Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Yes. I met Jen. We are all here now.

“You met, Jen?” He kissed her, encouraging her to continue in what she was doing and telling him. “How is that possible?” He did not sound too shocked and it didn’t cause him to hesitate in what he was doing to her.

She began to put what she knew into words, trying to sound as rational as possible. “It’s not possible, under normal circumstances, I know. But I did, and I can’t explain it easily. But what is there that is normal about any of this between us; the way we met and fell in love? The way we are now and what we were doing so soon after we met?”

He wasn’t going to stop her by asking any more questions.

“Tell me.”

At least he was open to listening. “I want to tell you, but I am afraid you will think me mad. Except I think I know how I can get you to believe me.”

He had his hands on her sides, slowing her movement upon him as his mind tried to grapple with these two distinct problems. Distract, divide, conquer. Distract him, divide his attention by what she was doing to him, and saying, and then… when he came, as he soon would… conquered!

“I met Jen in a dream last night. It was a very complicated dream, nothing like any dream I ever had before.”

A dream was acceptable. Any fantasy could happen in a dream, even meeting Jen. He was happy to listen as she continued.

“I think I would have difficulty believing any of this too, but it was so real, and the strange thing is, that I could not have avoided any of it.”

He would listen. He would have to. She could talk easily, but he couldn’t. Not with what she was doing to him, scrambling his brains as she always would when she did this to him.

“In my dream, I was hauled in front of a strange court; something to do with protecting a dynasty. Yours. Ours. Jen’s and mine. The Healey dynasty.”

This was getting interesting, but he was also losing it.

“You were there too. I was being berated for having fallen down on my duty, or so they said, but I knew nothing about what they were saying to me about ‘duty’, or any of it, (and she wouldn’t spell it out for Royce, in the way they had done for her; shocking her by their intemperate, outspoken language about her getting on with fucking him) but it all seemed so real. They were telling me to get on with what I was trying so hard to do before I lost it; to get you to make love to me.” She blushed, recalling that.

“However, you were not cooperating. They gave us until lunch time today, but we managed to beat that deadline this morning, before we left that gully, thanks to Jen.”

He was interested to hear in what way Jen had played a role in that dream.

“I met Jen in the next part of the dream, after they’d decided my course back to rehabilitation, and told me what I must do as a kind of penance.” She wouldn’t get into those details about the auction, or what she had to bid on, and win, and then do. That was liable to get quite raw and she didn’t have time for that with what she knew she could sense beneath her. Royce did not have far to go. He was beginning to frown, and to perspire and groan as his breathing became more labored and his focus changed to what was happening in another part of his body.

“We conversed. She let me know what I needed to know to succeed in having you make love to me. It was a strange dream and far too real with too much detail that I never remembered from any dream before, and carrying on detailed conversations, trying to defend my actions on the one hand, and with Jen telling me what she needed me to know about her, and you, on the other. She wanted to help me take over her role in your life, to help you to solve your pain; to stop you from doing… what you were intent on doing, and for me to become pregnant by you. I had to persuade you of the reality of it all.”

His thoughts recovered for a few moments, but he was already tumbling downhill, out of control. “What did she tell you about me?” He would go along with it. It had only been a dream.

Claire was breathing in almost as labored a way as he was, poised above him, her breasts hanging in his face, with him trying to kiss them as they moved above him, and as he tried to fight the growing urgency in his own body.

“I’ll tell you a little of what she told me, Royce, and then you can respond—confirm or deny it—and then we’ll piece this together and show that we both know that we are talking about the same thing, or not.”

He had to listen, but he wished she’d slow down. He was losing the power of speech until he forced himself to think of something else; anything else but what she was doing to him, and to come down from this mad race; relax, and to lose this unbelievable tension that she’d started in him.

She began. “Six years ago, you were holidaying with your parents in Derbyshire.”

That was a good enough start. Shocking too. He was beginning to think again, but for a brief moment it had been as though she had just gobsmacked him.

“How do you know that? I never told you any of that.” She’d bought him another ten seconds.

She snuggled down into his neck and brought his arm around her as she continued to move upon him.

Damn! She shouldn’t do that. He was trying to fight this feeling back and she kept pushing him forward again.

“Jen told me. You two met in a hotel restaurant in Castleton, in the middle of the peak district.”

That other urge subsided even further as she distracted him by her words. He was listening now. Really listening.

“You bumped into each other going into the breakfast room. You were both dressed for walking, but the weather was against you that day. The landlord mentioned that this was often the best weather to walk, and he gave you waterproof ponchos to walk in, and made up a packed lunch for you both. You weren’t about to refuse the chance to get to know each other, far away from your respective parents.”

She had his attention now. No one but he and Jen had known any of that; and that landlord.

“Jen described those ponchos to me, and where you stopped to eat, how you ate; sitting on one, the other one over you both like a tent as you sat very close together and ate that lunch and talked.” She took a deep breath. “You then disrobed each other.”

Royce wasn’t going to stop her talking, now that she’d really got his attention.

“When you were both completely undressed, with no fear of being interrupted in that weather, she sat over you, as you and I did this morning, getting that first, incomplete time out of the way as she settled down upon you; with you, until you revived. You had nowhere to go after she’d trapped you, except up and into her body, fully, the second time, and you took her virginity there and then, just as we are doing now, except you took mine this morning, especially when you rolled with me and really... really got into me.”

He was at a loss for words, unable not to believe, having such personal details known only to him and Jen, revealed in this way.

“Jen told me that for us to make love, as I wanted you to do, I should do it the same way; sitting directly upon you, waiting for you to recover and to rise up into my body, and exactly as we did it this morning. I think Jen, indirectly gave us both, her blessing at that moment.”

She saw the stunned look on his face.

“Am I shocking you too much, Royce?”

“Sort of, but only in a nice way. Tell me more of what Jen told you.” He was in a holding pattern, but it couldn’t last long.

“She needed to persuade me about something. About my becoming a surrogate mother for her baby; Claire; your baby too, and that I needed you in my life just as much as you needed me in yours.”

That was true.

He stroked her face, not understanding it at all, but knowing that somehow, she and Jen really had communicated.

“I do need you, Claire, just as I once needed Jen. It doesn’t change anything that I feel for you. It relieves me. You could have known none of this without actually meeting Jen, somehow, no matter how impossible it sounds for that to have occurred.”

“Thank you. So I am not mad?”

“No more mad than I am, now that I’ve met you. I was mad, but I am not mad now, except I am madly in love. With you.”

Another good answer.

“There was much more to that dream, Royce. I was told the exact moment I would become pregnant with you; another impossible thing to know, except I believe that I did become pregnant this morning just as they said I would when you rolled with me and ejaculated deep into me for the first time. I even felt it happen.”

She told him another impossible thing (like Lewis Carroll’s Alice, being able to believe as many as six impossible things before breakfast). “I even saw it happen.”

He’d ask later. The unstoppable avalanche had begun. Other things were beginning to change with his body, demanding his undivided attention now.

“You were the only one I could tell, to convince you of this.”

He fought back the impulses he felt, but it was a losing battle.

His voice did not sound like his own. “I am convinced, my love... I don’t understand it... but I am convinced. You know more than anyone... could ever possibly know... who was not there.” He was having difficulty keeping his eyes open with even the weak light of the fire hurting his eyes now as his body changed, dragging him closer to that climax.

“We are all here together now, Royce. All of your family, Jen, Clair, me and the twins. I may be carrying all three, but I don’t know how that is possible so I’ll have to wait and see what develops. So many impossible things. And I won’t question it. There is already too much I cannot understand. I guess we’ll have to wait as long as we need to wait to find out, but I can find out if I am pregnant in a couple of weeks, and then we’ll get to hear heartbeats in a few more weeks. Those will be the first convincing indications that all of this is starting out this way.”

She’d talked for long enough. He could no longer respond by speech, but had to get this other imperative out of the way first.

He kissed her, staring up at her with admiration, a deep flush on his face, pushing at her, no longer able to control most of what he was saying or doing, but fighting valiantly to remain in control to the very end. Except he’d already lost that battle.

Too late! He groaned, and pushed hard, even as she smiled down at him. She had won, again, and he wasn’t hurting her.

He was robbed of speech once more as his eyes closed tight, and his emotions galloped away with him.

She knew what was happening to him of course, feeling what was happening within her own body; experiencing immense relief that she had not lost him by telling him any of this impossible fantasy.

It took him a few minutes to come down from that high, slowly recovering his scattered wits and his breath as he continued to groan and move within her.

“Thank you for telling me, and I do believe it, even though I don’t understand how it can be so. And I love you.”

She was relieved, sobbing, moving upon him once more in her relief, even though that horse had long-left the stable. She was no longer afraid how he would respond to such a cockamamy story, and came down onto him to kiss him in gratitude for everything, as he rediscovered her breasts. He would not be long recovering, with such stimulation.

“I was not sure I could tell you, or should tell you, for fear of being thought mad, but I had to say something.”

She felt like going to sleep now, just as she was, where she was, lying upon him; where he was.

“We have come a long way with each other in such a short time, haven’t we, Claire?” He was almost too exhausted to speak, struggling to breath under her weight, but not wanting her to move.

She was almost too tired to answer, but could nod her head.

He began to trace the outline of her ear.

“My head is spinning, and I have to stop and wonder if this is real, as if I were in a dream of my own, and making love to the most beautiful woman in the world and not sure I should believe any of this, though I want to.” He couldn’t deny what had just happened.

She suddenly revived too.

“Oh, lord. I just remembered. I should phone Gran, before she worries anymore.”

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