Juniper Santiago - Book 2 of The Santiago Series

Chapter Chapter Nineteen - He is Not Winning

The newly paired mates spent the night talking to their family and friends as everyone tried to come up with a solid plan to deal with the new developments. It was agreed that no one would interfere with Mateo and his takeover, except Max and Aerie.

With nothing else being resolved, Balthazar had called it a night and decided that everyone should head to bed. Max and Aerie were grateful for the opportunity to have just one night to talk without any worries, while uneasiness was all that consumed Boris and Auriela.

They still hadn’t shared their discovery with anyone, simply because of the weight of the situation. Any one of the people around them could be the shapeshifter, and so no one could be trusted. As it is, they only trusted each other because the one thing shapeshifters could never tamper with was a mate bond.

So, they knew for sure that they were each their true selves.

Knowing that it was wise to, Max and Aerie left Rome the following morning without being seen or telling anyone. They were headed to Vistas to talk to the Elders, and they knew that if they’d told the others that they were heading to Mateo, they’d expect a report back sooner rather than later.

And given their detour, the report would come much later.

Aerie was concerned for her mate as they walked through the halls. He’d taken them straight to the pack, and she wasn’t sure what it is he was hoping to be told – which is what had her worried.

She didn’t want him to have his heart broken in any way.

Everything that he’d revealed to her had her confused without a doubt, but she meant every word she’d said to him about being at his side. The fact that he wasn’t leaving her, even knowing what she is, gave her all the confidence she needed to stick by him.

His thoughts were miles away, but Max felt calmness surround him either way; and he could only attribute the peace to having his mate with him. He couldn’t help but berate himself for running away from her to begin with.

She’s everything he’s ever wanted and so much more.

He was itching to learn a lot more about her than he had the night before, but he knew that they wouldn’t have that opportunity for a while – not with the way things were going for them and their family and friends.

Nevertheless, he wanted to have his romantic moments with her, especially since he’d picked up on the fact that she has a badass side that she portrays to everyone on the outside, but she’s really just a teddy bear on the inside.

They reached the huge wooden doors, and he breathed in, willing himself to gather his thoughts. While the Vistas Moon Pack had regained their memories of Juniper and everything that had anything to do with her, with him having disappeared, they still bought into Orion’s story about him being dead.

Especially since their Alpha hadn’t exactly been around to disprove the story.

“What’s wrong?” Aerie asked him when she noticed that he wasn’t moving.

“I’m not quite sure what I’m going to go in there and say. Also, as I pointed out, these people think I’m dead,” he reminded.

“Can’t you just tell them the truth?” she questioned.

He shook his head. “If it were anyone else, maybe, but this is the Elders we’re talking about. If I give them even an inch of the truth, our visit here will become a hearing more than anything.”

“I’ve got an idea, but I might need your help to pull it off,” she said nervously.

“I’m listening,” he responded, up for any solution.

Instead of receiving a response, he watched, eyes wide, as she transformed before his very eyes. The transformation was so perfect that had he not seen her change, he wouldn’t believe that it’s her to begin with.

“I think they’ll be more inclined to give me some answers, don’t you think?”

He was too stunned to speak, and she knew it. Her Elders had always commended her on her powers and how well she executed them, so she understood that it took a while for anyone else to get used to them.

Not that anyone alive knew about them save for her Elders and her mate.

“I’m going in. Keep up with me from out here,” she told her mate before opening the door.

As was norm for the Elders of Vistas, they were having their morning meeting when the wooden doors to the hall flew open, revealing their Alpha. They were surprised to see him given the last time he’d been there.

“Mateo? What are you doing here?” Elder Gundell questioned.

Aerie got her acting on. “What am I doing in my own home?”

Elder Damon scoffed. “Your home? You’ve barely been here, and now we’ve caught word that you attacked the Werewolf Castle. Have you lost your mind?”

Aerie waved him off. “What I do with my life is of no concern to you. Besides, I’m busy with something big that you need not concern yourself with. I’m here for answers, and since you’re aware of my recent activities, then I’m sure you’re also aware that it would be wise not to waste my time.”

Elder Henrietta sent a glare in her direction. “You have some nerve coming here and expecting us to-”

Aerie managed to release a growl, unsure of whether it had the same impact. “I’m the Alpha here. I don’t answer to you. Either tell me what I need to know, or I will find other ways to get it after having dealt with you.”

“And what exactly is it that you need to know?” Elder Kendrick saw fit to ask.

“How did Max get here?” Aerie asked.

“Max? Max Halesworth?” they asked.

Aerie rolled her eyes. “Who else would I be talking about?”

“We’re trying to understand your question because it makes no sense. Max Halesworth was the son of Judith and Frank Halesworth,” Elder Billiard informed.

“And when did the two of them join our pack?” Aerie asked.

“Judith was born here, but she left for college straight after high school. When she returned eight years later, she was mated and she’d already given birth to Max. Your father inducted Max and Frank into the pack shortly after Frank passed his testing,” Elder Billiard further explained.

Aerie kept a straight face. “So, Max wasn’t actually born here?”

“No, he was not,” Elder Imelda confirmed.

Aerie nodded. “And where are Judith and Frank now?”

“They left when Max died. They asked to go and live with Frank’s pack,” Elder Kendrick informed.

How convenient, Aerie thought.

“How’s the pack running?” she asked.

Elder Gundell raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t it your job to know?”

“It is your job to make sure that the pack is still standing in my absence,” Aerie clapped back.

“The pack is doing fine, especially given the lack of an Alpha, a Luna, a Beta and a Gamma. Honestly Mateo, how are you expecting things to just run themselves?” Elder Henrietta attacked.

Something Aerie realized was a good point.

“I expect things to run just fine because my pack knows better. There’s a reason why we’re the best pack in the country, and don’t you ever forget that. I trust my pack, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for you lot. Nonetheless, Orion will be back to watch over things until I return. If there’s even a whiff of chaos happening here, you’d better make sure I find out about it, or else it will be your heads that I let Zeus loose on,” Aerie warned.

Without giving them a chance to say anything else, she walked out. The moment the door was closed, she found herself next to it, her back against the wall as she was engaged in a passionate kiss from her mate.

“That was the most insane thing I’ve ever witnessed in my life,” he said, breathless.

She laughed a little, just as breathless. “How did you know that I’d already changed back? You could’ve just kissed Mateo – or at least that’s what it would’ve looked like to anyone who had caught us.”

“I knew you’d already changed because one, your powers are out of this world, and two, I can’t imagine you like having to be someone else, so I’m pretty sure you change as quickly as you can,” he explained.

“Well yeah, and also the danger. The quicker I’m me, the better,” she added.

He grinned before kissing her again. “And I happen to be crazy about you.”

Cheeks reddened, she hid in his chest as he chuckled. “You can’t say stuff like that.”

“I will say stuff like that for the rest of our lives my little minx,” he said seductively in her ear.

She shivered, making him smirk, before looking into his eyes. “I’m going to get back at you for that, but not now. How was I in there?”

“You were scarily accurate. That is exactly how he is with them,” he commented.

“I thought so. I’ve heard a lot about him, so I tried to channel how an arrogant Alpha would act towards people he knows aren’t really superior to him, despite what they may think. I was worried about the growl though,” she noted.

He lit up a little. “That’s where I played my part. You had the sound, but I had to step in and give the false sense of power behind it.”

“And this is why you and I are going to be a great team,” she beamed before kissing him.

The two of them were getting carried away, which is how they were caught by Alexa. She wasn’t sure who they were, and her wolf was particularly confused because she could scent out Max, but the man had white hair.

She hadn’t seen him in his Naturalist state before.

“Max?” she called out, not entirely sure what to expect.

Max and Aerie jumped apart, eyes wide. “Lex?”

“Wait! So, it is you? You’re alive?” Alexa asked.

“It’s me, but Lex, you can’t tell anyone that you saw me,” he warned.

“I won’t. I’m just trying to understand why my best friend wouldn’t want me to know that he’s alive, and why we’re kept out of things now,” Alexa said forlornly.

Max sighed before going to hug her. “There’s a lot going on Lex. We’re trying our best to protect you, but you know that should things get really bad, then we’re going to be counting on you guys. Mateo wouldn’t trust anyone else to back him.”

She nodded. “And June? Where is she? We haven’t seen her since we got our memories back.”

“Uh, the situation with June is a little complicated right now, but she’s ok, and so are the babies,” he informed.

She beamed. “She gave birth already?”

“Yeah – two boys. Rose named them,” he smiled.

“And we haven’t lost anyone right? Everyone’s still ok?” she asked.

“I mean, they’re alive. Ok in this sense isn’t the word I’d use. There have been too many developments, and it’s all just-”

“Mateo’s gone crazy because Marissa locked June in her own body and declared the Demon King as her mate,” Aerie interrupted after teleporting the three of them somewhere else.

Alexa’s eyes widened while Max shot his mate a confused look. “She’s your best friend. She deserves to know the truth.”

Before Max could argue, he was smacked. “Wait a minute! Max, is this your mate?”

He rubbed the back of his neck, suddenly nervous. “Uh, yeah. Aerie, meet my best friend Alexa Aero. She’s Trey’s mate. Lex, meet my mate Aerie Winslow.”

“It’s lovely to meet you Alexa,” Aerie smiled.

Alexa beamed before hugging her. “I can’t believe Max finally met his mate. He’s been waiting forever to meet you. You’re so beautiful.”

Max ears reddened while Aerie giggled. “Thank you. You’re gorgeous too.”

“Thanks. Wait, so what’s going on now?” Alexa asked.

“Now, Aerie and I need to go. Mateo’s declared himself King of the Werewolves, so we’re going to talk to him and find out what’s going on. Like Aerie said, Marissa is currently in control of June’s body, so she’s in the Underworld right now with Roman,” Max explained.

“Roman, the Demon King?” Alexa questioned.

The mates nodded. “A lot is going on Lex, and we need you to help keep the pack afloat, especially since it looks like Mateo and June won’t be back any time soon. I’m pretty sure Aerie picked up the same thing I did with regards to Orion, so we’ll tell him to come back and perform his Beta duties, especially given that this is the one place where he’s needed most.”

Aerie could only smile at her mate. That’s exactly why she’d told the Elders that Orion would be returning. She was going to tell her mate about it, so to have him on board had her happy. They were already attuned to each other.

“Where are they anyway? They both just disappeared,” Alexa asked.

Max raised an eyebrow. “Both?”

Alexa looked at him weirdly. “Yes, both. Valentine isn’t here. She hasn’t been here for two weeks now.”

Aerie looked to her mate. “Max, something isn’t adding up where Orion and Valentine are concerned.”

“I’m thinking the same thing. I’ve been wondering why Orion’s been ok with being away from his mate for so long, and now we find out she’s been missing but he hasn’t even once brought it up,” he noted.

“What are you guys saying?” Alexa asked them.

“Orion is in Rome right now with everyone else, and in the midst of everything going on, he never once bothered to inform us that his mate is gone. Now, this could mean multiple things. Either he’s unaware of it and has been so wrapped up with everything else that’s going on, that he didn’t notice – which makes no sense because the mate pull would remind him – or there’s an even bigger threat at play and we didn’t even notice it. Valentine didn’t like June, and neither did she like Marissa. We don’t know why, and this new revelation just presented us with yet another problem we don’t need,” Max elaborated.

“Are you suggesting that Val could be evil?” Alexa asked what she’d been suspicious of the whole time.

Aerie noticed the same thing from looking at her. “You’ve been suspicious of her for a while.”

Alexa nodded guiltily. “I’ve confronted her multiple times about why she suddenly hated June. When June got here, Val was all for being her friend, but something switched and I just don’t buy the fact that she hates June because June took Mateo away. She and Mateo were never all that close, so the excuse is bullshit. I just haven’t found anything to confirm what I’m saying, but her disappearance has been the biggest red flag for me. She left in the middle of the night, and not a single person saw her leave.”

“Lex, I’m going to ask you something very important because I’m almost certain we’re on the same page here. Do you believe that Alpha Luigi and Luna Marisol are dead?” Max asked her.

She shook her head. “I don’t know about Luna Marisol, but that man isn’t dead and I’ve always known it. Mateo fed us a bullshit story about their bodies being unrecognisable, and I don’t know who we buried back then, but I’ve always doubted that Mateo himself wasn’t too sure if they died. He became our Alpha because of some other big reason, but I don’t think it’s because Alpha Luigi died.”

“That’s exactly what I’ve always felt, but because Mateo is who he is, we could never bring it up with him. I have a feeling Valentine has known the truth for a while, and that’s where she probably went,” Max pointed out.

“That makes the most sense right now. I’ll do my bit and investigate while you guys deal with the bigger things. I’ll keep you updated with everything,” Alexa offered.

“That would be great,” Max said in relief.

“Do you think that you and Trey can handle running the pack in the meantime?” Aerie asked.

Alexa scowled. “I mean, I guess we could, but why? Didn’t you just say that Orion was coming back?”

“Aerie’s right. If we’re right about this whole Val thing, then something might not be adding up with Orion, so it’s probably better that he doesn’t return. It would be wiser to keep a closer eye on him where he is,” Max caught on.

Aerie nodded. “Exactly. We’ll relay our concerns with Balthazar and Gail so that they know of our suspicions and can keep him there by all means necessary.”

“Ok, I guess I see what you’re saying. Well, let me not keep you here any longer. Wait, where are we?” Alexa asked, looking around her.

Aerie teleported them back to Vistas. “I teleported us to a place where no one could hear us. With all that’s happening around us, one can never be too safe.”

“Fair enough. Go on now. I’ll keep in touch,” Alexa told them.

Max hugged her. “Stay safe Lex, and call me immediately if you need me. Also, brief Trey and Sam so that they know what you’re dealing with ok?”

“I’ve got things covered Max. Don’t worry about us. Go and worry about the bigger things,” she sent off with a smile.

The mates were choosing to trust her as they took off to their next destination.


I could feel my blood boiling as the idiots stood before me. “What do you mean they’re not there?”

“I called in a favour from an ally of mine who managed to get us into the castle, but when we got there, there was panic everywhere. Apparently, no one knows where the babies are,” Saila explained.

I was on the brink of losing control to Zeus when the doors opened and one of my brother’s men came rushing in, breathless. “Your Highness, we have a problem.”

“What is it?” Khal asked him.

And that’s when we heard the distinctive growl. “That.”

My heartrate was probably off the charts as I watched her saunter in. She looked absolutely livid, but she also looked breath-taking in her wolf form. She was growling menacingly, and confusion overtook me when I realized that she was actually growling at me.

“Where are they?” Star linked me.

“Who?” I asked. Everyone was staring at me in confusion since I’d responded out loud.

For some reason I couldn’t link her back.

“My children Mateo! Where are my children?” she growled.

“Hold on. You just came from the Underworld. Shouldn’t you know?” I asked her.

It was a slight movement, but I watched her eyes narrow. “Get me a change of clothes.”

“Someone get my mate a change of clothes,” I instructed. The man who had come to alert us about her ran out to do just that.

“Uh brother, what’s happening?” Khal asked me.

“We’re going to find out, but it turns out that these idiots are right. My sons are missing,” I told him.

At my words, my mate turned to said idiots, and a growl rumbled from her. I could see the fear in their eyes as she slowly headed towards them like a predator going for its prey. She released a feral growl when I stepped in front of her, stopping her.

“Move,” she demanded.

“I’d say make me, but I’m not in the mood for a fight. You’re not killing them baby doll,” I replied.

“Why not?” she asked.

“They’re still useful to us. They will get what’s coming to them. I can guarantee you that much,” I replied.

She looked back at them, and then down at me before she huffed and trotted over to the other side of the room. Seconds later, a woman entered with clothing in her hands, and. I asked her to lead Star to a room to change.

“Go and find my sons. You have one day,” I told the idiots.

“And where do you expect us to find them if not even their mother knows where they are?” Royce questioned.

I shrugged. “That sounds like your problem.”

They looked at me in disbelief and Zeus let out a warning growl before they took off. I was left in the room with my brother, and I wasn’t quite sure how I was feeling. My mate was back, but the whole thing was so confusing that I didn’t know what the appropriate feeling to have was.

“Do you want me to stay?” Khal asked me, snapping me out of thought.

I nodded. “Not only are you a neutral party, but I need you here to explain things – particularly since we don’t know what it is she knows.”

At my words, she walked back into the room. My breathing hitched for a second because of her beauty. She still looked as gorgeous as she did when I first laid eyes on her true self. Her black hair was much longer now, and when her blue eyes found mine, tears filled them.

“Baby doll,” I whispered.

That was enough to have her running into my arms, the tears freeing themselves. I held onto her tightly as my own tears rolled down my cheeks. There had been so many moments where I’d doubted that I’d ever get her back, and even having her in my arms felt surreal.

“It was a nightmare. I didn’t think I’d ever get back to you,” she sniffed.

I pulled back so that I could wipe away her tears. “You’re here now baby doll. That’s all that matters.”

“I don’t know where our babies are, and neither does Roman,” she said.

At the mention of my brother, I froze. “What exactly happened?”

“I don’t know how or why, but I’ve been trapped inside myself. Rissa wouldn’t let us out, and she blatantly told us that we would never come out. Star was getting weaker by the day, until about two hours ago when one of Roman’s servants came to tell him that our babies are gone. Star’s anger was enough to get her to push Marissa back and take control. We searched the whole castle for the twins and when we couldn’t find them, Star led us here. Why are you in the Werewolf Castle?” she questioned, bewilderment on her face.

“Because it’s where the two of you belong,” Khal decided to make his presence known then.

She looked at him, before looking at me, before looking back at him. She repeated the process again, and then she didn’t say anything for the longest time. Instead, she stepped away from me and I watched as she had a faraway look on her face.

When a tear slid down her cheek, I knew the truth, and clearly so did my brother.

“You remember,” he said softly.

“Our babies, we can’t lose our babies again. It almost broke us the last time Tero,” she whispered, confirming what Khal and I had just realized.

I sighed. “We haven’t lost them baby doll. They’re still alive, and I’m pretty sure that they’re safe wherever they are. We will find them. Everything will work out.”

“Like it did all those years ago?” she asked.

“What happened that day isn’t either of our faults and you know it,” Khal told her.

“No Khal, that’s where you’re wrong. It is your fault because the two of you were so obsessed with your revenge plot, despite my sister and I warning you about the dangers! Goddess! It all makes sense now!” she shouted.

“What does?” we asked.

“Why Nessa trapped me in my own body for so long. There’s something more that she knows, and I can’t ask her because she’s shut us out now, but I’m pretty sure part of why she wouldn’t talk to us was because she remembers everything, including how heartbroken I was about not only losing my children, but losing my mate to his need to avenge us,” she explained.

“To be fair, he needed to be stopped. He still needs to be stopped. It’s been almost five hundred years, and who knows how much stronger he is?” I pointed out.

“And not just that Laen – if he gets to your babies before we do, who knows what will happen then?” Khal added.

She growled lowly. “He is not winning, not this time.”

“We won’t let him baby doll, but now do you understand why we’re here?” I asked.

“You’ve reclaimed the castle,” she said knowingly, to which I nodded.

“And if I know you, which I do, you’ve pissed off a whole lot of people and you didn’t explain to them why,” she added, this time visibly amused.

I shrugged. “My moral compass called another man her mate.”

She rolled her eyes at me. “Marionessa recognized her mate. Sue me.”

Khal laughed at that. “Still the same old Laen.”

“Shut up! Why is she in me anyway? You, Mateo and Roman aren’t joined, or is Draex in you?” she asked him.

He shook his head. “We actually don’t know where Draex is. Can you feel Isisily?”

She scowled. “No, I can’t. My connection to Saelone is weak, but it’s there.”

I knew he was relieved to know that much.

“Did Romaen look like someone who had his memories back?” Khal asked her.

She thought about it. “Not that I can think of. However, just before we found out that the twins were missing, he wanted to tell Marissa something. It looked urgent. Maybe he got a flashback and wanted to ask her about it? I’m not sure, but he didn’t hint to knowing anything about his past life.”

“Alright, we have one of two options here – either we go looking for Marionessa’s body, or we go to Roman in peace and get him to remember,” Khal suggested.


The resounding refusal came from my mate, except she looked just as confused. “Nessa?”

“You cannot make Roman remember who Tagoromaen is,” she confirmed. We were still looking at June, but it was her voice.

So, my mate still had control.

“Juniper is right. You know more than you’ve let on,” Khal noted.

She sighed. “You guys don’t realize the amount of danger that’s looming. He’s back, and he did find a host all those years back.”

“Romaen,” Khal and I gathered, eyes wide.

She nodded. “It’s a really long story, and I will share it with you, but first we need to get my body back. You actually have Saelone’s body, or at least Mateo knows where it is.”

My brows furrowed. “I do?”

“The box? The one from Tabatha?” she reminded.

“That’s what’s in the box?” I asked.

She nodded once more. “Like I said, it’s a really long story, but we need to get my body back, as well as free Odessa from the Land of Lost Souls.”

Khal laughed at that. “For a moment, I thought you said we needed to free Dess from her rightful imprisonment.”

“That is exactly what I said, and it needs to be done before Romaen remembers who he is. She’s the only one who can free Saelone and I from those boxes,” she explained.

“How come?” I questioned.

“Because she’s the one who put us in there. Before you lose your minds, I asked her to. As you’ve realized, we’ve been reborn somehow, and I asked that should we ever be reborn, she should find us and she should trap us somehow. She promised me that she would. I don’t know how she missed Juniper, but I guess I’m glad things played out this way. However, like I said, we need her to free our bodies,” she elaborated.

“What you’re saying suggests that Dessa isn’t evil, and we all know that that’s not the case,” I pointed out.

“Dessa is, complicated, but she’s not evil. There’s a lot you don’t know, and I only found out once it was too late,” she stated.

“I’m confused about something here. How did your essence get to Juniper?” Khal asked her.

“Gail,” was all she said.

“My mother in law?” I asked.

She sighed. “Yes. There’s a lot you don’t know about her, especially before she was taken or before she found Balthazar for that matter. Everything will be revealed in time, but we really need to get a move on getting our bodies back.”

“And where exactly is your body?” I asked her.

“With my son Luca. You know him,” she replied.

There’s only one Luca I know.

“Your son?”

“Luca is your son?”

Khal asked the former and I the latter.

“Yes, I have a son, and yes, Romaen is his father, but Romaen doesn’t know about him,” she confirmed.

“Luca is Mama Deo’s grandson,” I reminded.

She shook her head. “Deondrameda is Luca’s guardian, but they aren’t related.”

“Luca is a werewolf,” I argued.

Again, she shook her head. “Luca is a demon disguised as a werewolf. I put the spell on him when he was a baby to protect him. Only Deondrameda knows what he is.”

“And yet he has your body? How do you know he has your body?” Khal asked.

“It’s the one thing I left with Deondrameda. She doesn’t know what it is, but I asked that he should always keep it. I’m confident that he listened to me,” she responded.

“I mean, there’s only one way to find out, so I guess we’d better get to it,” I said.

She smiled. “Thank you.”

“This just gets more and more complicated by the day,” Khal complained.

“You’re telling me! I’m at a total loss for words here,” my mate commented.

We really needed to get Marionessa’s body back because this switching thing wasn’t going to work for me.

“How are you feeling?” I asked her.

“You mean aside from having two completely different people in me?” she retorted.

“Well, yeah,” I said.

She took a long breath in and out. “It’s a lot, but I trust Nessa and what she’s saying. I may not agree with freeing my grandmother, but again, I’m choosing to trust my sister here.”

“Oh, this is so weird. Your grandmother is technically your little sister,” Khal laughed.

June and I frowned. “What in the actual fuck?”

“Well, look at it this way. She’s Stalaenys’ little sister, and Juniper’s grandmother,” he offered.

“Yeah, that doesn’t make this better,” she pointed out, to which he shrugged.

“We need to get to Vistas and find Luca,” I said.

“What about the castle? We can’t just leave after taking over,” Khal noted.

“I could go alone?” my mate offered.

“Nope! Not happening,” I refused.

She was about to argue when the doors flew open. I was about to lose my cool at the interruption, except my eyes widened. Mine weren’t the only ones as we took in the blonde haired, lavender eyed man before us.


“We need to find Rose,” he said.

“Rose?” June and I asked in confusion.

“We need to find my daughter.”

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