Just a Wolf

Chapter Introduction


Everything has changed. Every. Single. Thing. I thought I had wishes and desires and thoughts before tonight, and I realize that they have all vanished in a puff of smoke. I only have one wish, one desire, one thought. Her. Only her.

My wolf is the same. He was frantic before I touched her, but the second she was in my arms, he calmed down immediately. He feels a profound contentment, I can tell, a sense of fulfillment to be together with our mate.

I am so glad when she leads us out of the noisy ballroom, full of people who don’t matter. Only she matters, and I want so badly to be alone with her.

And she grants my wish. She leads me around the building, while I try not to stumble because I am staring only at her beauty, not watching my feet. When she takes me down a set of stairs around behind the building, and into a deserted hallway, I am amazed at how trusting she is. She has never met me before, doesn’t know anything about me, yet she is taking me someplace where there is nobody else nearby.

It feels marvelous to know that this must mean that she feels the same way I do. I feel like I would trust her with my life, with my soul, with my wolf. I think she feels the same.

Then I know she must, when she opens the first door in the hallway and leads me into what is obviously her bedroom. I wanted privacy, and here we have it.

She softly closes the door behind us, and turns to me with a little smile. “This is my room,” she says, and it makes me laugh just a bit.

“I figured,” I tell her.

Enough talking. My hands are burning to be on her. I reach my hand up to her cheek, her creamy skin looking so fine underneath my dark fingers. I caress her face, her jawline, her temple, and she closes her eyes and leans her head into my palm. My other hand wraps around behind her neck, and my fingers weave themselves into her silky blond hair, and I lower my face to hers.

I hesitate just for a moment, just to make sure that we are on the same page here, and am delighted when she reaches up, I think getting up on her tiptoes just a little, to bring our lips together.

Fire. It is fire. Everywhere we have touched, as I held her up in that first moment, as she held my hand while guiding me here, as I caressed her face, there has been this tingling spark of electricity, energy tracing along with every movement.

But when our lips touch, it is like I have been ignited. Every cell in my body explodes with excitement. Her scent, which was driving me so mad before, and which has been permeating my being ever since, is somehow a thousand times stronger as the flavor of her mouth, and I am so overwhelmed with sensation that I stagger unsteadily on my feet.

She quickly prods me sideways and I find myself dropping together with her onto her bed, but our mouths never lose contact with each other.

In a flash we are lying down together. She is lying on her back, her head on the pillow, and I am over her, and to the side, leaning up on one elbow as I continue kissing her. I have never kissed a girl before, not like this, nothing more than a few flirty little pecks at school dances. This is entirely different, and I feel like a starving man at a banquet as I taste her, and feel her lips moving beneath mine, and finally have the courage to slip my tongue out and lick along the line of her lips.

When she opens them, letting my tongue in, I think I lose my mind a little. I lose all track of time, all sense of anything else, and I have no idea how long we lie here, moving against each other, our hands in each other’s hair, our tongues in each other’s mouths, our bodies pressed together in our fancy dance clothes, our hearts and souls entwined, our wolves helping to drive our passion.

It is amazing, the best thing I have ever done, and I am not sure we are ever going to stop.

We do eventually. After a long time, we begin just lying quietly together. I am on my back now, and she is curled up against my side. Her head is lying on me, in the little indentation formed below my shoulder as my arm wraps around her, and I think she is listening to my heartbeat.

This is so sweet.

We still have barely spoken any words to each other. Words hardly seem necessary.

She realizes, apparently, that there are at least some words that we should say. “I’m Amelia,” she tells me.

Oh, right! I never even knew her name, never even told her mine. It almost seemed irrelevant. We are one now, mated, it almost feels like I am not even an individual any longer. But of course, I tell her, “I am Dominic.”

I hear the softest breath of a chuckle from her, as my hand strokes her hair, and she strokes the tie which is still fastened along my chest. “Nice to meet you,” she tells me.

I grin, flooded with joy, and reply, “It’s nice to meet you too.” Then she leans up over me and starts kissing me again. My hard dick and my horny wolf both want far more than kisses. “Shut up,” I tell them both silently, my mouth very busy at the moment. I am perfectly happy to just keep making out with her, for as long as she wants to. All night, all week, all year, it doesn’t matter. Whatever she wants.

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