Jen's Legacy.

Chapter Even more of a good thing.

He soon got rid of his clothes again and joined her in the water to lay into each other, talking, kissing, touched, and watching the sun slowly fade from the sky, followed soon after by the bright orb of Venus.

They retreated back to the fire after that, and let the slowly fading heat of the day, dry the water from their bodies. They could feel the air temperature plummeting, now that the sun had gone.

As a last step before they had tea, and before retiring, he brought his folded sleeping bag, part way up onto a shallowly sloping rock, still holding some of the heat of the sun. They could lie back together to see the evening sky and its last faint ruddy glimmers of light, with darker clouds moving in from the west.

He threw wood ash he’d earlier scraped from the fire, under the edge of the rock to discourage any scorpions from coming out that way, and spread another trail of ash around their sleeping place.

His final preparation was to lay wood for the fire within reach and got her to lay back onto that sleeping bag again, as he put more lotion around her middle, and even up under the bottom of her breasts as she lifted them for him to get at the diminishing soreness under there, and then he progressed down between her legs again, pausing, and moving slowly as he did that.

She laid back and adjusted her position as he applied more of that cream where that rash still irritated her—even if it didn’t—as she put her legs apart for him, wanting him to touch her ever more subjectively, watching his face the entire time he did that, knowing how she disturbed him, and then he moved to do her back and her waist and under her again, before returning to between her legs, where he would always want to be exploring.

She reached out and touched him approvingly, wanting him to continue to do that for her, but even more leisurely and slowly, making her breathlessly restive as he touched her there, lingering for longer in a sensitive place. She did not want him to stop, always wanting him to do more for her.

The shyness between them had long gone by then, leaving them with breathless uncertainty, not so much about what would happen next—that was already decided—but about how, and when it would happen, and who would be the prime mover when it happened.

She felt his hands trembling as he touched all over her, knowing how she was affecting him and she rejoiced to sense it; the power of her naked body upon him; smiling to see his continuing difficulty with her, and how his body changed. She watched everything he did, seeing the growing flush on his face, acutely conscious of that other, personal difficulty that he had, and that was so very obvious; a true barometer of his aroused mood for her.

It would soon be instinctive to her, to gauge his progress; to decide when to reach out, to intervene, and to encourage him again to be intimate with her once more. This time she would reach out and touch him with more confidence and insist, ‘this time, Royce’, or take over for herself and drive things along much more certainly between them. But that would take courage.

When he’d finished, he packed everything away as he knelt by her, and then made up the fire.

He’d pull the sleeping bag down from the rock slab and open it up later when they needed to sleep, but lying here as they were, they could watch the western sky and the storms moving across it, with forks of lightning coming down, but far enough way that they heard only the merest suggestion of thunder. They watched it for some time as they held each other, before he decided that it was unlikely to get to them, so they should be alright, even as exposed as they were on the open plateau.

That storm was where that rafting party would be tonight; at Marsden. If they hadn’t already made camp and battened everything down they would have a problem. That storm might also stop them getting a signal out to report that accident. They might not be able to phone out until morning.

They lay back and talked as he held her in his arms with his hand resting on her breasts or resting, touching between her legs or behind her, aware of everything about her that was freely and openly accessible to him, letting her lie on him, against him, and on his chest as he held her, not in the least embarrassed that they were both naked, or that they had known each other for such a brief time to have got this far.

He reached down and lifted her leg up on him to open her more, touching behind her, assessing her readiness for him, signaling to her that he was ready again as she moved up on him and settled back down as she had done before, feeling him nudging into her again.

She did not yet have Jen’s courage to throw all caution away, to put him for firmly into her where she wanted him to be, and to settle him deeper into her than the previous time, and to push herself down onto him as Jen had done.

Soon. Soon she would.

It did not matter. It would eventually happen just as surely as night followed day. He pulled her closer into him, kissing her again, helping her settle onto him, always letting her decide how far and how quickly she would let him into her.

He soon lost control anyway, having been deprived of such exciting and intimate activity for too long to be able to hold back.

They lay there, exhausted again after that, as his fluids leaked from her onto his belly. He didn’t care.

“Are you more comfortable now?” He looked down into her eyes and even let his head rest against hers.

She nodded. She was where she wanted to be, not trusting herself to speak.

She felt his hand move lower onto her as she held her legs apart, feeling what he was doing to her, touching gently along her now, intruding into her, playing; always playing, opening her for the next steps.

She would not stop him now if he decided to override her natural fears. One or other of them would soon make that decision.

He shrank from her slowly, dropping from her, releasing more of his sperm to run back onto his pubic hair. He smiled. It didn’t matter. His hand rested gently between her cheeks.

She said nothing more as they dozed together, just happy to be with each other, holding and touching each other. She would soon get her way. Most of the barriers had already gone.

If she really wanted it to happen, she could just let herself slide down his body, it was slippery enough, get him started into her as before and then just continue to let gravity take her lower as he rose up into her.

For the first time he began to believe that Jen was somewhere close to them, was watching them, looking over them, and had a hand in all that had happened for the last few hours.

They laid like that for a long time, slowly adjusting their positions with each other with him holding her close, protecting her, kissing her breasts, holding them or returning with his hand to rest on her abdomen or behind her.

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