Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Moving forward. Coincidences?

Royce brought his coat up around her shoulders as they held each other close, getting used to this breathless feeling of being close to each other, and with nothing coming between them, always wanting to touch and to make love.

“It will take some time for everything to dry out again and for the day to warm up. We don’t have so far to go today to get to Badger’s Crossing, so we can get a later start this morning.” She knew what he was telling her. He had not yet finished with her.

He looked into her eyes and stroked her face.

“We could get back into that sleeping bag and talk about what just happened with us that will soon happen again now, and make plans about what lies ahead of us. We can at least make plans, and you can tell me what it is that you would like to see happen."

There wouldn't be much talking.

She was ready for this more intimate conversation. It was clear in her own mind what she most wanted to have happen in the longer term, just as it was clear what he wanted to have happen again, but in the short term; soon reviving and wanting to make love to her again.

He helped her into the sleeping bag, with them both knowing how this would go as soon as they became comfortable, already feeling breathless with anticipation and leaving no doubt what he intended for her, with the ragingly insistent erection he was sporting just for her. No room for the three of them in that sleeping bag, unless one of them was pushed somewhere else, which was very soon done.

He debated whether or not they should stay here another day to let her recover, and they could make love as often as they wished. It was a tempting thought, and the day would be warm enough that they didn’t have to dress again. It was getting warm already.

He had enough food left for at least two more meals, and there were emergency supplies at Badger’s Crossing. He was fairly sure of that.

They lay down together, adjusting their positions with each other to get comfortable as he touched her breasts, kissing her without hesitation as they moved together, looking into each other’s eyes. He moved closer to her between her legs, lifting her upper leg, bringing it over him as he touched over her, behind her, finding her open as he moved into her once more, then laid back and stroked her face as they adjusted their positions again to get comfortable, always striving to get closer. It would get easier each time after this.

This was not quite what he wanted. He would never be close enough to her like this, lying beside her, so he rose up over her again and only then was he able to get into her as far as they both needed him to be.

Claire knew that what they had just done and were doing again, would happen several times more before they left this place, and regularly after that, and he would ejaculate into her many times again, as she now wanted him to, and impregnate her with a new life, though that had already happened.


Yes, my love?

“What if I am pregnant even now?” She’d better prepare him for what she knew.

“You could be, I suppose. Do you want to be pregnant?”

“Yes.” No hesitation. She’d had time to think about it.

“I have known you such a little time, but I do know that I want to bear your children, and the sooner we start on it the better.” It was not up for discussion. It was also in line with his own thinking.

“That’s a relief, and just as well, as I honestly don’t think I could bear to not be making love to you as we are doing, and holding back in any way.”

Early withdrawal had never been an option. That would have been next to impossible.

“Just think; with all of those sperm inside me, a future Royce Junior, or even a Jen, could now be battling toward one of my eggs. I am at that most fertile time in my cycle. I hope you won’t mind if I call a baby girl by that name.”

Nothing she said seemed to give him any difficulty. He was too deliriously happy to object to anything she wanted.

“I would like that. Thank you.”

They stopped talking, feeling what was already happening between them again, feeling him pushing hard into her and then stiffening up with a groan as he came yet again.

She smiled. This was all so predictable and so wonderful. He could never get enough of her. He just had to look at her, touch her body, go into her as he now could, and just moments later, this happened each time, just as predictable as Pavlov’s dogs when he rang his little bell and set their juices flowing.

The thought of her becoming pregnant, and wanting to, did not seem to scare him or cause him to hold back, so that was comforting.

“How many sperm are there each time you do that in me, Royce?”

He kissed her and smiled as he still moved in her, getting rid of more of them even as he caressed her breasts and kissed them, recovering his thoughts again.

“Many thousands, hundreds of thousands. Millions.”

So many? But it took only one to start a pregnancy. It was strange to consider so many half-beings, battling away inside of her, fighting to get to that egg at that time of month before the others did, to fertilize her, to make a complete entity that they had both contributed to. She had also seen it happen in a disembodied kind of way. It was already too late for them.

Jen had also contributed in some way to this.

How her life had changed in just days! But then what bigger change could happen to any woman than the change a man caused when he first came into her life, changing everything, overturning her life in moments, then entered her body, making other changes on the way.

She felt contented, thinking about one of those sperm, one of this man’s contribution, a variation of him with half of his gene complement having already joined with her contribution to this new life, and that it was already dividing in her body, or getting ready to divide, but at what point would it separate into the twins that she was told she would bear? They would be girls, of course, she knew that; she'd been told that.

It was even happening at this very instant, making babies within her body, and that she would be carrying-- days old by then-- when she next met with her parents, and she would not dare to tell them any of this, although she wanted to shout it out for the world to hear.

She could ask other questions now that they were both relaxing again.

“Royce?” He raised his head from her breasts and waited to hear what she would say or ask.

“Royce, when did you know you were falling in love with me, and what did it feel like for you?” She could ask these questions now, confident in herself and their situation with each other.

He hesitated before answering, as he sorted out his jumbled feelings and thoughts.

“I’m not sure. I feel as though I was always in love with you, Claire. Even before I met you, if that is possible. Don’t ask me to explain it because I can’t. I felt I knew you from somewhere, before ever we met, even before I helped you out of the river and undressed you. I wanted to make love to you even then.”

She had noticed his lack of control and it had concerned her.

It was not the answer she had expected, but was even better.

Jen had made it possible. She couldn’t explain it and wouldn’t even try. That dream had convinced her, but no one else had witnessed that.

Who knew what was possible any more after what had happened to bring them together in such an implausible way?Anyone would think her mad if she told them what she thought she knew, and how she knew it, or about that dream, and being within Royce’s body, expelled with his sperm into her body and then feeling that exact moment of conception.

Yes. Mad. Except time would prove her right. But she still wouldn't be able to speak about it. She could write in in her journal. That would be a kind of confirmation.

She waited for the rest of what he had to say.

“I don’t know what to believe anymore, after what changed for me when I saw you fall out of that raft, and I was kicked into action.

“You wondered how it was that we met as we did, and wondered if Jen could have guided my footsteps to you; to that exact place to see you fall out of that raft. Not only that, but then to somehow, help me fly down that slope; and fly, I must have done to get to the bottom as quickly as I did, and in one piece to get to you in the river. I never even thought about it at the time. I am not sure I believe it myself when I think back on it, and yet it happened."

They would both test credulity if they tried to explain what they believed had happened to bring them together, and for her to believe that she was already pregnant with twin girls.

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