just another roomie

Chapter 3 (Rachel’s POV)

I am sure you are wondering what Mason did to deserve my hatred.

Well honestly, he did nothing. At least not to me.

But he was a well known playboy that used girls for his entertainment and threw them away once he got tired of them.

And that kind of behavior was simply unacceptable in my book.

Yes he was hot. But he knew it and used it to his advantage.

He had black hair that was a bit curly at the end and always looked like he just crawled out of his bed.

His eyes were green, but not just any green. It was this forest green mixed with something bright.

I have no idea how to describe it, but if you looked at him at the right angle it was like his eyes were little shiny emeralds.

About his body…I know next to nothing.

Sure I knew he was tall but that’s it.

He always wore baggy clothes and since he was always behind his laptop developing and programming shit, he was probably skinny under all those clothes.

Once upon a time I had a crush on him.

But that was back in high school before he turned into a man whore.

So now you know all there is to the story about me and Mason.

But now I had to live with him.

It’s not like I minded him, but considering his reputation he will be gone for half a day and the other half I would have to witness all his one night stands leaving the house.

Hopefully he won’t find a clingy one that would cause us problems.

I really didn’t have time or patience for drama right now.

But back to business.

I had to unpack and get started on my job hunting spree.

So I did just that.

Once done with unpacking I took my laptop and went to the living room, but surprise, surprise Mason was already there.

Guess we had the same idea.

I stood there frozen because I wasn’t sure if it was ok for me to join him.

After a moment he startled me when he spoke.

“You know, I don’t bite. We should get used to seeing each other a few times a day since we would be living under the same roof. And I hope we can be grown up and get along for the time being ok?”

He had a point. Even if we tried, we couldn’t avoid each other all the time.

So I just nodded my head and sat down on the couch that was opposite his.

We were silent for some time, each of us absorbed in our task.

But he surprised me for a second time.

“So what was the reason for you to lose your job?”

It was weird that he tried having a normal conversation with me. But even weirder was the fact that I could only hear curiosity in his words.

So I gave him an honest answer.

“My boss that was sexually harrasing me, turned the story around when I complained to the HR. And because I bruised his ego he fired me.”

He was just looking at me for a few moments before he spoke.

“Your ex boss is a huge chauvinistic pig. Don’t mind him. I am sure you will be a great employee wherever you go. You are smart, young and beautiful. You also have the drive that is needed in your line of work, so I am sure you won’t have any problems finding a new job.”

He left me speechless.

What I wanted to ask him was if he really thought I was beautiful but I didn’t want to come across like I’m fishing for compliments. So instead I just thanked him and we both returned our attention to laptops.

Maybe this next few weeks won’t be so awful after all.

We were deep in our work for a few hours already when my stomach informed me it didn’t get any food today.

I looked up to see Mason fighting a smile.

A blush crept on my cheeks.

“I am sorry. I forgot about food today.”

At my words he stopped fighting his smile and I must admit it was a really nice view. And guess what. He had dimples.

On both cheeks.

Now I realized it was no surprise girls fell for his charm that easily.

“Don’t worry. It’s understandable after a day like yours. Are you in for us to order some take out?”

I was relieved that I wouldn’t have to cook today.

“Sounds amazing. I can order so you can continue with your work if you want.”

“Nah don’t worry, I am a few days ahead on my assignment anyways.”

He pulled out his phone before I could object and we were discussing what to order.

In the end we realized the best option was pizza.

And to my surprise we had the same preferences for it. We even agreed that pineapple is definitely a no go on our pizza.

Now we wait.

I was expecting a weird suffocating silence to settle upon us but once again Mason proved me wrong.

He asked about my job as the secretary if I liked it and what I hated about it. He shared some things about his job, the parts that weren’t classified.

It was generally a relaxed atmosphere between us.

He was a good listener as well.

After a short time our pizza was delivered and we didn’t even bother with plates or anything we decided to eat it tight out of the box.

We were halfway through the whole pizza when he asked his next question.

“I get why you got fired even though I still think that your ex-boss is an idiot, but why did your landlord throw you out?”

I took a moment to think about my answer but realized there was no way around it so I told him the honest truth.

“Well my dearest ex boss decided to give a call to my landlord and tell him I was sexualy harrasing him anr my landlord decided to believe him and he couldn’t have such a tenant in his building. So here I am.”

I could see disbelief written clearly all over his face.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

I chuckled but there was no humor behind it.

“I wish I was but I am not. I guess he wanted revenge and he got it.”

He just shook his head and after a few moments he said:

“I guess in that case you need this house more than I do at this moment. But about your boss I only have 2 words. Good riddance.”

See? I told you. It might not be so bad.

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