Juniper Santiago - Book 2 of The Santiago Series

Chapter Chapter Eleven - Purpose


The four brothers had just left a meeting with the Elders, and they were undoubtedly fuming. There was so much that they couldn’t understand, but most importantly, it was their lack of purpose that was frustrating to them.

They’d been alive for so long without a purpose.

They were also the only ones of their kinds in existence.

“Can someone please tell me what that was about because I am ill-informed?” Khalel requested.

Zeumatero laughed lightly. “I thought I was alone.”

“I am yet to see the purpose of the Elders, especially where we’re concerned. They seem to be clueless on many things,” Draexylon pointed out.

“I’m with you on that. We’ve been in existence for a thousand years now with no real purpose except fighting injustice. We know not what we are,” Tagoromaen added.

“Perhaps we need to pay the Creator a visit,” Zeumatero suggested.

“Are you suggesting that we go above the Elders?” Tagoromaen asked, sceptical.

“I am in agreement with that plan,” Khalel agreed.

Draexylon rolled his eyes. “Of course, you are. The two of you will cause trouble for the fun of it without any care for consequences.”

Zeumatero smirked. “You act like you have never enjoyed the consequences of our troublemaking.”

It had always been that way with the four of them. Zeumatero and Khalel had a stronger bond, with the same going for Draexylon and Tagoromaen. The former were known as the troublemakers, with the latter been known to be the more sensible of the four.

“Furthermore, where else are we really going to get answers? It’s been a millenium. We’re supposed to be in a celebratory mood today, but genuinely, what are we celebrating?” Khalel questioned.

Tagoromaen was still dubious, but he couldn’t argue the valid point his brother made. “I guess we could give it a try.”

“It may turn out to be the best decision we make,” Zeumatero pointed out.

“Or the worst,” Draexylon mumbled.

Nonetheless, the four of them set out for the temple where they would have access to the Creator. They hadn’t spoken to Creator before. They just knew that the Creator existed because they’d been told so.

They’d also been told never to approach the temple without the consent of the Elders.

“Does anyone know what we’re going to say when we arrive?” Khalel questioned.

“For someone who was keen on the idea, I was confident you’d already prepared a speech,” Draexylon teased, earning himself a punch to the arm as the other two laughed.

“You know what I mean,” Khalel murmured, well aware that they could hear him just fine.

“We’re just going to get there and ask for clarity,” Tagoromaen said.

“You make it sound so simple,” Zeumatero commented.

Tagoromaen shrugged. “That’s because it should be.”

They finally arrived at the temple and found their way in. They didn’t expect to find it empty, granted none of them actually knew what to expect in the first place. While outside it was a stony and old looking place, inside, it was spotless.

“Now what?” Zeumatero questioned.

“Now we call upon the Creator,” Tagoromaen said.

His brothers were about to question him and his methods, but the place rumbled before they could speak. It stopped abruptly and they looked to each other in bewilderment since nothing else seemed to be happening.

“Speak,” a voice finally sounded. The air had changed significantly, and they felt the power shift in the room.

They were taken aback but quickly found their footing as Tagoromaen prepared to speak. “Oh, Great Creator, we have come before you with the intent of gaining clarity on what our purpose is.”

“It took you long enough,” the Creator responded.

Puzzled at the words, they didn’t have time to mull them over as they each clutched their chests. They could feel something happening to them, even if they couldn’t explain it. The room was getting brighter by the second, almost blinding them, until they all felt a sharp pain rush through them.

“What on earth was that?” Draexylon asked, breathless when everything around them had calmed down.

His brothers were in the same state as they tried to regain their breaths. “I have a feeling we’ve just received what we asked for.”

“You are each Kings of the four most powerful kingdoms of both the human and supernatural worlds alike. You each have equal power, and from this moment on, you shall not only continue to protect those who need your protection, but you shall govern your people fairly and with order. Tagoromaen, you shall be the King of the Underworld, ruling over all souls who pass through it, as well as the species of daemons. Khalel, you shall be the King of the Vampires, ruling over bloodsuckers and ensuring that not only do they maintain order in their affairs, but that they do not abuse their powers. Zeumatero, you shall be the King of the Werewolves, creatures who shall be born man with the power to shift into a wolf. Your kind shall be great strength, with their only matches on land being your brother’s people. Draexylon, you shall be the King of the Ocean, ruling over all creatures in it. Your kind, mermaids, shall be the strongest and most powerful creatures in the sea. Together, your kingdoms shall help you to maintain the peace in all the worlds.”

The brothers were reeling from the new information that they’d just learnt, but they could feel the changes not only within them, but in their environments too. The air was different, and it was as though they were receiving external help with transitioning into their new lives.

“What about love?” Khalel blurted.

On their journeys, they’d seen people and creatures falling in love, but they’d never had the urge to fall in love. They were however curious about what the feeling was like. From the happiness they’d seen it bring, they could only imagine it being a good feeling.

As the Creator said its next words, four beams of light appeared before them. “For every person of your kind, they shall have a perfect pair. This person will be the person chosen for them for the rest of their lives. They shall find this person when fate deems it time. They shall be called mates, and they shall be cherished.”

When the light disappeared, before the brothers stood four beautiful sisters who much like them, looked alike, but were also different. Whether it was a different hair colour, or different eye colour, you could tell them apart through the minor differences.

The longer they stared at them, the longer they felt it – love. They each found perfection staring into their partners’ eyes, and they knew that they’d love their mates for eternity. The sisters could only smile, knowing their role in the brothers’ lives.

The Creator was happy with what it was seeing. It had taken a lot longer for the brothers to approach the temple than had been anticipated. They had to be ready to not only receive their life’s purposes, but to be ready to lead their respective kingdoms.

And they were finally ready to do so.

“This is your new purpose in life. Outside the temple, you will know where to go and what to do. Use your gifts wisely and fulfil your purpose.”

The air shifted once more, alerting them that the Creator was no longer with them. Unsure of their movements, they made their way outside with their mates following behind them. The sisters waited expectantly for the brothers to say something once they’d arrived outside.

“What are your names?” Zeumatero took the lead.

“I am Saelone, mate to Khalel.”

“I am Isisily, mate to Draexylon.”

“I am Stalaenys, mate to Zeumatero.”

“I am Marionessa, mate to Tagoromaen.”

The brothers could only find themselves falling deeper in love as they learnt their mates’ names. They weren’t the only ones being affected as the sisters were becoming more and more accustomed to their beings.

“I’m feeling some kind of calling,” Draexylon commented.

“We must be getting a call to go to our respective kingdoms. I can only imagine that the Creator made that happen,” Zeumatero pointed out.

“How will we communicate if we’re apart? This is the first time that we will be apart,” Khalel reminded.

“We have our bond. Surely, we can still communicate through the link as we always have,” Tagoromaen argued.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Draexylon said.

With their mates beside them, they agreed on a day to meet up, as well as a place. They made a deal to give each other time to settle into their kingdoms and get used to running things before meeting up again.

While they still maintained their jobs of fighting injustice, they didn’t see each other again for a century. Each of them was accustomed with how they ran their kingdoms, and their numbers had grown.

All of them had even produced the best armies in the supernatural world.

Before the day they were granted their purposes, they had been living in a world where each creature could be whatever they wanted to be without any laws, but the whole thing had become a problem.

After their transformations, they quickly learnt that the Creator and the Elders had set new laws and systems in place. Supernatural creatures were divided by what creature they were, before being granted laws on how they were to live out their lives in accordance to their kind.

In the beginning many were against it, and the brothers found themselves having to deal with a lot of insurgence, especially when the other species caught wind of the fact that their kinds were the most powerful.

It had taken years before the different species had settled into the new ways of life. Some had taken a shorter time, while the others had proven to be challenging. There were still rebellious groups in existence, but it wasn’t anything the brothers couldn’t handle.

The days were winding down to the day they would meet up, and they’d agreed to meet at the Vampire Kingdom castle. Their lavish brother had insisted on it, and they all knew that turning Khalel down wasn’t an option.

The Vampire King himself had his hands full with his people. There was some trouble brewing within the covens, and he found that he had no idea where it was really coming from.

“Elijah, exactly what is going on?” he asked his right-hand man after clearing the room.

“Your Majesty, the covens are unsettled because there are talks of a ranking system to be put in place,” Elijah informed.

Khalel frowned. “A ranking system?”

Elijah nodded. “That’s correct Your Majesty. From what I’ve gathered, it is believed that Your Majesty has plans of ranking the different covens according to power and social standing. Everyone is trying to prove themselves worthy of a higher ranking, and some are going about it with questionable methods.”

“Who came up with such a ridiculous thing?” Khalel questioned.

“Ridiculous or not Your Majesty, the people believe it,” Elijah pointed out.

“But do they believe in it?” Khalel asked.

Elijah was unsure about whether or not to respond. “Speak Elijah!”

“Look, Your Majesty, a lot of people agree with it and for good reason. It makes no sense that we should all get treated equally when we don’t even live equally. We don’t even possess the same amount of power, and I guess the people want to be recognized for what they bring to the table,” Elijah said, trying his best to come across as confident.

Something he wasn’t entirely feeling.

Khalel raised an eyebrow. “What I’m really hearing here is that the people with more power want to be separated from those with less.”

“And shouldn’t they be? Your Majesty, those very people are the ones who do more for you than the ones with lesser power. It would be wise to keep them happy,” Elijah advised.

“Is that a threat?” Khalel murmured, his anger simmering.

“No, it isn’t. I’m merely warning you about what I know,” Elijah defended.

“They can’t do anything to me. I will ruin them all,” Khalel growled.

“That I do not doubt Your Majesty, but your own power and capabilities aren’t the one in question here. Everyone is well aware that you’re the most powerful vampire there is. It is your kingdom that is under threat, something that not even your power can fix should it find itself in shambles,” Elijah argued.

Khalel sighed, annoyed. “So, what? I give in to this ridiculous notion that goes against everything I stand for, and also stands to ultimately unbalance my kingdom?”

“It could also save it. Look at it this way Your Majesty, every system needs order, and rankings would bring about order,” Elijah replied.

“I don’t agree with that entirely. I’ll have to speak to my brothers about it. Speaking of, how far are the arrangements?” Khalel questioned.

Elijah looked to his book. “Everything is coming along fine. Yana is still in the process of getting the best entertainment for your guests.”

“And what about the arrangements for Draexylon and Isisily?” Khalel asked.

Elijah frowned. “I thought they would make their own arrangements. We’re not exactly sure how mermaids are to be catered for on land.”

Khalel pinched the bridge of his nose. “And you’re only telling me this now?”

“You only asked about it now Your Majesty,” Elijah replied cheekily, earning himself a glare.

“You’re just lucky I like you Elijah. Your incompetence can sometimes be tempting to my beast,” Khalel said, subtly delivering his threat.

Elijah coughed uncomfortably. “I will personally look into the matter Your Majesty. I promise.”

“Good. I’ll expect a full report by tomorrow night,” Khalel told him as he got up to leave the room.

“Your Majesty, where are you going?” Elijah questioned.

“I’m going to find my mate.”

Khalel travelled through the castle looking for his mate. He wasn’t particularly in a hurry, which is why he was walking and not teleporting himself to where she was. He wasn’t all too surprised to find her with the little ones at the nursery.

She’d taken it upon herself to have the nursery made for the little ones who found themselves orphans from losing their parents to one thing or the other. Khalel couldn’t refuse her plea when she’d stated her case so valiantly.

“Love,” he called to her. The babies were asleep and she was standing aimlessly, looking down at them.

She turned to the door and beamed at the sight of her mate. “I didn’t think you’d be done so soon.”

“I missed you,” he half lied.

She laughed melodiously as she headed towards him so that they could leave the room and not wake the babies up. “You’re also running away from killing someone for something. What is it this time?”

“Are you aware of the trouble brewing amongst the covens?” he asked as they headed towards their chambers.

“I’ve heard word from some chatter between the maids. Why? Is it getting bad?” she asked worriedly.

“Bad isn’t exactly the word I would use,” he replied before explaining the situation to her. By the time he was done, they were in their room.

“I hear your argument, but Elijah isn’t wrong. The vampires with more power are likely to feel like they contribute a lot to the kingdom, and without the ranking system, they may begin to question what the kingdom does for them,” she pointed out.

“Are you suggesting that I don’t do anything for them?” he asked defensively.

“Easy my love. That isn’t what I’m saying at all. I know how much you do for our kingdom. I’m just saying that you should see things from their point of view,” she suggested.

“What they’re suggesting isn’t fair and it goes against everything I was created for,” he argued.

“Having a ranking system doesn’t automatically mean that you will be an unfair leader,” she countered.

He shook his head. “It just means that I’m putting people into categories and making those with the least powers feel like they’re nothing.”

“Every system, every kingdom, has its strongest and weakest points,” she commented.

“Then shouldn’t I rather be trying to make sure that everything is equal amongst everyone?” he asked.

“And how would you achieve such a feat? You do not have any control over people’s powers my love, which actually argues in favour of the ranking system,” she realized.

He scowled. “How so?”

“Our kind, as well as our siblings’ kinds, have been declared the most powerful by the Creator. Even the Creator understood that for the system to work, things needed to change. Now I know that the very idea of a ranking system unsettles you, but I truly believe that it wouldn’t go against your values if you enforce it correctly,” she explained.

He was silent for the longest while before he spoke again. “I have taken your words into consideration, but I’ll have to seek counsel from my brothers before I go forth with anything.”

She smiled. “I’m just glad that you’re looking at all possibilities before making your decision.”

He returned the smile before kissing her hand. “Are you excited to see your sisters again?”

“Is that even a question? I can barely stand the wait!” she said excitedly, making him laugh.

“I’m sorry that I’ve kept you away from them for so long,” he apologized.

She cupped his cheek. “You did no such thing. My sisters and I understand our purpose, so we understand that we won’t always be able to be together. I will always be excited for the times when we are, but that does not mean I hate you for all the times when we aren’t.”

“Promise?” he asked.

“I promise,” she smiled.

“Ok good,” he said before kissing her.

He proceeded to make love to her well into the following day.

He’d taken the day off to spend with her. With all that had been going on, he hadn’t spent much time with her, something he was intent on doing on that particular day. They spent the whole day in their chambers, until she kicked him out because he’d said he would meet with Elijah regarding their siblings’ visit.

“I would hope you have good news for me Elijah,” he stated as he walked into the throne room.

“I would hope that all that I am about to report back pleases you Your Majesty. Everything has been finalized for your guests’ visit. Their rooms have been accordingly prepared, their meals have been accordingly planned out, all entertainment for their stay has been arranged, the dining hall has been scrubbed and polished to perfection, the meeting room has been cleaned and is ready for use, and the staff have all been fully briefed on their responsibilities for the next week. I have confirmed that they’re all still on schedule and will all be arriving tomorrow afternoon,” Elijah reported.

Khalel was impressed. “And there is nothing that needs my attention at this moment?”

“Nothing at all Your Majesty. Ceres will deliver yours and the Queen’s garments tomorrow morning. The Queen’s ladies are also ready to fulfil any responsibilities required of them,” Elijah replied.

“I’m impressed Elijah. Any word from the council?” Khalel questioned.

“I have alerted them that you wish to seek counsel from your brothers regarding the matter of the ranking system, and they have agreed that you are wise in taking all considerations into thought with this decision. Might I add that they were rather surprised by that bit of news,” Elijah responded.

Khalel raised an eyebrow. “What is so astounding about it?”

“Forgive me Your Majesty, but you aren’t known to be the most rational King, especially when compared to your brothers. I guess they assumed that you would take a stance on this issue and not consider anyone else’s opinion,” Elijah explained.

“Frivolous and irrational as I may appear to be, have I ever before made a decision that wasn’t fair or one that I hadn’t thoroughly thought through?” Khalel questioned, displeasure clear in his tone.

“Well, no, but this decision is one that could change the very way in which we have been doing things. Perhaps the magnitude of the situation is what has the council so wary about the final decision you make,” Elijah elaborated.

Khalel shot him a dry look. “Pray tell where the council stands on this matter anyway.”

“They’re split fifty-fifty,” Elijah admitted.

“Fantastic! So not only do I stand a chance of disrupting the kingdom, but the council as well?” Khalel stated.

Elijah shot him a sheepish look. “It’s the cost of being a King. You can’t make everyone happy, and some prices have to be paid for progression to be made. Not everyone will agree, but eventually they will see the fruits of the decisions made.”

“One would hope that you’re right about that,” Khalel said, shutting down the conversation.

The following day, the castle was alive with people running around to make sure that everything was perfect. Khalel and Saelone had woken up early since they both had things to do before the arrival of their guests.

By the time the siblings descended upon the Vampire Castle, the couple was ready to receive them. Those around felt honoured to not only witness the reunion, but to be around so much power.

It was no secret that the siblings were the strongest beings in the world, but being in their presence was something that couldn’t quite be described. It was something you had to experience for yourself.

“Brothers! It has been too long! Look at you all,” Khalel said jovially.

“Look at us? Look at your castle! I’ve heard many stories, but you have truly outdone yourself here Khal,” Tagoromaen commented.

Since they’d been apart, they’d never seen each other’s castles, so Khalel’s was the first that they were seeing. Over the years, they’d only heard stories about each other’s kingdoms, stories that they would only verify in each other’s presence.

“You know me. I love the lavish things in life,” Khalel joked.

“We know,” the brothers agreed before the four of them laughed.

Saelone had already whisked her sisters away to see as much of the castle as they could before dinner. She already knew that the brothers had things to discuss, and that her mate was anxious to seek their counsel on the matter bothering him.

“Are we getting right to business then?” Zeumatero asked once they were seated in the meeting room.

“I saw it fit for us to start with the serious matters so that we may enjoy the rest of our time together without any troubles,” Khalel argued.

“That is smart. Who would like to go first?” Draexylon asked.

And that’s how their talks kicked off with Tagoromaen going first.

“I’m still trying to get used to honing the power from the Land of the Lost Souls,” he commented.

Zeumatero laughed a little. “So, that’s it? You just created a whole place where lost souls go?”

Tagoromaen shrugged, smirking. “It was Marionessa’s idea and it’s brilliant. We get most of our power from there now. There’s just something about the anguished cries that does something for us.”

“You and your kinky mate,” Khalel teased, causing laughter around.

“Well, I don’t have anything as interesting as a Land of Lost Souls, but I did just avert a war of wars in the sea. As a result, I’ve had to instead create a ranking system amongst creatures in the sea so that everyone understands where they stand,” Draexylon commented.

“You did? Did it work?” Khalel and Zeumatero questioned simultaneously.

Tagoromaen chuckled. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the two of you are experiencing ranking problems.”

“It’s been going on for a while now. The Alphas want me to recognize that the packs don’t all contribute to the kingdom and to our species in the same way. They want me to implement a ranking system so that everyone knows where they stand in our society,” Zeumatero explained.

“I’m having the exact same problem with my kind. The covens want the exact same thing, and I’ve been advised that it’s something I need to strongly take into consideration or else I stand to lose the trust of the more powerful vampires. I wanted to seek your counsel before making any decisions,” Khalel added.

“What exactly is it that bothers you both about this?” Tagoromaen asked them.

“The unfairness of it all; it just doesn’t seem right to class people by what they bring to the table,” Khalel said what Zeumatero was thinking.

“Except it may spur them on to do better to up their rankings,” Draexylon argued.

“How does one improve their powers?” Khalel questioned.

Tagoromaen waved his hand. “This is simple. Don’t make power or strength the only criteria for the rankings. Consider multiple things, and have different criteria. That way, things don’t become too cutthroat and easy.”

“And what about the possibility of mistreatment? What do we do in a situation where you have the higher ranked groups mistreating the lower ranked groups?” Zeumatero asked.

“Then you make laws for such. Implementing such a thing isn’t easy. Take it from me since it took me five years to just about get it right. You have to consider every possible thing and have a solution for every kind of problem that could arise. You need to ensure that you are fully prepared by the time you announce anything as a new way of doing things,” Draexylon explained.

“I agree with Draex here. While I don’t have any kind of ranking system back home, I can see why your kinds would need it. Having a ranking system doesn’t mean you’re not running things fairly. It simply means you’re enforcing order. The fairness comes in how you choose to handle any problems that may arise,” Tagoromaen added.

Khalel and Zeumatero sat, contemplating their brothers’ words. They’d both unknowingly gone through the same turmoil with regards to the matter at hand, so to hear the words they were hearing was helpful.

“Will you offer guidance along the way?” Zeumatero asked Draexylon.

Draexylon smiled. “Of course. I wouldn’t wish the mess I went through on anyone, much less my brothers.”

“Then that’s settled! We will discuss the way forward on that front before you leave,” Khalel stated.

“Is that it? Is that all that the two of you have had to deal with?” Tagoromaen asked his brothers.

Zeumatero and Khalel looked to each other before they shrugged. “Pretty much.”

Draexylon chuckled. “Then I guess it’s safe to assume that we’re not doing too bad at this.”

Khalel was about to respond when a loud scream was heard throughout the castle and he felt a chill rush through him when he realized something horrifying.

His mate was in danger.

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