Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chatper 192

Chapter 192 Crossed A Friar
Benjamin was forthright and did not dawdle. Before Emrys could even touch him, he had already confessed everything in detail.
“The Bjorn family?” Emrys frowned upon hearing that and continued asking, “The Bjorn family from Summerbank?”
“Yes!” Benjamin nodded.
Emrys fell into deep thought.
If his memory served him right, Leiandros, whom he had met not long before, seemed to have mentioned that he had married
into the Bjorn family.
What a coincidence.
After a moment of contemplation, Emrys suddenly produced a twenty–centimeter–long acupuncture needle from his person.
Seeing this, Benjamin immediately pleaded in terror, “I... I’ve confessed everything I should have. Please, don’t kill me...”
“You are afraid of death, aren’t you? Relax. I won’t kill you. I only need a drop of blood from you.” After finishing his sentence,
Emrys grabbed Benjamin’s finger, pricking it with the needle to draw a drop of fresh blood. This scared Benjamin considerably,
and his face turned as pale as a sheet.
Emrys sneered and said, “It’s funny that you’re playing the kidnapper when you’re so timid. I bet even a small noise is enough to
scare you out of your wits.”
Benjamin dared not speak, yet the scene that unfolded before him next left his eyes wide in shock.

Emrys produced a green sigil, dripping the drop of blood he had just collected on it. Subsequently, the sigil vanished within the
palm of Emrys‘ hand.
“Y–You’re a friar?” Benjamin watched with terror. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to cross a friar. He was courting
Emrys did not respond to him. Instead, he said, “Remember, from now on, you will act according to my orders. If you dare to play
any tricks, your life will be over as long as I snap my fingers. No one can save you.”
As Emrys spoke, he spread open his palm, and the vanished sigil reappeared. As he slowly clenched his fist, Benjamin was
suddenly assailed by an unbearable headache, quickly falling to his knees. “I dare not play tricks... I swear... I will listen to
whatever you say!” he pleaded.
Emrys nodded and didn’t torment Benjamin any longer. He picked up Benjamin’s laptop and typed a formula into a document.
“Don’t let the Bjorn family know about today’s events. If they ask you whether you’ve obtained the formula, give them the one I’ve
typed in your laptop. Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes!” Benjamin hastily responded.
14:54 Fri, 26 Jan
Chapter 192 Crossed A Friar
Emrys nodded with satisfaction, then turned and left the warehouse.
The formula he wrote for Benjamin was rather unique. If they produced facial masks according to it. its effects would be nearly
identical to that of “World–Enchanting Beauty” for about a week after use. However, a week later, not only would the effects

vanish, but any pre–existing issues that the user suffered from would become even more severe.
For instance, if the user’s original skin tone was a four, their skin tone could potentially reach a six after using this formula for a
week. However, a week later, it was highly likely that it would drop down to a
The fact that the Bjorn family dared to resort to kidnapping indicated their desperation. They would certainly start manufacturing
and selling the facial masks using the stolen formula before “World- Enchanting Beauty” hit the market. They simply didn’t have
ample time to test for potential issues with the product.
By the time Cordelia Group’s products were launched, they’d serve as the best compensation for those
Outside the warehouse, Elaine saw Emrys emerge and couldn’t contain her curiosity. “Mr. Lund, how did you handle them?”
“I gave them the formula.”
“What?” Elaine wore a look of bewilderment.
What’s going on? I’m already safe, so why did he hand over the formula to those criminals? I don’t get it at all. Ms. Youngblood’s
godbrother is unfathomable.
After escaping danger, Elaine immediately called Cordelia, informing her that Emrys had already rescued her.
Cordelia expressed her concern, “I’m glad you’re okay, Lainey. The formula and everything else are not important. Your safety is
a priority. I’ll give you a half–month leave. Take some time to relax and recover from the trauma. Don’t worry about the company
matters for now.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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