Just a Rogue

Chapter Author's Note


This story has been very unexpected for me. I wanted to give a quick try to writing a werewolf romance story, very different from my main series, Guardians. I didn’t have a grand dramatic adventure planned when I started Just a Wolf. I envisioned a spicy little love story about pack underlings, and getting the whole wolf thing out of my system with maybe a novella.

Then the characters took over, as my characters tend to do, and they had a lot to say, and a lot to do, and a lot of other characters to meet and drag into the story as well.

So here I am, two long books later, and not finished yet. Our Just Wolves have stuff to do still, an office to open, investigations to hold and tribunals to get through. Where will everyone live? What will happen with Corinne and her baby and her baby-daddy and her boyfriend? How are our newly mated pairs going to adapt to their new lives?

I have ideas. But my characters no doubt have ideas of their own, and we’ll all just have to wait and watch the story develop.

I’ll start Book 3 soon.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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