Just a Wolf

Chapter Quiet Time


Oh, my god.

All I can do for a while is just try to get my breathing back under control, enough to gasp out my thanks to her.

I can’t believe how much better I feel. I’ve spent my teenage years jacking off, like, constantly, and it has never made me feel this fulfillment, this much, this relief, this good. Just the light touch of her fingers on me through the denim of my pants was enough to send me straight into the burning sun.

And back down again. I’m back on earth, lying with her in my arms, and we are both calm again, after both coming together. For the first time. I wonder if she is thinking about that, marking it off on her checklist of first times for us.

She is lying against me again, on my shoulder, and her fingers are lightly tracing patterns against my shirt, and before this would have just made me hard, but now that I have been relieved I can appreciate the feeling all by itself. I love to have her here against me, her scent wafting into my nose, her hair tickling my chin a little, her warmth filling up my soul. It is so nice not to also be struggling to contain extreme horniness, now that my dick is quiet.

My wolf has also been very quiet. I wonder why he’s been leaving me alone. He’s there, just not talking, so content, far in the background.

I feel so relaxed. So it makes me smile when she says, “I feel so relaxed.” Heh!

“Me too,” I say, leaning my face down to kiss the top of her head.

“Do you feel… better now?” she asks.

“Mmmm. You have no idea,” I say.

“I wish I did.”

“Hm? What?”

“I want to understand,” she says. “I want to know everything about you. About that. About this.” Her fingers trace down from my chest, towards my waistband again, and I realize I have a mess to clean up. I stop her fingers before she finds something sticky. She might want to understand, but I don’t want her to be grossed out.

“Will you excuse me for a minute?” I ask, and she leans away to let me up. I sit up, then look back at her while I am standing to go into her little bathroom and clean up. Her eyes glow at me in the dim light, her hair scattered across the pillow, and I am filled with so much love for her. My Impossible Girl. My sexy elf. The lust under control for now, the love can shine through, and it is so intense.

“I’ll be right back.” I step into the bathroom, unzip my pants, mop everything up and toss the wad of soggy tissue in the trash can. I use her sink to splash some water on my crotch, dry off with some more tissue, make sure there aren’t any stains on my pants, and head back out.

She hasn’t moved, and her eyes meet mine, and her hands lift to welcome me back. I move back onto the bed with her, pull her back into my arms, and give her a long, lingering, tender kiss. “I love you,” I whisper to her, and I hear her emotional intake of breath.

Is that the first time I’ve said that? Out loud? I think maybe, even though I have felt it every second, and it has seemed so obvious, so much a part of my new reality, that it hadn’t really occurred to me to actually speak the words.

Her voice thick with emotion, even through a whisper, she replies, “I love you too.” And I feel the same way, I think, that she just did. It hits me, deeply, profoundly, to hear her speak those words.

So there is a lot more kissing, of course.


It has grown completely dark outside my window, but we have no desire to turn on any lights. I like it here, in the dark with him, on my bed, no vision to distract from the sensations I am feeling, from the music of his whispers.

I feel so relaxed, so good, so content, and I can tell he feels the same. After a long, long kiss, his hand moving gently against all different parts of my body, he stops for a while. “I guess you have a couple more things for your list,” he says.

“What?” I ask, amused. “I’ve got about a dozen lists right now. Which one?”

“The first times list.”

“Ahhh!” The only really important list, then, and the only one I haven’t actually written down. Hm. Maybe I should. “Okay, what should I add to our first times list?”

He huffs out a little amused noise. “First time saying ‘I love you’, obviously. And first time coming together.”

I am so moved, so touched, so much in love. But all I say, in a slightly saucy tone, is, “Noted!”

He laughs softly.

“I wonder, though…” I’m not sure how to continue.

“Wonder what?”

I’m silent, a little embarrassed.

“I told you, you can ask me anything,” he assures me.

“Okay. How did that happen?”

He huffs out a little laugh. “Which part?”

“Um, your part. What happened to you?”

His hand is in my hair, lifting it, threading his fingers through it, just idly playing with it. “Don’t they have sex ed in high school here?” he asks.

“Oh, they do, but it didn’t seem very detailed. They just said that a man must put his, um, I guess, dick inside a woman for her to get pregnant. But that didn’t happen.”

“I think your Alpha should have a talk with the school,” he says, sounding amused. “They need to improve their curriculum, provide some more details.”

“Um, actually, maybe it is because I missed the last year of sex ed, I think? I graduated a little early, I had finished enough credits, and I wasn’t there for the last semester.”

“Ah, then you missed all the porn videos.”


He laughs. “I’m just teasing. No porn videos.” I laugh and whack his chest, just lightly, and he takes my hand, and puts all of his fingers through mine, and holds our hands together on his chest. “Okay, want me to give you a little lesson? Fill in the parts you missed?”

“Yes, please.”

“Man, first teaching about lava tubes, now about sex ed. Who knew I’d end up being a teacher rather than a mechanic!”

We both laugh for a minute. “No, really, can you just explain it?”

“Fine. When guys come, they ejaculate. That’s how pregnancy happens - you know about sperm?” I nod, and I know he feels my head moving against him. “So sperm is in there, that’s how it gets out. It’s, um, messy, that’s why I needed the tissue.”

“And that feels … good?”

“Oh my god. So good. I have needed that so much, Amelia, you have no idea what a relief that was. I feel so much better now.”

“I feel better too,” I say. “But women don’t do that, so I don’t really understand.”

“Well, women have nerve endings, though, don’t they, to make it feel good too. I didn’t know that would really happen, I just couldn’t resist touching you. I kept going when I could tell how much you liked it.”

I guess we’re both learning. “Thank you,” I tell him.

“For explaining?”

“And for the practical demonstration,” I say, with a little teasing tone in my voice, and he laughs, and kisses me again.

After a while, we are lying quietly again, just soaking in each other’s company, and I suddenly remember. “Oh!” I say, “I have to tell you something!”


“I, uh, told your Luna about us.”

He lifts his head and looks down at me. “Really? I thought we were keeping it a secret?” He doesn’t sound angry or annoyed, just curious.

“She really guessed it by herself, and I ended up talking to her about it. She explained some things to me. I guess that it’s normal to feel heartache if you’re away from your mate before you complete the mating. She was kind of surprised to hear that we figured out a way to fix that. I didn’t hurt today, did you?”

“No,” he says, then laughs. “Well, not there.” Hm. I’ll get back to that issue, in a minute.

“I really love Darlene,” I add, “she is so nice.”

“I knew you’d like her,” he replies, “I told you she’s nice. So what did she say?”

“She says she’ll keep our secret for us. She thinks we’re kind of crazy for waiting to finish the mating -” he laughs - “but she understands that I don’t want anyone to know until after Alpha Kanen and Luna Janine have their ceremony.”

He shrugs under my head. “I’m willing to do it however you want to.” He exhales with an amused sound. “It’s going to be a LOT easier to wait now, after…” he waves his hand towards his crotch.

“Are you all better now?” I ask. “Will that last you for another week, until after the ceremony?”

He laughs, loudly, like he is very, very amused, and it takes him a moment to stop. “Um, not likely,” he says breathlessly.

“How long then?” I’m very serious. Now that I know how to relieve his pain, I have no intention of letting him suffer any more. “A few days?”

“Oh, I don’t know. A few hours.”

“Oh, really?” That soon?

His voice full of humor, he says, “Remember the part about me being a guy? And guys are just constantly horny?”

I shrug. “Fine. We’ll just have to do the same thing again tomorrow night.”

He lifts himself all the way up onto his elbow, staring down at me. “Are you joking?”

I look at him, dead serious. “I have to take care of you, Dominic. I’m your mate. I will never let you suffer, not if I can prevent it.”

“Well, it’s not exactly suffering, but….”

I don’t give him the chance to finish. I push him back down, and climb on top of him, and kiss him some more.

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