just another roomie

Chapter 9 (Rachel’s POV)

Expression on Mason’s face when I told him I got an interview in his company was priceless.

I wish I had my phone with me so I could take a picture.

Anytime I would feel bad or had a bad day I would just look at that picture and my day would be brighter.

But either way. I won’t forget that expression any time soon.

But what bugged me was the fact I couldn’t remember sending an email to a company with that name.

Ah who cares.

I probably wasn’t paying enough attention.

But what matters is the fact I got the interview.

Now I only have to do good tomorrow and cross my fingers that they give me a chance.

As long as they didn’t ask about my previous work experiences I was safe.

But first things first.

I had to find something suitable to wear to my interview.

I was halfway through everything I had in the closet when I suddenly came across the perfect combination.

It was my best pair of jeans that fit my body like a glove.

It was plain jeans, but when you take a closer look you can see there was a pattern made from roses.

They were simple, but in the right combination they still made me look professional.

SomI put them on the bed and searched through my racks.

Finding a deep red blazer that was a perfect match.

Underneath a simple white blouse and to finish my look I had a perfect pair of high heels.

Deep red with a rose at the end. They were a gift from Becky a few years ago.

And now I will finally make use of them.

Now that everything’s in place for tomorrow it’s time for a shower and some rest.

Wish me luck.


I was up 4 hours before I had to be in the Code hack.

So I took my time with getting ready.

My nerves were on high alert and the amount of coffee I drank didn’t help at all.

Mason was long gone, so I had the whole house to myself.

I put my music on speakers and let the music fill my mind.

It was my way of relaxing and let me tell you.

There was no better therapy than listening to music.

It helped me express my emotions many times.

Today my playlist had Ava max, Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes, Imagine dragons and One republic on it. And the most important song of today, you could call it today’s theme song, I believe I can fly.

Once I was ready and my nerves calmed down a little, I plugged in my earphones and continued listening to my music right where I left it.

I locked the door behind me and since it was pretty nice weather I decided to walk.

Once I reached the front door of Code hack I took one last deep breath and walked inside.

The girl at the front desk was really nice and escorted me to the waiting room.

She told me someone would come and get me soon.

So I was sitting there waiting for that someone to arrive.

I didn’t have to wait for long though. Probably only 5minutes.

“Miss Bigsby?”

I lifted my head only to be met with a pair of brown eyes.

No, not brown, honey. That’s a better word to describe that color.

The man in front of me was tall, like really tall. Once I stood up, I reached only to his armpits, and I am not a small woman, especially when wearing high heels.

He was wearing a black three piece suit and a funny tie finished his look.

It was a neon blue tie with red hearts on it.

It was funny but somehow suited him.

His hair was shaved on the side and longer on top and it was a light brown color.

He had a 5 o’clock shadow on his face but it worked for him.

All in all he looked really good.

And now I had to ask myself.

What kind of company am I stepping into?

Judging by this guy and Mason, it looked like it was full of hot specimens.

Oh yeah the front desk girl was hot as fuck also.

I am a woman and I am not ashamed of admitting it.

But right now this semi God in front of me watched me with a mix of curiosity and amazement.

Then it struck me.

I didn’t say a word.

So I quickly stood up and offered him my hand.

“Yes, I am so sorry I was just lost in my thoughts. My name is Racheal Bigsby.”

“Nice to meet you Miss Bigsby. My name is Aron McNamara. I am the CEO of Code hack. Would you follow me to my office so we can start the interview?”

“Nice to meet you too. Of course Sir. Lead the way.”

He laughed wholeheartedly at my response and I must admit, I already liked the guy.

“None of that nonsense please. You can call me Aron. We are on a first name basis in our company so I hope it’s ok if I call you Rachel as well?”

My smile was genuine and full of excitement. I just hope I get a chance to work here.

I nodded my head and we started walking towards his office.

On the way we got stopped a few times, but I didn’t mind it because I got a front row to witness how people were treated in this company.

And I was surprised. In a good way.

Even though he was on his way to an interview, he took his time for every person who approached him.

After almost half an hour we finally reached his office.

But when I went to close the door behind me he surprised me again by telling me to leave it open.

“I am sorry it took us so long to reach our destination. Now let’s start shall we. Tell me about yourself.”

“No problem. Honestly it was good for me to see how people were treated in this company and I am pleasantly surprised. Well about me. I finished my business degree, but I enjoy the position of secretary. I love working with people and papers so this kind of work is perfect for me. I am organized and can sometimes be almost in OCD mode but it’s tolerable. That’s what I’ve been told at least. I worked in this position already so I know what to expect, even though my former employment was in a law office.”

As soon as the words were out I wanted to take them back.

Damn Rachel you are such an idiot, sabotaging yourself.

But Aron just chuckled.

“Well the work is pretty much the same here as it was there I suppose. Picking up the phone, scheduling meetings, taking care of my work time table and so on. I think you get what I mean. Your former boss also wrote you an amazing letter of recommendation, so if you want it, the position is yours. You could start working tomorrow already.”

I looked at him in disbelief.

Amazing letter of recommendation?

In that case it sure wasn’t written or sent from my former boss office.

But I would think about this later.

“Yes! Oh my God yes, yes. I will be here tomorrow, at 6am, ready to start.”

He laughed again at my enthusiasm.

“Nah, 8am would be ok. You should stop in the HR on the third floor first. They will give you the pass for our building and a contract will be ready for you so you can check it. And if you agree with everything you sign it, if not you just tell our HR team what changes would you suggest and we can try to find a compromise. Sounds good?”

“Sounds amazing. Thank you for the opportunity, you won’t regret it.”

We said goodbye and I left the building with a bounce in my step.

Luck was finally turning around.

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