at this time anyway? I thought he hates the snow, its no reason to be out here now? Humans are not the smartest I swear. Pierce was just in complete shock and it would make sense, Lucas was just about to get his greedy hands on him. I hate everyone and how it leads to this. Now Pierce can’t even function.

“Its fine, nothing’s going to hurt you.” I held him closer to me. He didn’t respond; he was still in shock, not realizing that we’re out of danger yet. “I promise, no one will touch you,” I said. He started to calm down right about now but still, he was paranoid. I didn’t know what else to do; I’ve never really dealt with this kind of thing before so I wouldn’t know. He moved a bit closer, still shaking and just on the verge of crying. It hurt to honestly see him in pain like this. Its good to know that we got him in time.

I walked him back home cause its not like I was going to let him go to where he wanted to go. That’s stupid. He latched on to me and wouldn’t let me go even when we got inside. It didn’t matter about it. He was still scared shitless.

“You aren’t going anywhere are you?” he asked.

“Do you want me to?”

“Its not funny. What the fuck was that?” he asked loudly, panicking again. And this will be a problem. Pierce will make it extremely personal because of his parents but I can’t blame him for that. I sighed and sat down on the couch. I just want to not be here right now, I need to think about this.

“The one piece of shit we’re trying to kill.” I answered.

“Are you kidding me,” he ran his hands through his hair, pacing around. He was a lot more anxious than I thought he would be by this. But that’s humanity. I’m sure his life flashed before his eyes and everything. “You’re going to kill him right?” he asked. That’s a little radical for him. “I’m serious, Kellin, I’m scared.” he said desperately. I looked around. We haven’t been having good luck when it comes to Lucas but we’re trying. At least most of us are.

“No one’s going to hurt you.” I said.

“That is not an answer to my question.” he looked down at me, pissed off.

“I can’t give you a specific answer.” I said truthfully.


“I said you’ll be fine, okay. You don’t have to worry about it cause we have this under control.” I said, trying to distract him from the subject. He doesn’t need the fear right now, it doesn’t work for him at all.

His response was nothing, he just looked around, thinking. I took his hand and pulled him down on me. He didn’t attempt to move away like he does usually. Now he had calmed down a bit more. His scent filled my lungs, it made my fangs grow out. I know I don’t need to feed on him now.

“I’m scared.” he admitted silently.

“No one’s going to hurt you,” I said. I meant it for real. No one can touch him, this right here is mine.

“Don’t leave tonight.” he said. That’s an invitation there. But I held in my reaction, I can at least try to not play around. He is scared so now its time to put what I’d do to good use. I can stay if I had to, there’s nothing preventing me from doing it.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer to me. He just got comfortable in my arms. This was something I’ve always wanted from him, to be able to hold him close like this. It made me feel alive again I guess. He was so warm and I could feel his heart beat in his chest, his breathing and his emotions. He’s so delicate.

Its crazy and creepy but I wanted to treasure him like this.

He doesn’t understand what he means to me.

He ended up falling asleep easily. I picked him up and brought him to his room. He said not to leave but I really can’t get into bed with him, I’ll lose my control so easily. I moved his dark hair from his sleeping face. Sometimes he murmurs things about random stuff that doesn’t make sense. I wonder if he knows that. It amuses me to listen to the stuff he says sometimes. A smile crept on to my face as I watched him quietly.

“Don’t go,” he muttered. I know he was still sleeping but was that directed at me? I wanted to know what he was dreaming about. Is it relevant to me? I got closer, leaning over him. Now he seemed in pain. He’s having a nightmare. “No Kellin, don’t leave me.” he plead silently and turned over. He is having a nightmare. I wanted to wake him up from it but that would just make it worse. I ran my hand through his hair, thinking that might make him feel a bit better.

Layne was outside somewhere, I could sense him from here. I looked out the window to see him leaning against the building across from this one. He wants something, he wouldn’t be waiting if he didn’t. I told Pierce I won’t leave so I guess that means Layne comes here. It pained me to have to wave him over. He didn’t seem to excited about it either, its not like he would be anyway. But he walked off, coming this way. I waited for him in the living room.

“Wow his scent is killing me.” Layne looked around as he fixed his scarf. I growled when I saw his fangs. He might as well not.

“What’d you want?” I asked.

“Lucas escaped.” he said but that wasn’t his main concern. Its something else. “He would be dead if Jeremy hadn’t come along.” he said.

“What?” I asked.

“Jeremy definitely has something to do with this and he’s using the boy as leverage.” he explained.

“So if we don’t leave Jeremy alone-”

“He could do a number of things.” Layne finished for me. Wow, this is awful. Whatever he wants, he wants me to not get involved.

“He promised Pierce would be safe but what happens after that?” I asked.

“The kid said not to worry about that,” Layne reminded. Whatever. Jeremy has it planned out so it wouldn’t matter later. He won’t get away with hurting him no matter what so he might want to not. “I hate to say it but you’re going to have to stay with the boy. Its obvious Jeremy is turning into a cheater.” he said.

“Lucas was sent by him of course.” I said.

“But I’m sure him and Jeremy have their own deal.” He said. That’s clear. Who’s going to do all this work for no reason? “Just stay here, I can cover for you.” he said, turning to leave.

“Really?” I asked skeptically. “You aren’t the one to lie to Dante.” I said.

“Its probably going to be worse when you go on a rampage cause your human is dead.” he said as he headed for the door. I guess he does care then. Something must have changed his mind about this because I know he didn’t before. So he cares. That’s more than I can say for me.

I went back into Pierce’s room quietly and sat on the floor. He was silent now, not talking in his sleep. I just watched and listened to his heart beat. I guess his nightmare was gone. What I would give to actually touch him and feel him and hold him. I wanted to take him again and again like I did a couple nights ago. That was the best part of my existence actually. I want to again. But I can’t. Now I have to wait on him....or persuade him, which ever comes first.

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