Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Item 'B'.

“The bidding is for a single sperm from this unused item of many of them. The exhibit is very small; even smaller than the embryo”—he pointed to Jen lying there, still smiling— “and not easily visible. It is also related to the first item, both coming from the same contributor.”

Claire had never been in such a strange dream before; if it was a dream.

The auctioneer held up the vial of Royce’s spermatozoa.

Again, Claire zoomed in to scrutinize it closely, finding that she was able to get inside that vial, somehow, and was able to swim about, seeing a single, marked sperm looking back at her in that 'ocean of sperm'. Yes, this was the right batch. Then she was outside again, listening once more.

“Who will bid on this…?” he picked up his sheet and read.

“…this specific sperm, just one from this lot…. of…hundreds of thousands, maybe a million sperm (a complete ejaculation that has not yet happened, but will, in the near future). It is up for sale.” He looked around again.

“Buried in this ‘ejaculation of sperm’”—he smirked, realizing he’d just invented a new collective noun…‘an ejaculation of sperm’, “is a single sperm with a destiny and a future. It is the only one in this batch which is destined to interact with the ovum of the lucky winner, and furthermore, it is guaranteed to produce a set of twins. Twin girls. These sperm are also the property of Royce Healey, but they have yet to be ejaculated in real life, and they have only a limited shelf life. We... er... interrupted their developmental progress for the purpose of this auction. This particular batch is also second in line for ejaculation from this moment.”

He looked at Claire, still fighting to get to the front of the room.

She raised her hand and shouted; able to say nothing anyone might hear.

“Sold.” The gavel descended again. He pointed directly at Claire.

“The winner.”

No one else was bidding, thank god, sitting there like stone statues not seeing nor hearing this lottery of life that Claire had to win.

But what price should she bid? It didn’t seem to matter, she was the winner for this one too, and just as soon as she’d stepped up to indicate her wish to purchase it.

Then, the third item. Ta da!

The cover was removed. She knew what that was immediately. It was the ‘fallback option’ they had gloated about. “Oh lord!”

She blushed to see it, suddenly flushed, wanting to rush up and embrace it as hers, belonging to her and no one else, and it should not be on open display like this for anyone but her to see or to fondle, or to give safe harbor to.

The way it was revealed, was in the way she had seen depicted in a drawing, with a woman, closely and ecstatically hugging a gigantic penis to her body, determined never to let it go. A penis even bigger than she was, and as big around as a tree trunk.

This, was a massive, oversize penis, five-feet tall, at least, with everything in proportion, even to the balls hanging beneath. She was suddenly close beside that, just as she had been with Jen and that vial.

Again, she was close enough to it to touch. She had better not touch this, however, or she might cause something else to happen prematurely, as she seemed to do whenever she touched that one of Royce’s. It was gigantic… magnificent... and it would flood the auction room if it ejaculated.

She knew it; every vein, every artery standing out upon its surface, even down to a small mole she’d noticed, having studied it so closely so many times as she’d held it and snuggled up close to it.

It was Royce’s, no mistaking that, and she listened as she was being told that these three items were from one lot, the property of the aforementioned, Royce Healey, and that this last item, had been responsible for the embryo and for this vial of sperm. and that all three went together. The latter being needed for delivery of that sperm into the lucky winner of the auction, and to ensure that it was ‘planted’ properly.

“Is there a bidder?”

She was back in the middle of the room again.

He looked directly at Claire again.

She raised her hand.


The gavel brought the sale to an end, and the scene disintegrated, leaving her, the auctioneer and the three items she had won. She was no longer swimming through that viscous medium, which she now realized had actually been ejaculate, so maybe Royce had 'come'--as he had so many times the previous night, with her help--to fill up that room, and she had been suspended in that fluid, while the individual tadpole-like sperm, were swimming quickly by her, unrecognized, trying to avoid her.

As she had successfully bid on all three items, they were now hers, and they had just been activated for a limited time.

“What do you mean, limited time?” She had to ask.

“There is a time limit on the use of the complete package of just a few hours.” He looked at his watch. “The time for delivery of that one sperm, runs out at noon tomorrow; today, now. At that time, all items will be forfeit, and ineffective. You will have failed in your mission.”.

“But what was the price? I didn’t get chance to actually place a bid.”

“You bid to the limit, the instant you stepped forward and won all three items.”

“But what price? What limit?”

“The maximum price of course. Everything you are or ever will be and that you can afford, and even more.”

“But what is that.”

“A life sentence with all three! But are you sure you can deal with this last item? It is almost as big as you are, and the limit in time specifies that you must admit the third item; this fully intumescent cock, deep into your body before that time. If not, they all disappear at the stroke of… noon today; eleven hours from now, and the clock is ticking.”

She did not hesitate.

“I can deal with it. I accept.” She had to. She had too much to lose if she didn’t.

“Good decision. I thought you might.”

He moved across to the large penis, opened up a small flap of skin on the testicles beneath it, and poured in the contents of the vial which had suddenly become the size of a bucket to hold it all--everything in proportion again--re-sealing the small flap of skin and patting it. It healed over immediately.

“Locked-and-loaded, boys and girls, ready for delivery when you are. But I should warn you again; that particular sperm you bid on will produce twins, to begin the Healey dynasty.” She already knew that. “Second in line, don’t forget.” She understood what he was saying. That sperm would be in the second of Royce’s ejaculations, so she’d better not let that one go to waste.

He patted the warm shaft of the penis as one might pat a favorite pony. “Good luck getting this little doggy into you. It will likely give you a pair of black eyes and will float your back teeth free when he loses it and blasts that load into you.” It would do a lot more than that to her!

He closed his eyes.

“The auction is closed.”

The scene disintegrated again in smoke.

The gavel came down hard again, waking Claire up from that peculiar dream, but knowing now what she must do, and soon.

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