Julia Lelieveld and the fifth element

Chapter ~29~

Max pushed open the door and everyone else was already in the big couches. They looked at us curiously. Except Kate, who looked a little irritated.

“Morning,” Max said cheerfully and he plopped down on the couch next to Kate.

“Good morning.” I looked a little uncomfortable.

It felt strange to invade their intimate group. It would have been so easy with Max, but I didn’t know how the rest would go.

“Why don’t you sit down.”

It was Sarah. She moved up a bit so I could sit next to her.

I smiled at her. “Thank you.” And I sat down next to her.

Rob looked tired. He probably hadn’t slept much.

“Okay guys. I’ll get right to the point,” Rob began. Everyone looked at him intently.

“I’ve consulted and referenced the Elders for quite some time, but we haven’t learned much.”

Not much wiser? Did he mean he couldn’t say anything? I did not expect that.

Leo took the floor.

“So you’re saying the Elders couldn’t answer either?”

Rob nodded.

“And what now?” It was Sarah.

“We’ll have to do our own research and training and see what Julia already can do.” He looked at me inquiringly.

“Oh, by the way, about Julia,” Max began. “She can touch me when I practice fire.”

One by one they looked at me and Max questioningly.

“That is impossible!” said Rob.

“It really is.” And Max shrugged nonchalantly.

The other three practitioners seemed to be thinking. “Maybe we as practitioners can do it too. We are in the same circle as Max, it would make sense. We’ve never tried it.” Leo looked questioningly at Rob.

Rob rubbed his chin. “We can try, but be careful. I don’t want you to injure yourself.”

He looked at Max. “You okay, Max?”

“Fine, but don’t blame me if things go wrong.” He looked a little uncomfortable.

Everyone nodded.

“Me first,” Kate said eagerly.

“Wait a second. I do it from my thumb, but first go through my forearm and slowly up.” He looked in my direction for a moment and then at the other three.

Kate nodded.

He snapped his fingers again and a small flame came out of his thumb. This time he kept the flame small.

Kate approached him carefully, fingers outstretched.

“Kate, my forearm!” he said emphatically.

“Yes, I heard you the first time.”

She touched his elbow and her face twisted. She slowly slid her forefinger up to his forearm, but only got half way. She shook her hand and put her finger in her mouth. She looked angrily at me. Geez, can I do something about it? She took her finger out of her mouth and it looked bright red. Before anyone could say anything, Sara said something.

“Okay, now me.”

I thought she was brave, given Kate’s reaction.

Max looked a lot more uncomfortable now. He didn’t like this experiment at all.

He made the flame on his thumb as small as possible.

Sara stood next to him and placed her index finger on his elbow. Slowly she slid to his forearm. But like Kate, she stopped halfway. She had the same reaction as Kate and put her finger in her mouth.

“Now you Leo,” Sara said feebly, her finger still in her mouth.

Leo nodded. Judging by his expression, he hoped he could touch Max. Tense, he touched Max’s elbow with two fingers. He slid to his forearm. I could see from his expression that he was in pain. He slid all the way up to his wrist, when he really couldn’t take it anymore. He cursed under his breath.

Rob watched the whole thing intrigued. He rested his gaze on me.

“Would you like to try again, Julia?”

They all looked my way. I looked at Max for a moment. I couldn’t fathom his expression, but he really didn’t like hurting the others.

I nodded and walked over to Max. Standing in front of him, I decided to start at his elbow as well. Yesterday I immediately grabbed his hand, but that didn’t seem like a good idea now. I touched his elbow with the tips of my fingers. At this point I barely felt anything. I slowly slid all four tips to his forearm. This time I felt the same slight tingle as yesterday. It was stronger on his wrist. Once at his hand, I felt the gentle little jolts that gave that tingling sensation. It didn’t hurt. I looked Max straight into his eyes. He returned my gaze forcefully.

I carefully intertwined my fingers in his so that we stood hand in hand. I heard the others gasp. I don’t know how it happened, but the flame on his thumb got bigger.

“Enough, let go, Julia.” Probably Rob was afraid that Max wouldn’t be able to control it anymore.

I let go of his hand and Max extinguished the flame. I turned around carefully and everyone looked at us in disbelief.

“How is this possible?” It was Kate and I heard a slightly hysterical note in her voice.

Max shrugged. I looked at Rob, waiting for an answer that never came. I started to get a little fed up. First, a whole different life form was thrown at me. People can suddenly conjure flames and blow me over with wind. And now it turns out I also have powers, but something that probably nobody has heard of. I walked to the couch and sat down. I watched the group as they discussed with each other. I don’t know what Kate’s problem was, but she made it clear that I was not welcome. Luckily Max, Leo and Sara hadn’t done that yet. I could see from Leo’s expression that he had his reservations.

I could hear more noise in the hallway. The students slowly trickled in. With that thought, the great doors of the library opened.

The others automatically sat on the couch with me and Rob went back to his office. Only then did I see who entered. It was Renzo.

He looked at me for a moment and then walked towards the stairs to the old part of the library. I got up and walked over to him. I saw the others watching me.

“Renzo, wait a minute.”

He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and turned to me.

“I still have your shirt.” I took it clean out of my backpack. He looked at it for a moment and put it in his own bag. He looked at Leo, Sara, Max and Kate. If I wasn’t wrong, he looked puzzled for a moment, then turned his attention back to me.

“How’s your wrist?”

“Already better.” And it really was. It hurt a lot less and the bruises had almost faded.

“And with your hand?”

He raised his shoulders. “It’s okay.”

“If you don’t mind, I’m going to work on my history assignment. I don’t want you to be alone in his class any time soon.”

A glow of warmth overcame me. He knew full well that I wouldn’t be alone in the classroom. All the other students would be there too. But I think he wanted to protect me. A smile automatically appeared on my face.

“Thanks,” I said gratefully.

He gave me a small smile and walked up the stairs.

I turned and walked back to the couch. I saw them all looking curiously at me.

Oh shit, it won’t be like that again anyway.

“You haven’t been listening in?”

They looked a little horrified.

Leo, Sara and Max said at the same time, “No.”

I looked at Kate who pretended to be very busy inspecting her nails.


“What? I’m sorry, you should keep your private conversations elsewhere.” And she rolled her eyes for a moment.

Damn, I was sick of her.

“I will certainly do that!” And with those words I walked out of the library.

I really felt the need to talk about normal things for a while. I ran into Eva in the hallway and I was suddenly back in the normal world.

I realized we had history and I wasn’t looking forward to it. It was a great reassurance that Renzo would be there.

“Morning,” she said cheerfully. Gosh, I had to find out really quickly who she was in love with.

“Morning,” I replied.

“You’re early?”

I could understand why she said that. Often I was just in time.

“Do you have to play volleyball tonight?”

“No, unfortunately not. We have a match on Saturday and tomorrow there will be training again.”

She looked disappointed. Gosh, she was really having a good time playing volleyball. And I was genuinely happy for her.

“Ah, soon it’ll be tomorrow again.”

She put her smile back on and agreed.

We walked to the second floor where I got the books out of my locker and we went to the history room. I lingered a bit. I certainly didn’t want to be the first to enter the room. I had thought about not going at all, but then maybe it would come true and that was not allowed. Renzo didn’t deserve that.

I still didn’t know what had happened in his past that Ivo could fire such threats to get such a reaction from Renzo.

I turned a little in front of the door.

“Well what are you waiting for?” Eva looked at me questioningly.

And with those words I entered the room.

I saw that Renzo was already back in the room. Gosh, he had done that quickly in the library.

The class was busy. One and all buzz.

When I sat down at my desk, I saw why. Ivo’s face was almost all blue. There was a large bruise on his nose and around his eyes. It didn’t look like it. I shifted in my seat for a moment to make sure I was sitting really firmly. It was weird, but I got a bit of satisfaction to see him standing there like that. And it looked painful too. I didn’t dare look back at what Renzo’s reaction would be.

Of course it didn’t help at all. Although he would have to walk with a face like that for another two months. He could never make up for what he had done.

He coughed and looked around the class. He avoided my gaze. I didn’t know how I managed it, but I could just look at him. But he couldn’t look at me.

“You must be wondering why I look like this.”

That’s how he started. What would he say? Certainly not the truth, or maybe half the truth. So he could get Renzo back. No, he couldn’t. I had seen his look in his eyes when Renzo had threatened him. That we too would tell the truth if he did too. Even if Renzo would have to go back to jail, Ivo would go with them. Renzo had certainly made that clear. No, he wouldn’t say anything about what happened on Monday. I was still wondering about Renzo and the prison.

My attention was drawn back to the classroom.

“On Monday night I tried to avoid a cat that jumped in front of my bike and fell face-to-face on the curb and broke my nose.” He pointed awkwardly at his face. Knowing that two people in this class knew the real truth. I heard a loud cough behind me. Ivo looked shocked in that direction, I still didn’t dare turn around, afraid to draw attention to it. Judging by Ivo’s look, it was indeed Renzo. Renzo showed that he wasn’t afraid of him. Of course we were the only ones who knew what really happened. Well, the only ones? I think Rob came pretty close. And maybe Leo, Sara, Max and Kate too. Oh shit.

Eva tapped me briefly. “Wow, how good of him. Break his nose for a kitten?” She looked wide-eyed at Ivo, as if he were some hero.

I shrugged, stunned at her reaction. I just couldn’t find an answer. She almost adored him. Geez, that bastard knew how to bring it. As if he were the great hero now.

I was wondering if anyone would make the link. Me with my wrist, Renzo with his scraped hand and Ivo with his broken nose.

No, no one would make that connection. Certainly not now.

At least half of them, mostly the women, were now in awe of him. That he was so gallant to give way to a cat and that his nose was broken as a result.

“Okay, I’ve copied part of an old book about the history of the town. I want you to go through that for the next half hour so that we can spend the last quarter of an hour discussing some of the statements I’ve already written on the back of the board.”

He walked around the classroom and gave each student his copy.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. He zigzagged around the class so that he would start at the back of my row. I heard his footsteps come closer and closer. I tried to stay as calm as possible. I caught myself holding my desk extra tight. Cautiously I let go of my hands and fiddled with my mother’s ring. I could feel his clothes against mine, I couldn’t help myself, but a shiver ran through me. I don’t know if he realized it, but he froze himself too. Without saying a word, he quickly threw the papers on my desk and walked around them so that he was in Eva’s line.

I don’t know if Eva was looking at him, but I heard them say something to each other. Something along the lines of him being great because he avoided that kitten. I couldn’t even hear it properly, the blood rushed through my ears. I took a few deep breaths and took out the copy he had given me. I saw that there was something else involved.

My paper of the town’s history. The big red A+ was still on it. I quickly put it in my bag so I wouldn’t be reminded of it again. As soon as I got home, I would throw it in the garbage. Fucking paper.

With great difficulty I read through the piece Ivo had given us. It was about the resurrection of the peasants against the rich people. That they got too little for their goods. A bit like you would read somewhere in any history book.

The statements made no sense at all. I didn’t even bother to join the discussion, just like Renzo, I didn’t hear him express an opinion either.

Fortunately, Ivo paid no attention to it. Everyone had spoken, except the two of us. I was happy when the bell rang. Finally, the hour had passed.

We now had a written test of English. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. I didn’t want to stay there a minute longer. I waited outside the room for Eva.

She came out of the room smiling. “I still can’t believe he saved that kitten,” she said dreamily. I saw Renzo come out of the room after her. He looked darkly at Eva.

Our eyes met, he looked very annoyed. I shrugged helplessly at him. I saw his gaze lighten a little.

He looked away and quickly followed the procession of students who were already walking towards English.

“Yes Eva, now I know”, I said, a little irritated. She looked at me confused.

“Gosh, what’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing, I’m sorry. Come on, we’ll be late for Engels.” I waved my behavior away and nodded my head towards the stairwell and walked towards it. She shrugged in confusion and followed me. Behind us we heard quick footsteps and much laughter. I felt Bas come between us and put an arm around each of us.

“Say ladies, how about a nice evening tonight?” He looked at us expectantly. Eddie and Peet were laughing behind him.

“Define nice?” Eva retorted.

“Well, there’s music, dancing, singing and maybe drinking involved.” And he raised his eyebrows mischievously.

Eva immediately started laughing.

“I’m in!”

I wasn’t in the mood for a night out at all. Pretending I felt all right. But on the other hand, it would be good to set my mind on something else.

I’d be alone tonight anyway. If I had to choose, I’d rather be with my friends. But then again, I didn’t know what my other “new friends” were up to. Should we start training? They hadn’t said or asked anything yet, but they hadn’t had the chance to because I walked out of the library this morning with an angry head. Then just go safe.

“I’ll have to ask my father. You’ll hear from me.”

“Okay then, but you don’t know what you’re missing if you don’t come.”

During the lunch break we walked into the cafeteria. My eye immediately fell on the four sitting in a hidden corner of the cafeteria. I tried not to look too conspicuous.

It was busy at the dinner table. Everyone was looking forward to tonight. I kind of listened to what everyone had to say. Eva was talking to Mia and Roos about their training sessions and Bas was making up all sorts of strange things for tonight.

Suddenly I was startled. Eva looked at me for a moment but after seeing my reaction she continued what she was doing. No one else had seen it. What made me startled was that I suddenly heard Leo talking as if he were sitting next to me. That bloody whisper of theirs too.

He asked if I could hear him. I just nodded, but they probably already knew it, judging by my reaction. I didn’t know how to whisper yet. Suppose I did it all wrong, well then everyone else would look at me like I’m some kind of schizophrenic.

“All right, come to the library in five minutes.”

I nodded again and there was silence. Shit, probably no party tonight.

I made up an excuse that I left some in the library and went to get it before the next lesson started.

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