Just a Wolf

Chapter We Are One 🌶️🌶️


“We’ve waited long enough,” she whispers to me as the crowd gathers around the Alpha and Luna.

Oh my god - now!? Right now?!


We quickly walk around the building to her back staircase. She glances around to make sure nobody is watching, and we duck inside the door, rushing down the stairs.

I can’t believe this is finally happening. It’s been ten days since I found my mate, ten days that feel like ten years, days that have been full of every kind of emotion and hardship and ecstasy and pain.

She opens the door to her room and quickly slams it behind us, and she is on me. She seems even more eager than I am. It is dark as we fall onto her bed, grabbing and kissing and grasping almost violently. Darker than it should be - it’s just barely sunset. I glance up and see with amusement that she has pinned a blanket up over the high, narrow window at the top of her wall.

She notices that I am distracted, and follows my line of sight to see what I am looking at. “My entire pack is right out there,” she says defensively. “My family and everyone! I don’t want to see their ankles walking past the window. And I sure don’t want them looking down here.”

I laugh and kiss her again. Wonderful woman, so right, so funny, so beautiful, so mine.

That’s the last we think of anybody else. No-one exists except us, she and I, mates together. My wolf briefly surges to the surface of my mind, silently, eagerly. He knows it’s time too.

She sits up on the bed, and starts to pull her shirt over her head. I stop her. “Let me,” I say hoarsely. She looks at me, this little statement seeming to ignite her passion more than anything else. Her eyes are burning as she watches me slowly move my hands down across her body and start drawing the bottom of her shirt up. She is breathing heavily, and I watch the movement of her body as she gasps while I lift her shirt. Her stomach is revealed, then her bra, her cleavage lifting with her frantic breathing, and as her throat is exposed she lifts her arms to let me pull the shirt all the way over her head.

But I stop, her arms in the air, her shirt up over her face, leaving her trapped inside, and push her gently back down onto the bed. She gasps from within the shirt, and I see her hands opening and closing over her head, but she doesn’t reach to get herself out. She lets me do it, lets me hold her captive here.

I look down at her slender torso, and rub my fingers over her stomach, dip my hand down inside her bra to squeeze her breast. I’m surprised when the bra sort of pops open in the front, I guess this one opens there and not in the back. That’s more convenient. I move it off of her breasts, while the straps are still hooked over her shoulders, her arms up in the air inside her shirt, while she moans and squirms and huffs. I could come just looking at this, a feast of her breasts and stomach and creamy skin laid out in front of me. I take a deep breath to try to control myself, then lower my face to her throat.

She reacts wildly, twisting, gasping inside the blindfold that I have created with her shirt, helplessly exposed while her eyes and arms are trapped. It makes me feel incredibly powerful to have her at my mercy in this way. I suck on the almost-mark on her throat, and she is gasping and moaning so much that it seems like she is almost ready to come.

So I reach a hand down, right over her pants, just the same way that I did it the first time, rubbing and pressing down against her most sensitive spot, and she rears up against my hand, throws her head back inside the shirt to give me better access to her throat, and comes for me.


My brain is utterly disengaged. It is all instinct from here on out. Something about being blindfolded inside my shirt, my arms trapped up next to my head, is intensely arousing. I love this feeling, the feeling of being his to do with as he pleases. I want to give myself to him, and he is taking this gift in the way that he chooses, and it is so perfect.

His hands are on me as I squirm and gasp inside my shirt, and my fingers frantically reach up to grasp the pillow or whatever is closest. I feel him unfasten my bra, pinch my breast and start rubbing his other hand against my crotch, all while he sucks on my throat.

I could die from this ecstasy. I am squirming and shrieking and writhing and coming before him. I am his. All his. It’s all I want to be.


After he makes me come, he reaches up and pulls the shirt the rest of the way over my head, freeing me but then his mouth is immediately covering mine, and we are rolling on the bed, kissing, grabbing, clutching, merging.

I reach my hand under his shirt, and he sits up for a second to yank it off, before I have any chance to play with him like he did with me. Then he is back on me, and our skin rubs together as we make out, and I reach to his throat and put my mouth on him there.

He groans, and thrusts against me, rubbing us together through our pants. I reach down inside his pants and grab his butt with both hands. I feel his muscles all start to clench, and a layer of sweat start to break out on his skin, and I pull my mouth back from his throat. Not yet.

I push him away from me, just a little, and reach to start undoing his pants, and he immediately takes over and kicks them off along with his underwear. I see his dick spring out and I want to grab it, but first he reaches for my pants, the last thing that needs to go for us to both be naked.

I try to help, try to unfasten the button, but he pushes my hands away. “Mine,” he growls monosyllabically, but I get the message. He wants to do it. He wants to do everything. I think he wants to own me.

And I want him to. It makes me feel dizzy, and mushy inside, and oh so loved.

He tugs me over to the side of the bed, and kneels on the floor next to it, and stands me up so that he can start sliding my pants down over my hips. I tentatively move my hands to help, and he pushes them away again, growling without words, and I feel my knees trembling with how this makes me feel.

I try not to fall while he slowly pushes my pants down, taking my underwear with them, and kissing my skin as he goes. My stomach, my thighs, my knees. When he gets to pulling them off my feet I lose balance, I am so dizzy with desire, and he quickly reaches up to sit me down on the edge of the bed. He lifts my foot to pull the pant leg off, and brings it up to his mouth and kisses it. My foot. He kisses my foot, of all things, like he finds it to be incredibly alluring and erotic.

I hear my breathing start to catch in my throat, and I am trembling as he starts kissing his way back up. My calf, the side of my knee, the inside of my thigh. And then he suddenly reaches my lady parts, and dives in with his mouth, and he is licking me there, and I collapse on the bed, quivering, panting, moaning. Coming again. How much more of this can I take?

He climbs up on the bed and holds me, letting me catch my breath, while I feel him still panting, still tense, still needing me.

Now it’s my turn. I push him over, rolling him to be on his back, and I lean over him and start sucking on the mark on his throat. He reaches his arms up to grab me, but I don’t let him, instead I grab his hands and lift them over his head and hold him there, our fingers intertwined, while I nibble on his throat and he writhes and gasps and clutches my fingers like his life depends on it. I can’t hold him down with strength, I hold him down with love, and he lets me, and I love him even more for it.

I can tell that this is almost too much for him, and I don’t want to torture him. I know what I do want. And what he wants. It’s time.

I don’t try to overthink it, or calculate what to do, or worry about whether I’m doing it right. I let instinct take me.

I let go of his hands, and move my mouth down from his throat, down across his muscular, delicious chest, across the abs on his stomach, all the way to his dick, and I start sucking on him there. He is almost yelling, gasping, and his hands grasp my shoulders as I get as much of his dick into my mouth as I can.

“Amelia!” he gasps, and I feel his hands lift my head away from his crotch, and he pushes me up so that I am sitting on top of him. I don’t even give it any thought. I’m perched right over his dick, and I lower myself onto him. He reaches one hand down and angles himself up, and I feel the tip of his dick pressing right into me, and I slowly wiggle myself so that I feel him slip smoothly just a little bit inside me.

We both gasp, doing it so much that we’re practically hyperventilating. I freeze over him, feeling him penetrate me, and he takes over. He holds onto my hips, and very slowly pushes up against me, going deeper in, and it feels strange but wonderful, and I can’t hold myself up any more.

I collapse against his chest, crouched over him, my legs on either side, straddling him as he starts moving his dick in and out of me, and I start getting used to the feeling of having him inside.

I hold on to him while he pumps in and out, gently, slowly, and my face is pressed against his chest, and instinct takes hold of me again. I move my mouth up, just a little, just to his throat, to the almost-mark there. Just as he pushes his dick all the way inside of me, as deep as he can go, I bite.


Oh god oh god oh god she is on top of me, and she sits right on my dick, and I hold it so that I can slip inside her pussy and I can die happy right now. But I don’t, I want more, she wants more, I go deeper, and she wiggles further onto me. She falls down onto my chest, and I’m worried for a second that I’ve hurt her, but she is holding me, kissing me, while I move in and out, and I am already in nirvana when I feel her teeth.

She claims me, as I claim her. My dick is in her, and her teeth are in me, and she is marking me, and my wolf screams in triumph within. I feel the mark like a fiery pleasure, a searing ecstasy, and an incredibly deep fulfillment. I feel not just her teeth, but her soul, her being, her self, merging together with mine. It is more than bliss, it is heaven.

I sit up quickly, with her on top of me, with me inside of her, and I lower my face to her throat, on top of the spot that I have been paying so much attention to over the last ten days, and I sink my teeth in as well. We are so entangled that I don’t know where I stop and she begins. I think we are one giant pulsing being, one entity, all hands and teeth and dick and pussy and soul, and in the middle of all of that, I hear her.

“I love you!” her voice sounds in my mind, but she is not speaking, her teeth are still engaged on my throat.

“I love you!” I tell her, through our new mind-link, and I feel myself coming inside her, my dick throbbing, and she is coming too, and the feeling is doubled because I can feel everything she is feeling, and nothing I have ever experienced before had any significance before this moment. My life begins now.

I know that we are fully mated, our bond is complete, and we will never be apart again. I am her, and she is me. We are one.


Hours have gone by, and I still want more. I know that the party outside has started to die down, as more and more pack members join the scheduled pack run, shifting into their wolves and running together through the woods, led by Alpha and Luna. But Dom and I stay in my room, together in every way, joined body and mind and soul.

It feels so strange to have him inside me, inside my body and inside my mind. But at the same time it feels like the most perfectly natural and obvious thing to have ever happened. We have always belonged together, we are one being now, we are soulmates finally joined. He belongs inside me.

“I agree,” I hear him speaking inside my mind, while he is entering my body once again. We have done this over and over and over again, utterly insatiable, utterly tireless. I will never get enough of him, enough of this. He has penetrated me, marked me, bitten me, kissed me, melded with me, and it still is not enough. I want this forever. I will never stop.

“Enough! It’s my turn!” I am shocked to hear another voice in my head, the voice I have been hearing for years. The voice of my wolf, not the voice of my mate. I wasn’t sure I would ever really hear from her again, I feel that she is so much a part of me now. “I want my chance!” she insists. “I want to meet my mate! Now!”

I suddenly know that I am losing control, that my wolf is taking over, and I will not be able to stop the shift. I realize that Dom has frozen inside of me, is rigid as he looms over me, and he gasps, “My wolf…!”

“Mine too!” I say, and he quickly moves away from me.

It is absolutely imperative, our wolves must be given their due. There is no part of me that wants to stop this. It is as instinctual as everything else has been.

Open the door!” my wolf demands, and I quickly jump across the room to turn the knob that she won’t be able to manipulate once we shift.

I turn back to Dom, see his beautiful dark and muscular body, his hard dick, his wide eyes, for just a split second. Then we shift at the same moment, our wolves bursting out from us, demanding their fair share of this ecstasy.

We’ve never seen each other in wolf form before, and I watch in arousal and amazement as his shift transforms him into a huge wolf with pale fur and light eyes, and he growls and rubs his head against mine.

My big dark wolf is the same size as his pale wolf, and I fade into the background as they take over. It’s their turn.

I am silent, thrilled, waiting and observing, as they mark each other, sinking their wolf teeth into their wolf throats, finalizing the last remaining part of the mate bond. I feel Dom with me, the ecstasy of our wolves flooding through us both. We are our wolves, all together, all one.

I am filled with excitement as my wolf nose nudges the door open, and we move up the stairs together, out into the nighttime, and break out into a run.

Dom and I run through the forest, wolves, together.

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