just another roomie

Chapter 27 (Rachel’s POV)

It was 8am and I just stepped inside Becky’s house.

Now I know it’s usually the male population that fucks up and has to do some grovelling, but not in this case.

After a long conversation with my best friend and a sleepless night I realized my mistake.

First of all, Mason was only trying to help me. So I really shouldn’t be angry with him.

Second, I didn’t even give him a chance to defend himself or tell his side of the story.

And last but not least, I didn’t tell him I love him, so it wasn’t fair of me to expect him to say it first.

Eo here I was, standing in the living room, dressed in a sexy black number that showed off my legs in a perfect way. It also gave a peek at the cleavage but it was still on the tasty side.

I lighted the candles all around the living room but made sure to not put it too close to any flammable surface.

I’ve put on some sweet music and of course I came prepared.

So there were muffins waiting for Mason.

I also told Aron to make up an excuse to send Mason home around 9am.

Since I didn’t receive any texts I’d say it all went as planned.

So now I was sitting on the sofa and bouncing my leg impatiently.

I could only hope it will all go as planned and Becky was right about Mason having feelings for me.

Just when I thought that last thing the front door burst open and there he stood.

Even though he was a bit breathless he was the most handsome sight I ever saw.

Now it’s time for action.

A shy smile spread across my lips.

“Hey Mason.”

He looked taken aback, which is understandable since I was in his house after I left in a hurry yesterday.

“Wh-what are you doing here Rachel?”

His words cut me even though his words sounded just curious.

“Um yeah. You know, I just came around. You know, to apologize.”

Now he looked like I grew another head.

“Apologize? To me?”

I couldn’t help it. A chuckle escaped me.

“Yeah. To you. I am sorry for my reaction yesterday. I still think you shouldn’t have done what you did, but I can see you did it to help me out. Second, I really didn’t have to get up and leave, I should at least give you a chance to tell your side of the story.”

“Wait, wait. Yes I did it to help you out, I also know it’s illegal so I covered all my tracks. But it still wasn’t right for me to hide all that from you. Also I was with Aron just before I came home and he already knew everything but decided to give you a chance anyways and since he said we both still have a job I’d say he is not upset.”

His news shocked me so much that I forgot about the last part that I wanted to say.

But he started moving towards me so I completely lost my train of thoughts.

“Also, you see I was a complete idiot. I took what I had in front of me for granted. And I had to lose it, to realize how much it meant to me. I know we said no feelings should be involved in our arrangement and if you still want to keep it that way, then I must say no to the agreement.”

My heart dropped, because all I heard was that he would say no to another agreement.

But he was still making small steps towards me.

He was in my arms reach and I itched so badly to touch him.

“I made a mistake Rachel. I didn’t stick to the rules of our arrangement.”

Now my heart was already in my legs. He made a mistake. Guess Becky was wrong.

But once again, I proved myself wrong, because I came to a conclusion much too fast.

Mason’s next words shocked me so much that I could only stand there and look at him with disbelief written all over my face.

“You see I fell for you. And I fell hard. I have no idea when it happened, but it did. And I don’t regret it. Even if you turn me down I can’t change how I feel. I love you Rachel Bigsby.”

His words were barely a whisper at this point and his lips were just a breath away from mine.

He lifted his hand and wiped something off my cheek. Only then did I realize I was crying.

But I had to get myself out of this trance or he would think I really am crazy.

“Stop being a pussy and say those words you should have said a few days ago already!”

My little pep talk helped me and I got back to my senses.

A huge relieved grin spread across my face.

“I love you too Mason Collins.”

He didn’t wait even a second longer, but immediately sealed our lips together.

It was a kiss full of passion, regret and promises.

Once we had to break up the kiss to get some much needed air he put his forehead to mine and smiled at me brightly.

“You are still an asshole, don’t forget that.”

He started laughing uncontrollably and I couldn’t help it but join him.

Once we got ourselves under control again he looked me straight in the eyes and captured my face between his hands.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

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