Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Jen's Legacy; back on track.

Royce rolled with her, giving her chance to bring her legs down to lie outside of his, before he pushed hard into her again, to be sure he really was there, where he wanted to be; almost all of him, as he settled upon her breasts and kissed her.

Claire could scarce believe what she had achieved so soon, and with just a little guidance from Jen, but she certainly had proof of it now, feeling him deep within her and coming to life again. It was a full, kind of feeling. Maybe overfull, this first time, almost to the point of overflowing, but she wasn’t going to complain.

She felt triumphant enough to voice her feelings, as she smiled up at him and returned his kiss.


He laughed, still having presence of mind to be able to respond before every part of his consciousness began to get jumbled, and to fade as he built up to coming once more.

It was debatable as to who had got whom, but he wouldn't quibble.

“Yes, you did get me in such an unexpected and nice way, and just about all of me this time.”

She didn't yet have all of him? Oh, lord!

He stayed still for a few moments, treasuring the moment, the moist, welcoming softness and warmth; feeling her welcome tightness upon him, and how good it felt, waking him up.

She was able to welcome him into her now, pulling him closer to her, and said nothing more with them having succeeded at last. But how much more of him was there to fit into her?

“What made you decide to do it this way, Claire? Though it did get things out of the way very decisively.”

“It came to me in a dream I had last night.” She’d better not say any more than that, wondering how much more of him she could take.

He puzzled over that.

“Very clever.”

He closed his eyes and focused upon what he was now doing with her, and properly, for the first time, having taken a giant leap forward instead of just taking hesitant, but still revolutionary, ‘fairy steps’. Simon says....

“You know what just happened here, don’t you?”

What a strange question to ask of the woman on the receiving end of what he was definitely doing to her.

She gurgled, as she adjusted her position beneath him, feeling everything (so there was more of this still to go into her? So what!), reaching up to stroke his face in a partial answer; approving of everything.

“If I don’t, Royce, then I must be the most naïve woman in the entire universe.”

He smiled at that response, and clarified his question, which hadn’t really been a question.

“I don’t mean the physical aspect of this, as mind-shatteringly wonderful as it is, and soon will be again. I mean the bigger picture; you and me, from this moment forward—as long as we both shall live.”

Those words, vows they had already taken in their own minds, completed his thought without there being any misunderstanding about what he meant.

“Yes, Royce, I know about that too. I know that this would never be happening if there wasn’t something very special about us; the way we met, the way we have learned about each other, and how we have grown so close together. Yes, I know.”

He said just the one word. “Good.” A whole world of meaning was captured in just that one word. All was at peace with the world and between them.

"When I first saw you on that beach, lying naked beneath me, I made a promise to myself. I think I knew about us even then. I promised myself, and you, that I would always put your life ahead of my own, though I already had, and before I’d even met you.”

She knew from that admission, those words, that she was where she was meant to be, with him, and doing this.

She closed her eyes, sensing everything happening to her as her body responded in its own way, screaming at her, at the first-time sensations that her body was just awakening to, and with him already filling her.

She recalled what had happened in that dream of just a few hours ago and how she had been able to manipulate interesting things within it just by wishing for them.

She had managed to think herself into proximity to Jen, and she had even swum in the seminal fluid in that vial of sperm, looking for that one sperm that she had been told was hers to make use of, if she really wanted it.

If she wanted it indeed! She would kill to get it; suffer any pain, walk barefoot over broken glass. She didn’t have to do any of those things. All she had to do was to let Royce make love to her; fuck her with that monstrous….She would welcome that into her and just had, and it wasn’t so monstrous after all. That had all been in her own mind, or had been a game to test her resolve. She had won that particular test. She had won all three of them.

If she could do that one special thing for those first two exhibits, when they had life, she could do the same with this vibrant and excited part of Royce which had become even more alive since she'd left it.

She focused, concentrated, and willed herself back into the dim auction-room. She succeeded. It was now empty of people. She approached the three exhibits, seemingly lifeless; except for the last one which was clearly alive, throbbing, pulsing (she could feel each pulse in her own body), yet to fulfill its destiny with her before it was released from this specific contract. It was now full of life, much bigger than she remembered it; seven feet tall at least, and throbbing with more than anticipation. And this, was inside of her body even now. She was part of that process, living it, feeling it. She could feel it deep in her body, seeing, what was happening, too.

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