Just a Bit Captivated (Straight Guys Book 14)

Just a Bit Captivated: Chapter 10

Apparently, when Zain had said “more practice,” he had meant it.

Over the next few days, Aiden found himself practicing at least twice a day. The asshole didn’t even care what Aiden was doing or if the timing was inconvenient for him.

This morning, Aiden had to forgo breakfast and suck Zain’s cock while the bastard sat at the head of the table, casually sipping his coffee and doing something on his phone.

The infuriating part was, Aiden liked it. Part of him got off on being treated like a cockwarmer, a thing for Zain to put his cock into and use. He seethed at Zain’s disrespectful, dismissive attitude, but every time Zain told him to kneel for him, his head quickly became foggy with arousal. He hated it, and he loved it. He hated what this man did to him, the way his mind and body became weak with the pleasure of being used. The pleasure of being owned. He actually got off on the thought of Zain owning him. It was deeply humiliating and disgusting—when Aiden thought of it afterward.

He didn’t give a damn while it was actually happening.

Aiden moaned around the cock in his mouth, his hands gripping Zain’s muscular, firm thighs. The fabric of Zain’s thobe partly covered Aiden’s head, making him nearly suffocate from the heat, but he couldn’t bring himself to care, lost in the sensation of being fucked in the mouth. He was loving even the controlling weight of Zain’s hand on his head. Although the fabric didn’t let him feel Zain’s bare hand, the experience of being confined under Zain’s thobe and being forced to suck his cock while anyone might enter the room was deeply arousing.

Aiden shifted, rutting his aching cock against Zain’s ankle. Like a horny dog humping his owner. But the embarrassment was unable to penetrate the fog of arousal in his mind.

The pressure of Zain’s hand on his head increased. Zain’s hips flexed, thrusting his cock up into the welcoming heat of Aiden’s mouth. Oh god, yes, yes, more—

Aiden’s mouth was filled with salty come and Aiden swallowed greedily. So good. He was almost there, too—

“Stop,” Zain commanded, sounding only slightly out of breath.

Aiden froze mid-hump, disoriented and so turned on he was close to crying.

“I didn’t say you could use me to get off,” Zain said, pushing his thobe off Aiden’s head.

The fresh air didn’t cool Aiden’s desire in the slightest. He stared dazedly at Zain’s face, panting like he’d run a marathon. “Please,” he croaked out before he could stop himself.

Zain’s expression was… strange, his eyes roaming over Aiden’s overheated face. Aiden pressed his hand to his throbbing erection, needing relief so badly he didn’t even feel embarrassed.

Zain’s gaze followed the movement. His lips twisted derisively. “You’re going to make a mess. Pull it out at least.”

Aiden complied hurriedly, moaning as his hand wrapped around his bare cock. Almost, almost there.

Falling forward, he nuzzled against Zain’s half-hard cock and sucked the tip back into his mouth, ignoring the hiss Zain let out. It pushed his arousal higher—the taste of Zain’s spent cock—and he came like that, moaning around the penis in his mouth and spilling all over the floor.

“Your technique still needs work,” Zain said after a moment, tucking himself back in. “But you’re improving.”

Aiden shivered in pleasure, hating how much even the smallest praise from this man affected him. God, he wished he’d discovered this particular kink before meeting Zain; then the experience might not have been so overwhelming and disorienting.

“I live to please you,” he said with forced sarcasm, trying to shake himself out of that state. Get a grip, dammit, before you thank him for the privilege of sucking his cock.

“I know,” Zain said, getting to his feet and looking down at him with faint disapproval. “Fix your clothes before my staff sees you with your cock out.” He glanced at Aiden’s come on the floor. “And clean the mess you made.”

Aiden flushed and glared at him sullenly. “Yes, master,” he snarked. Attempted to. Master came out a little bit wrong, a little off-key—or a little too genuine.

They stared at each other.

Aiden felt so damn weird. He wanted…

“I want a cat,” he blurted out, saying the first thing that came to mind. It was completely inane, but it was better than saying something more stupid. Like asking for a kiss.

“A cat,” Zain repeated, as if he’d never heard the word.

“Yes, a cat! We have a cat back home—Mrs. Hudson—and I miss her. I demand a cat for being so cooperative. You promised that you’d make my life better if I’m cooperative. I need a cat to pet.”

The incredulous look Zain gave him almost made Aiden laugh. Instead, he smiled.

Shaking his head, Zain looked away and strode out of the room.


Aiden had completely forgotten about his spontaneous request until he saw the cage Zain was carrying in his hands as he entered his room that evening.

“Oh my god,” Aiden said.

Glaring at him darkly, Zain all but dropped the cage into his hands. “Is this sufficient?”

“This” was a tiny golden-white kitten with the prettiest hazel eyes Aiden had ever seen. It looked absolutely adorable. It also looked ridiculously expensive.

“I would ask why you put a tiny, defenseless kitten into a cage, but that’s actually entirely in character for a monster like you, so I won’t.”

Zain’s lips twitched. “I’m glad to live down to your expectations, but you’re more of a puppy than a kitten. And the ‘poor defenseless kitten’ scratched my hand bloody.”

Aiden grinned. “Good. I already adore it.”

“You’re smiling too much lately.”

Aiden smiled wider, just to annoy him. “I’m sorry, master. Should I ask permission before smiling?”

Zain just looked at him for a long moment, his expression tight. At last he glanced at his watch. “I have a few minutes to spare for your practice.”

Aiden rolled his eyes. A few minutes to spare, right.

Zain lifted his eyebrows expectantly.

“Oh, fine!” Dropping the cage on the bed, Aiden knelt down and reached for Zain’s pants.

Afterward, Zain patted his head and said sardonically, “Good puppy.”

Aiden scowled at him, licking his come off his lips. “Don’t call me puppy after I just sucked your cock. It’s weird.”

Zain took Aiden’s chin into his hand and tipped it up. “I’ll call you whatever I want,” he said, leaning down.

Aiden nodded dazedly, looking at Zain’s mouth. His lips parted, and he strained forward—

Zain let go of him abruptly and straightened up. His expression closing off, he strode out of the room.

As always, Aiden immediately felt like the world rearranged itself around him now that there wasn’t a Zain-shaped pillar in it. The sensation was disorienting, as if he were waking up from a bizarre dream.

Aiden got to his feet and blinked blankly at the door, barely curbing the ridiculous urge to go after Zain. Like a fucking puppy following his owner.

A wave of self-disgust washed over him.

Jesus. He needed to put a stop to this.

Before he really started thinking of himself as Zain’s pet.

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