Just a Wolf

Chapter Ice and Fire 🌶️

Beta Nolan

I mind-link with Alpha Ross, riding in the car in front of us with Kanen and Janine. “I’m going to call to report that the bridge was destroyed,” I tell him.

“Good idea,” he replies.

I turn to the driver. “Do you have a cell phone I can use? I lost mine in the accident.”

He reaches into his back pocket, pulls it out, and hands it to me, keeping his eyes on the road.

I dial 911, which feels weird, since that’s not really something we generally use. But the humans need to be notified. There seems to be a slight delay - I imagine they are busy with all this weather. After a minute the operator picks up with “911, what is your emergency?”

“I’m calling to report a road hazard,” I tell her. I describe the location of the washed-out bridge as best I can, and recommend that they send a crew out immediately to close the road to traffic. Otherwise people driving along that stretch would just crash straight into the gully in the dark. “We had to abandon a damaged vehicle at the scene,” I tell her, “I assume it will be towed. We’ll check in a day or two at the local tow lot.” I don’t mention the other car, who knows where that ended up?

“Is anyone injured?” she asks.

“No,” I lie, “and we were able to get a ride back to town with some other friends. I only wanted to call and let you know about the dangerous road condition.”

“Thank you,” she says, and I hang up. It’s the humans’ problem now.

I’m sorry that my carefully annotated maps were lost when our car was swept away. I’ll have to recreate everything - I’m sure with everyone’s help we’ll be able to remember all the details.

Despite how disastrously it ended, our expedition was very successful. We located and marked all of the caves, leaving the rogues few options. It will be much easier to corral and destroy them now.

I think the rain is starting to taper off a little. Timing is everything, right? A couple of hours earlier might have been nice. By the time we pull up to the River Moon packhouse, it seems to be down to a drizzle.

The Alphas get out of the car in front. Luna Darlene is waiting and instantly grabs Ross the second his door opens. Alpha Kanen waits until everyone has gotten out of the cars, then he raises his voice and says, “Okay everyone, just go get dried off and head to bed. We’ll talk about everything in the morning.”

It’s already morning, it’ll be dawn in just a few hours. “I’m going to check on Evan,” I tell Ross, “it looks like he’s still limping.”

“All right,” he says, getting Darlene all wet as she clutches him. He looks exhausted. I suppose we all do.

We head upstairs and go into our comfortable rooms. It feels like we’ve been on another planet, one of ice and water and cold and suffering. It almost seems strange not to be miserable and in pain. That was really an ordeal.

I quickly strip off my soggy clothing and change, reassuring my mate through the mind-link that we have returned to the packhouse and are fine now. I’ve had to keep her updated throughout this dreadful night. I think we all woke up our mates in a panic through our mate bonds. Her warmth and love flowing through the bond were a big part of what kept me going all night.

I move down the hall to knock on Evan’s door, but it opens just as I am lifting my hand. Dominic comes dashing out, wearing dry clothes, and I can barely dodge away before he flattens me.

He skids to a halt. “Oh! Beta! I am so sorry!” he apologizes. “I’m… um …”

I stare at him. I suppose it isn’t really my business what he is doing. I would have thought he’d just want to jump into bed after the cold and grueling day we just endured. “Are you all right?” I ask him.

He nods, eyes wide. “Okay then, carry on,” I tell him. He hesitates a moment then zooms off down the hall towards the stairs.

Evan is sitting up on his bed in pajamas, sort of laughing as I stare at Dominic rushing away. “Where is he heading?” I ask. “To get a snack or something?”

He snorts. “You could say that.” I look at him quizzically, knowing that my assistant wouldn’t conceal anything from me. He goes on, “He’s going down to visit Amelia. They’re … um… a thing, I guess.”

“Oh!” I glance back down the hallway, Dominic long gone. “Is that so?” All right then, I guess our pack alliance was certain to encourage relationships.

I come all the way into the room. “I’m here to check on you. I saw you limping.”

“Oh," he says, “yeah, I twisted my knee or something. It’s actually starting to feel better.”

“Let me take a look,” I say, and he lifts up his pajama leg. It looks a little bruised and swollen, but nothing is obviously broken. “Your healing is kicking in?”

“Yeah, I should be fine after I get some sleep.”

“Okay then, good night,” I say. In five minutes I am in bed with extra blankets, and the only thing missing is my mate.


Definitely did not expect to find Beta standing in front of my door. I’m glad I managed not to crash into him. I’ve had enough embarrassing crashes for one day.

I only ran upstairs long enough to get out of my soggy clothes. There’s only one thing I want, one place I want to be, but I definitely did not want to bring a bunch of rain and mud into Amelia’s bed. I rush back downstairs, and don’t even bother going around the outside. I don’t care who sees me at this point.

When I get to her room she has changed too - she got all wet while they were picking us up. I barely get the chance to see her before she has grabbed me and is kissing me with all her might, and I respond in kind. Oh my god how I missed this. How I missed her. Has her scent gotten more delicious? Do her lips feel even more magnificent? Does her body…?

She breaks off the kiss. “You’re shaking!”

Uh… “Yeah, maybe.”

“Are you still cold?”

“I’m not sure I’m ever going to feel warm again,” I confess. I think that the snow and rain sank right into my bones, and my body temperature might never be the same. “But I don’t care,” I say, and put my hand behind her head, and start nibbling down the side of her neck.

“You need a hot shower,” she recommends.

“I need you,” I growl against her skin.

“You can have both.”

Oh, god, yes.

She pulls me into the bathroom, and starts stripping off her clothes. “Hold on,” she says, “I’ll heat up the water before you get in.”

How very considerate, but honestly I’m not thinking about anything except her sexy body as she pulls her shirt over her head and steps out of her pants.

Sproing! I don’t care how cold I am. I could be frozen into a solid block of ice, and seeing her naked body would still make my dick get hard and burst right out of it. My hands are on her, getting in her way as she tries to get undressed.

She snickers a little. “Be patient!” She ducks out of my grasp, steps into the shower and turns on the water. I’m just staring, standing frozen. Pardon the pun.

“Okay, come on in,” she says, and in two seconds I have dropped my clothes on the floor and joined her.

“Ow! Sheesh! That’s hot!” I recoil a little, and am ashamed to be such a sissy.

“It’s really not,” she says, “you’re just too cold. Here, we’ll do it slow.”

She stands under the flow of water, getting her amazing body wet, then she presses herself against me, bringing the water to me rather than making me stand under it. And at this point I couldn’t care less whether the water is actually boiling, all I can notice is her.

Her wet body is molded to mine, her arms wrap around me, and she is focusing on warming me up, but I am suddenly on fire. Actual temperature be damned, I am burning for her. I crush her to me, probably way too hard, far more aggressively than I have ever touched her before, and I hear her gasp. My tongue is in her mouth, just for a moment, but it isn’t enough. I am overwhelmed by a possessive instinct that has been delayed for far too long. I want all of her. I want to devour her. I want to bite her. I want to own her.

I start moving my mouth down her throat, to the almost-mark there, and I suck on it for an instant, and she moans, and I almost lose all control. My teeth start pressing in, of their own accord, and I somehow wrench myself away. I made a promise to her, and I’m going to keep it no matter what. I’m not marking her until after the Alpha’s ceremony.

But for now I have to find something else. I am on the cusp of paradise, and I need more. There is no stopping this instinctive urge, this primitive drive. I move lower, my mouth trailing down across her chest, and I find myself on my knees in front of her, the hot water pouring down across my back as I take her nipple in my mouth and start sucking there. I bite, just a little, and she shrieks, just a little, and braces herself with her hands on my shoulders.

It still isn’t enough. I have to satisfy this craving, this hunger, this obsession. I move lower still, my tongue slurping up the water pouring over her torso, until I am sitting back on my heels in front of her, and I barely hesitate before I dive in, into her pussy, into the most amazing scent and feeling and taste of my life. My tongue is lapping over her, I am drinking her in, the water of the shower combining with her flavor. This. This is what I need. I am a starving man, I am a man dying of thirst, and this is the sweet nectar that will save me.

I hear that she is shrieking and moaning, she is clutching my hair, I have my arms wrapped around her hips like a band of iron, holding her up, holding her for me, and I am dining at the table of heaven.

When she comes, it is the culmination of a banquet of ecstasy, and I almost come into the air, almost lose myself at the same time as her.

I don’t stop, and it continues for another minute, while I hold her up as she screams and I eat her out, and she finally collapses onto me, and I cradle her in my lap.

We sit on the floor of the shower together, crammed into the little stall, tangled together, her wet hair covering my chest, the hot water still pouring down across us. She is trembling now, but I don’t think I am any more.

It takes a long time for her to recover, and I just hold her, and everything I suffered over the last few days fades into insignificance. This is the only thing that matters. Her, my mate, here in my arms, sated and loving and mine.


Finally, she asks, softly, “Are you warm enough now?”

“Heh, yes. Wasn’t that hot enough for you?”

She leans back from my chest, and looks straight into my eyes. “Then stand up,” she says.

I kiss her cheek, and crouch halfway up, trying to lift her with me, and she shakes her head. “No,” she says, and it takes me a second to catch on.

Oh, god. She stays right where she is on the floor as I get up, and she is eye level with my dick, and I realize what she is planning to do. Turnabout is fair play, I have always heard. I brace my hands against the tile wall of the shower.


I never imagined something like that, and I’m still not sure what just happened. How could he make me feel that way? What made him even think of putting his mouth on me like that? I might come again, just thinking of it.

I never would have thought of doing such a thing, but now that he has given me the idea, I am eager to try. He’s warm enough now, that’s for sure. And I want to make him feel as amazing as he just did to me.

When he stands up, his hard dick poking straight out in front of my face, I’m not even sure how to start. I hear him gasp, and I see that he has pressed his hands against the wall of the shower. I pause for a moment, evaluating what is in front of my face, and I see it twitch, and he moans.

Well, I don’t know what I’m doing, but I can’t keep him in suspense. I stick out my tongue and lap across the tip of his dick, just a little, and taste something that is a little salty and reminds me so much of his scent. I want more.

So does he, obviously, he groans loudly and when I glance up at him his eyes are closed, his mouth is open, and his head is hanging down between his shoulders. He looks so wonderful, his yummy body here for me, his face full of ecstasy, every part of him mine.

I lick across him, back and forth, up and down, while he squirms and grunts and his muscles all clench. I reach my hand up to hold him still, and this makes him react even more strongly, and I am starting to feel horny again as well, some kind of positive feedback loop happening between us. Him being horny makes me horny.

I am holding his dick in my hand, just barely able to wrap my fingers around it, and I start circling my tongue all around the tip, and he seems to reflexively thrust his hips forward towards my face. Does he want…?

I try it, open my mouth a little, try to suck on him like a popsicle, and he groans so loud that it is like he is bellowing, and I hear the passion in his voice, and I know this is what to do.

I open my mouth more, wider, take more of him inside, and he is frantically panting, and pushing in and out a little, and I reach my other hand up as well to cup the little pouches underneath, and he goes entirely rigid, makes his strangled coming noise that I have missed hearing the last few nights, and I feel his dick start to pulse.

I think I’ll feel him squirting into my mouth, the white fluid that I watched the last time we were in the shower, but at the last second he yanks himself out of my mouth. He is gasping, trembling, moaning, and I watch the fluid spurting out, just past my face into the shower.

He loses his strength, and is about to fall, I can tell. I surge to my feet immediately so that I can hold him up. I’m strong enough to hold him when he needs me. I’m a wolf too.

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